To learn what kind of games Carric Moor Games can provide the Computer game players, please answer the questions of this Survey. See end for how to send. For questions 1-3: Use scale from 1 to 10, where 1 is "Don't care" and 10 is "Love that". For questions 4-5: Simply indicate with letters of question, which apply. 1) Rate your interest in each of the following types of games: a. Action/Arcade: _______ b. Adventure: _______ c. Board Games: _______ d. Computer Role-Playing: _______ e. Educational: _______ f. Role-Playing (Pen & Paper): _______ g. Simulations: _______ h. Sports: _______ i. Story Telling: _______ j. Strategy: _______ k. Wargames: _______ j. Others ________________________________ 2) What topics of games would you most interested in: a. Aliens: _______ b. Ancient Civilizations: _______ c. Aftermath/Mutations: _______ d. Economic: _______ e. General Science Fiction: _______ f. Medevial Times: _______ g. Mercenaries: _______ h. Modern War: _______ i. Old West: _______ j. Political: _______ k. Robot Combat: _______ l. Spaceship Battles: _______ m. Swords & Sorcery: _______ n. Others ________________________________ 3) What game elements are most important to you as a player: a. Automation/Macros: _______ b. Expandability: _______ c. Flexibility _______ d. Friendly User Interface: _______ e. Graphics: _______ f. High Detail/Realism: _______ g. Multi-Player Capability: _______ h. Musical Score: _______ i. Randomness: _______ j. Replay Value: _______ k. Sound Quality: _______ l. Story Elements: _______ m. Others ________________________________ 4) What hardware platforms do you use to play games: (Check all that apply) a. Intel 386 or compatible: ___ b. Intel 486 or compatible: ___ c. Intel Pentium or compatible: ___ d. Apple Macintosh classic: ___ e. Apple Macintosh II: ___ f. Apple Power Macintosh: ___ g. IBM PowerPC ___ 5) What operating systems do you use to play games: (Check all that apply) a. MS-DOS or compatible: ___ b. Netware 2.x, 3.x or 4.x: ___ c. OS/2 1.x, 2.x, or 3.x: ___ d. System 7.x: ___ e. Unix: ___ f. Windows 3.x: ___ g. Windows NT 3.x: ___ h. Windows 95: ___ To answer this survey, you can just send the answers. Example: 1) a. 5, b. 7, c. 4 .... 5) a,f,g,h If you wish to fill in the form and send, that is, of course, acceptable. To E-mail, send to: ------------------- CompuServe: 71773,1016 or Internet: To mail, send to: ----------------- Carric Moor Games 7 Broadway, Suite 401 New York, New York, 10004