KIDSCON - Kids Concentration (Ver 5.0) Copyright © 1995 - Centaurus Software Design All Rights reserved Centaurus Software Design PO Box 1382 Auburn, NY 13021 email address: Internet: America OnLine: CentSoft We are very interested in feedback from users. Please feel free to make contact at the mail or email addresses shown above with any comments, suggestions, or questions. If you are having any problems installing KIDSCON, we will try to assist you. NOTE: Read this entire file... DESCRIPTION -------------------------------------------------------- KIDSCON ver 5.0 (Kids Concentration) is a game that is based on the old game of Concentration. This program was designed with kids in mind to help them develop their concentration skills, hand-eye coordination (via the mouse), while learning about the alphabet, numbers, and colors. The program contains five different matching games for variety, each supporting three levels of difficulty. A pleasant female voice is used throughout, along with actual animal sounds, and other sound effects. PREVIOUS INSTALLATION ---------------------------------------------- If you have a previously installed version of KIDSCON, (ver 4.1 or lower), you should delete all the previous installed files before you install this new version. You can do this by deleting the KIDSCON directory which will delete all files contained within the directory (KIDSCON.EXE, README.TXT, and all 82 KC_?????.WAV files), as they are no longer required. If you have registered a previous version, you DO NOT have to register again. INSTALLING KIDSCON ------------------------------------------------- There are two self extracting files, KC_DISK1.EXE and KC_DISK2.EXE KC_DISK1.EXE extracts SETUP.EXE VBRUN300.DL_ KIDSCON.EX_ (10 files) SETUP.LST DDEML.DL_ THREED.VB_ SETUP1.EX_ VER.DL_ KC_ALP.VB_ SETUPKIT.DL_ KC_DISK2.EXE extracts KC_MAT.VB_ KC_PRO.VB_ README.TX_ (5 files) KC_NUM.VB_ KC_MNU.SN_ There are two methods available for installation: TO CREATE INSTALL DISKETTES, preferred method:(via the File Manager) 1-You will need two 3.5", 1.44 mb, preformatted diskettes. 2-Label the 1st diskette as "KIDSCON, ver 5.0, Disk1", and the 2nd diskette as "KIDSCON, ver 5.0, Disk2". 3-Insert the 1st diskette. Select the directory where KC_DISK1.EXE exist. Select the File menu, and choose Run. Type at the command line "KC_DISK1 A:\" and click OK. This will create the 1st installation diskette. 4-Insert the 2nd diskette. Select the directory where KC_DISK2.EXE exist. Select the File menu, and choose Run. Type at the command line "KC_DISK2 A:\" and click OK. This will create the 2nd installation diskette. 5-To install the KidsCon program, exit the File Manager, insert disk 1 in drive A:. From the Program Manager, select the File menu and choose Run. Type "A:\SETUP" at the command line and click OK, then follow the setup instructions provided. 6-After you have successfully installed the KIDSCON program from the setup diskettes that were created, you should delete KIDSCONP.EXE, KC_DISK1.EXE, KC_DISK2.EXE, and INSTALL.TXT, from your hard drive, as they are no longer required. TO INSTALL DIRECTLY FROM THE HARD DISK:(via the File Manager) 1-Create a working directory called KCTEMP and move KIDSCONP.EXE, KC_DISK1.EXE, KC_DISK2.EXE, and INSTALL.TXT to this directory. 2-Double-click on KC_DISK1.EXE. Windows will go to DOS to extract the 10 files as listed above. When you return back to the File Manager, Click on the drive icon where the KCTEMP directory exist to update the file listing. 3-Double-click on KC_DISK2.EXE. Windows will go to DOS to extract the 5 files as listed above. When you return back to the File Manager, Click on the drive icon where the KCTEMP directory exist to update the file listing. 4-To install the KidsCon program, double-click on "SETUP.EXE", and then follow the instructions provided. 5-After you have successfully installed the KIDSCON program, you should delete all the files in the working directory. You can do this by deleting the KCTEMP directory which will delete all the files contained within this directory (KIDSCONP.EXE, KC_DISK1.EXE, KC_DISK2.EXE, INSTALL.TXT, and all the files extracted from KC_DISK1.EXE and KC_DISK2.EXE, as listed above), as they are no longer required. PROGRAM FILES ------------------------------------------------------ VBRUN300.DLL Visual Basic 3.0 Runtime THREED.VBX 3D support for Visual Basic KIDSCON.EXE KidsCon program KC_MAT.VBX support for matching voice KC_ALP.VBX support for alphabet voice KC_NUM.VBX support for numbers voice KC_PRO.VBX support for program voice and sound effects KC_MNU.SND support for menu selection VBRUN300.DLL and THREED.VBX will be installed in your \windows \system directory if they do not exist, or if the existing installed files are not current versions. All other files are installed in the selected installation directory. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS ------------------------------------------------ 386 or better PC 4 meg RAM or better Microsoft Windows 3.1 and a mouse VGA or SVGA monitor soundcard recommended (such as Sound Blaster or compatible) 2.5 meg of free disk space for program files UNINSTALLING KIDSCON ----------------------------------------------- Delete the program KIDSCON.EXE and support files KC_MAT.VBX, KC_ALP.VBX, KC_NUM.VBX, KC_PRO.VBX, KC_MNU.SND, and README.TXT. You can do this by deleting the KIDSCON directory which will delete all files contained within the directory. DO NOT delete VBRUN300.DLL and THREED.VBX from your windows\system directory, as these may be used by other applications you have installed. DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY --------------------------------------------- This software is provided as is and without warranties as to performance of merchantability or any other warranties whether expressed or implied. Because of the various hardware and software environments into which this program may be put, no warranty of fitness for a particular purpose is offered. The user must assume the entire risk of using this software. End-of-File (install.txt)