Operation Lo-Ball German 120mm and 88mm Flak batteries have been giving our bombers a rough time and taking a terrible toll on the attacking streams. It has been decided to strike the facility at Altenbeuna engine factory and to send in a low level attack on the Flak batteries stationed around this facility. The operation has been given the name of Lo-Ball. You are to fly a bomb and rocket armed P-47D with a lone wingman for cover and take out these as many of the Flak batteries before the bombers arrive there. This is a Flak suppression mission and your primary targets are the guns themselves. After you take out as many as you can and the bombers have bombed their primary target nearby you are free to return to base or help out the other P47s flying escort for the B17s. ------------------------------------------- Lo-Ball.Mis/Txt created by K. Heitmann