Welcome to my third custom set of Red Baron missions. You will need the Red Baron Mission Builder disk set to fly these missions. This set contains 10 historically based missions gleaned from many sources. The deaths of Albert Ball, Werner Voss, and The Baron are covered in this set. I've attempted make these more challenging than the ones included with Red Baron. This is not to say that I've made the ahistorical, but I've added more of a battle to the mission and tweaked things up here and there to make these missions more than just a "walk-through." Since I've once again added something special to some of these missions you will find that upon completion of these missions the debrief screen will not correctly reflect the number of friendly aircraft lost. However, enemy aircraft shot down will be correctly recorded. If you have the urge to view how I set these missions up by loading them into the Red Baron Mission Builder, I urge you to be very careful and not to change anything or you may obliterate the changes that I've made to spice these missions up for you. Other missions covered in this set are: Amerian Bob Shawn and his squadron doing battle with an unknown German Ace known as "the Lancer." A mission from the career of Italy's top ace Francesco Baracca. One particularly memorable mission flown by Canadian Barker. The balance of the missions are ones flown by Charles Nungesser. I hope you enjoy the missions I've created. If you have any comments direct them to me on Prodigy. Keith Heitmann, #GVXV90A