Operation Striker The Luftwaffe has been winning back the skies over the Reich for the last few months since the introduction of their secret weapons the jets and the rocket powered aircraft. U.S. designers had been feverishly working on getting a comparable aircraft into the fight. They finally succeeded in producing the P-80. Now you have a weapon worthy of combat with the deadly twin-engined Me262s that have been terrorizing the hapless bomber crews and frustrating their gunners with sheer speed and a potent array of nose mounted cannon. On this mission you are serving as the first all-jet escort to see combat over Germany. You must get the bombers to their target and safely out again, but your itching for a fight and your heart is pounding as the adrenaline flows in anticipation of an encounter with the swift German jet fighters that are sure to come. ----------------------------------------- Striker.Mis/Txt created by K. Heitmann