***** README.TXT ***** >>>>>> You should read the LICENSE.TXT first! <<<<<< First, thank you for downloading the game COLORS and for trying it out. If you received this version of COLORS in an archive, first unzip the files to a blank floppy using PKUNZIP Version 1.10 or later, or other compatible unzipping utilities. After unzipping the COLORS.ZIP file you should see these files in your directory: 1) README.TXT 2) CLR.EXE 3) CLR.HLP 4) VBRUN300.DLL 5) ORDER.FRM 6) VER.DL_ 7) SETUP.EXE 8) SETUP1.EXE 9) SETUP.LST 10) SETUPKIT.DLL System's requirement for running COLORS is: * A 486 PC Compatible * Windows 3.1 * A Mouse * About 636,000 bytes of free hard disk space To install, insert diskette containing the unzipped files, go into Windows, in the Program Manager, choose Run from the File menu, type A:SETUP, and press the Enter key. (If your floppy is on B drive, type B:SETUP)