Read Me file for The 15 Game Setup Instructions If the set of program files is on a floppy disk, from either the Windows Program Manager or the File Manager select: File | +-Run and enter A:SETUP or B:SETUP as appropriate. The default install directory will be C:\15GAME but you may change it to whatever you wish it to be. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- If on the other hand you've received the self-extracting file 15-GAME.EXE other options are possible. If you extract onto a floppy then the above instructions apply. If you extract into a harddrive directory and then execute the SETUP.EXE program from there then that directory will be the proposed default install directory. If you accept the default the program will install in place creating only the required program group and icon in Windows. (Note: you can also install in place on the floppy disk by changing the proposed default of C:\15GAME to either A:\ or B:\ as appropriate when installing from a floppy. Of course the floppy will have to be loaded whenever you want to execute the program.) If you enter a different directory then (after creating it if necessary) the files will be COPIED to the new location before creating the Windows program group and icon. The original files will still remain in the extraction location. Enjoy, Klint Monroe