Zufallig (Chance Meeting) A large patrol of enemy fighters has been reported by a Kriegsmarine Schnellboot (S-BOOT/E-Boat) patrolling the Channel. They have been identified as P38s by their twin boom tails. Your fighter patrol has been diverted from its normal routine of searching out Channel shipping for attack and has been vectored towards this large group of fighters. Mission Orders You'll probably be out numbered but you have your Wfr.Gr. 21 cm. rocket packs on each wing to even things out. You will be suffering a disadvantage in speed as your Bf109G-10 will be carrying a lot of wing stores on this mission and drop tanks. You must use your munitions wisely and destroy as many enemy planes as you can and run for home before the P38s overwhelm you. If you use proper tactics you should be able to come out on top or ahead in this confrontation so be on your toes. ------------------------------------------ Zufallig.Mis/Txt created by K. Heitmann