VOSS 4x4 Card Game c. 1995 VOSS. This game is shareware. It is created in memory of ********************************* * Andrew Behrer Van de Vate * * Jan. 21 1993 - Nov. 25, 1994 * ********************************* To register this application, please send an appropriate contribution in the name above to : Scottish Rite Children's Hospital Foundation 975 Johnson Ferry Road NE, Atlanta, GA 30342 The author will be informed of all contributions. Please be mindful of choking hazards around children (especially nuts. To Play .... Drag a card from the deck at far right on to one of the 16 positions. Cards may go anywhere except that : 1. Kings may only be placed in the corners. 2. Jacks and Queens may be placed only on the outside positions (not corners). 3. Jacks/Queens must ultimately be paired (Jack-Jack, Queen-Queen, etc.) When all 16 positions have been filled with cards, 10's are automatically removed for you. You must the select (by clicking on) pairs of cards whose values add up to 10. Upon clicking on the second card, both cards are removed. When no more such pairs are availble, the deck reappears and game continues until the board looks as follows. K Q Q K J Q J Q K J J K The positions of Jacks and Queens is relative, but they must be paired on two sides. Questions and comments may be addressed to the author @ 71055,1001.