C M STEVENS       P.O. BOX 471301 AURORA, CO 80047 Thank you for trying Mira - Mizar Mission 1. You are free to use this game for a period of 30 days absoluteley free of charge. You are also authorized to pass unmodified copies of the game to others, provided that all original files distributed with the shareware are present, including this file. If you decide to continue using Mira after 30 days, you will be required to register. The registration fee is $10.00 plus $1.50 for Postage. The retail version is also available and includes all missions and the final showdown on Mizar. Mizar may be purchased by sending $20.00 plus $1.50 postage and handling to the above address. Please specify disk size and whether you desire the version with sound (sound version requires more disk space and a sound card.) By registering, or purchasing the retail version, you will recieve a software liscence, and an official copy of the game. You will also recieve notification of upgrades and future releases. Technical support will also be available. Please allow 2 - 4 weeks for delivery. Copyright © 1994 C M Stevens *PLEASE SEND CHECK OR MONEY ORDER IN U.S. FUNDS ONLY. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ORDER FORM ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please send the requested items to: Name_______________________________________________ Street_____________________________________________ City___________________ State_______ Zip___________ Items requested: _____Registered version of Mira ($10) _____Retail version of Mizar($20) Ammount enclosed:_________________________