USA "There are two mountain regions in the USA. To the east is the Appalachians and to the west the Rockies." USA Information "Official Name : United States of America." "The USA has a population of about 240 million." "It is made up of 50 states including Alaska and Hawaii." "It is a Federal Republic with a president who is elected every 4 years." "The highest point in Mount McKinley" "Every year in the USA more people die from tobacco related diseases than the total number of USA deaths in World War Two." "Tobacco consumption is decreasing in the USA and the west and increasing in Asia." "The USA needs new markets. In 1980's, the US government threatened sanctions to open up the cigarette markets in Japan, China, Republic of Korea and Thailand." "Large companies are responsible for the spread of smoking." "After World War Two, the USA exported tobacco under the 'Food for Peace' programme. The USA gave loans to poor countries to buy American tobacco." #Soundbite "One cigarette shortens on average a smokers life by 5 1/2 minutes" "Smoking is decreasing in the USA and the west, American tobacco companies are opening up new markets in poor countries to keep up sales and profits." "1.The US government has banned the tobacco industry from trying to open up any more foreign markets." "2.Poor countries were given low interest loans by the USA to buy Tobacco." "3.In California a percentage of cigarette taxes has been given to a fund to help people dying from smoking related conditions." "4.The USA exported tobacco as part of the Peace Program after World War Two." "5.The state of Massachusettes is suing the tobacco industry to cover the health care costs of treating tobacco related diseases." "6.Tobacco consumption is falling in the USA and increasing in Asia." # 3 2 4 6