Air Traffic Control What this read me text contains: 1. System requirements 2. Installation and Setup 3. File List 4. How to play 5. Winning the game 1. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS Computer: IBM 386 - 33 Mhz (or 100% compatible) with 4 MB of Ram, Mouse, Monitor with a VGA graphics system, MS-DOS version 5.0 or higher and Windows 3.1 or higher. You will also need the run time version of Visual Basic 3 to play the game VBRUN300.DLL. If you do not have this file then in can be downloaded seperately from Compuserve in one of many different forums. Contact the Sysop for more detail. 2. INSTALLATION AND SETUP To install Air Traffic Control, unzip the supplied ATC.ZIP file into a single directory. You may like to create a program icon in Program Manager so it will be easier to run the game. How to install your program as an Icon with the Windows' Program Manager. a. First install the program in a directory. b. Click once on the GROUP in which you want the ATC Icon installed. c. Go up to the menu bar at the top of your screen and click on the word FILE. d. A menu drops down. Click on NEW. e. You will see a window with two choices. Select PROGRAM ITEM. Then click on OK. f. Another window appears entitled PROGRAM ITEM PROPERTIES. g. Click in the box labeled DESCRIPTION. Type "Air Traffic Control". h. Use the tab key or mouse and go to the box labeled COMMAND LINE. Type the full name of the path to the directory where you have installed Air Traffic Control program, followed by ATC.EXE. For example, if the program is in a directory called ATC on the C drive you would enter C:\ATC\ATC.EXE in the box. i. Leave the box labelled WORKING DIRECTORY blank. j. Now click on OK in the PROGRAM ITEM PROPERTIES Window. 3. FILE LIST Files that should be in the directory you create. ATC.EXE The game program ATC.HLP The help file for the game THREED.VBX Visual Basic add on file VBCTL3D.VBX Visual Basic add on file 4. HOW TO PLAY Air Traffic Control uses a mouse driven "point and click" system to do all functions from selecting planes to directing planes to go up and down. SELECTING AIRCRAFT Point and click at either any part of a plane or any part of the plane's information tag to select it. DIRECTING AIRCRAFT Once a plane is selected, a series of buttons will appear down the bottom of the screen on the plane control panel. You can direct a plane to go in one of three different directions (you cannot do a 360 degree turn !) or go up or down or speed up and slow down. LANDING A PLANE You MUST direct planes to land in a certain direction on the runway which will be told to you at the beginning of the game. In order to land you must decrease the speed of the plane and the height and guide the plane smoothly into land. 5. WINNING THE GAME To win the game you must safely guide and land a designated number of planes onto the runway. Once all planes have either landed or crashed !, you will be given a score and a rating. For more detailed help, please refer to the help file that is included. GOOD LUCK and please give me any feedback Matthew Simpson WinSoft Flat 3 15 Lanhill Road London W9 2BS Compuserver ID : 100541,604 **** END OF FILE ****