þ Starfleet Priority 1 Communiqu‚: þ Picard, Jean Luc þ Captain, U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-D Emergency alert! As of stardate 2398.234 the United Federation of Planets was under attack from enemy presences. A Romulan attack on the neutral zone as well as an incursion by the Borg has prompted us to issue a standing general order of battle. In conjunction with all member planets, the UFP officially declares war upon both entities. It is your job, Jean-Luc, as captain of our flagship to halt the inc- ursion or even slow it down. We have recognized one Borg vessel and one Romulan bird-of-prey in your sector. A Klingon ship is being sent to assist you and you are in temporary comand of that sector. All star- bases are being evacuated. May good fortunes follow you... Starfleet out. þ Admiral J.P. Hanson, commanding