This copy of Cryp·It Version 1.0 is Shareware. It will only read in 5 cryptograms from a puzzle file and will not allow you to create one if there are already five cryptograms in it. The File Open and File Save As functions are not functional, so the only puzzle file it uses must be named "crypit.crp". Registered Cryp·It has no such limitations and comes with a "100 cryptogram" puzzle file and an Activation Key with the Serial Number. If you really want to enjoy the full features of Cryp·It, purchase the Registered copy. All Purchasers will be added to the Bosenbach Computing Database and will receive notices about additional Cryp·It puzzle files as soon as they become available. IMPORTANT INTRODUCTORY OFFERS. For a limited time only, the $4.00 Shipping and Handling Fees will be waved by Bosenbach Computing in one of two ways as follows: 1). If you purchase one of the first 200 copies of Cryp·It, you will receive a Rebate Check for $4.00 included within your order. 2). If your order is postmarked no later than June 15, 1995 make out your check for the price of the program WITHOUT the $4.00 Shipping and Handling Fee. But whether you buy Cryp·It or not, and whether you can save the Fees or Not, I hope you will Enjoy Cryp·It! I sure do. You can find me on Compuserve. My ID. is 75212,544 - Ron Black