WordChase v2.0 (c) Copyright 1995-1996 JFGrafix,Inc. All Rights Reserved. *********************************************************************** This README.TXT file contains important information about the installation process for WordChase. *********************************************************************** CONTENTS ======== 1. Disk Contents ============= - Application Files - Location of Files created by the Installation Program - Decompressing Program Application Files - Disk Space Requirements 2. Installation Instructions ========================= - Not Enough Disk Space - WordChase Program Manager Group 3. Additional information =============== - Credits - JFGrafix Address - EMail Addresses *********************************************************************** 1. Disk Contents ============= Application Files ----------------- When you receive the WordChase v2.0 software, some of the files on the application disk have been compressed. For more information on manual file decompression, see section "Decompressing Program Application Files". The following is a list and description of the files on your WordChase application disk: README.TXT Application Information File (this file) SETUP.EXE WordChase v2.0 Installation Program THREED.VBX Windows System file required for operation COMPRESS.VBX Windows System file required for operation SETUPKIT.DLL Windows System file required for operation WCJFM._ 1-49 Compressed program files for WordChase Location of Files created by the Installation Program ----------------------------------------------------- The installation program creates the following directories: - C:\WC or a directory of your choosing The installation program copies the following files to the WC directory: C:\WC THREED.VBX CMDIALOG.DLL GAMES.WC_ WCDICT.WC_ WCJFM.HLP WCJFM.FON WCJFM.FAQ WC.EXE WCJFM.001 WCJFM.002 WCJFM.003 WCJFM.004 WCJFM.005 WCJFM.006 WCJFM.007 WCJFM.008 WCJFM.009 WCJFM.010 WCJFM.011 WCJFM.012 WCJFM.013 WCJFM.014 WCJFM.015 WCJFM.016 WCJFM.017 WCJFM.018 WCJFM.019 WCJFM.020 WCJFM.021 WCJFM.022 WCJFM.023 WCJFM.024 WCJFM.025 WCJFM.026 WCJFM.027 WCJFM.028 WCJFM.029 WCJFM.030 WCJFM.031 WCJFM.032 WCJFM.033 WCJFM.034 WCJFM.035 WCJFM.036 WCJFM.037 WCJFM.038 WCJFM.039 WCJFM.040 WCJFM.041 WCJFM.042 Decompressing Program Application Files --------------------------------------- Files on the installation disks that end with "_" have been compressed to maximize disk space. These files must be decompressed so you can use them. To decompress a file manually, use the PKUNZIP.EXE utility. Available on most BBS's. For example, to decompress the file "WCJFM.1_" and copy the decompressed file to your hard disk, type the following at the DOS prompt: PKUNZIP A:\WCJFM.1_ C:\WC However, none of this should be necessary because the Setup Program will copy and decompress the files for you. Disk Space Requirements ----------------------- When installed, WordChase v2.0 uses approximately 2.2 Megabytes of disk space. 2. Installation Instructions ========================= Installation ------------ To install WordChase just run the "A:\SETUP.EXE" from the Windows Program Manager or if you're using JFTOOLS.EXE just select the "Install" button. If you prefer you can also run the SETUP.EXE from any directory, it does not have to be on a floppy drive to Install correctly. The only "MUST DO" operation in the setup procedure is to ensure that ALL files listed above are in the SAME directory when you go to install the program. If they are not in the same directory the program won't be able to locate the system files required to run. Once you run the program just follow the onscreen instructions and WordChase will be installed within a couple of minutes. The .DLL files and .VBX files required for the program are copied into your applications directory. i.e.: "C:\WC". This is to prevent any conflicts between the version numbers of the System Files. If you prefer you can copy them into your system directory along with the other .VBX and .DLL files and delete them from your applications directory. I left that choice up to you. Either way the program will work fine. "Not Enough Disk Space" Message during the Installation Program --------------------------------------------------------------- The WordChase installation program copies several files to your WordChase directory. If you have less than 2.2 Meg of free disk space on the drive where WordChase is installed, the install program displays an error message asking for more disk space on the drive where WordChase is going to be installed. You also have the option of choosing another drive to work with. WordChase Program Manager Group ------------------------------- The Setup Program will also create a Group called "WordChase" and place the WordChase icon into it. 3. Additional information ====================== WordChase Information -------------------------------------------------- You can contact Joe Maguire at: Joe Maguire c/o JFGrafix, Inc. P.O.Box 180185 Casselberry, FL 32718-0185 EMail Addresses: "joefm@ibm.net" on the Internet "JoeFM" on America OnLine Thank you for choosing WordChase v2.0. I hope you enjoy the game. * * * * *