Smokey the Dragon has been put in charge of protecting a magical castle while it is under an evil spell. The object of the game is high-score. 5 points are lost for every fireball used. Destroy monsters and bats for points. Use up 3 lives and the game goes back to level 1 with 2 lives. Pudsie (the cat) doesn't like to be bothered so please don't touch. He may bite. With a little practice you may be able to destroy two and sometimes three monsters with a single fireball. Have fun. Personal Notes: Special thanks to Sriram Thodla the creator of Smokey. If you like his dragon, please drop him a note on Compuserve at 76453,3606. Sriram is 15 years old and created Smokey using 3D studio. Way to go Sriram. This is my first attempt at game creation using a new product from Maxis called Klik & Play. If you would like to download demo games or the Klik & Play creator (demo version) access GAMBPUB thru Compuserve and go the the Maxis library. I have no programming experience and have found this program extremly powerful and easy to use. Since it uses an icon based interface, programming knowledge is not necessarily necessary. There should be other (read better) KNP games popping up soon. There are many users participating on the Maxis forum and experimenting with this software. I hope you enjoy Smokey the Dragon. It was created for my seven year old son Robby, he seems to enjoy it very much. If you would like to send comments, hints, etc., please send them to Pat Plinske on Compuserve at 75717,1013. I'm new to this, any comments good or bad will be greatly appreciated.