Gazillionaire Shareware version 1.1 Copyright 1994 LavaMind. All rights reserved. This is the latest version of Gazillionaire SHAREWARE. Please replace any older versions of Gazillionaire SHAREWARE on your system with this NEW version. In this version, we have fixed a number of bugs and added several new features such as QUICK BUTTONS and SPEED TRAVEL. To install the shareware version on your hard disk, all you have to do is PKUNZIP the file GAZ.ZIP, then go to the Windows 3.1 Program Manager and run SETUP.EXE. SETUP.EXE will uncompress the files, copy the necessary .DLL and .VBX files to your WINDOWS/SYSTEM directory, and create a program group and icon. After the SETUP.EXE has installed the game, all you have to do is click on the Gazillionaire Shareware icon to run the game. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS: a) Microsoft Windows 3.1 or later. b) A 386, 486 or Pentium-based DOS-compatible computer, VGA graphics, color monitor. c) 11 Megabytes of hard disk space. d) 4 Megabytes of RAM. NOTE: This scaled-down SHAREWARE version of Gazillionaire has less than half the features of the FULL GAME. However, it is still a playable game and should be a lot of fun. Hope you enjoy it!!! Sincerely, Steve and Naomi P.S. If you want to order the FULL game on CD-ROM which comes with more graphics, sounds and a lot of additional game features, just call 1-800-695-GAME or 1-510-522-3584.