Raid on Munster Munitions Plant Your bomb group has been tagged for a mission to the Munster Munitions Plant. The approaches to this target have been dubbed "death row" by the bomber crews that have survived previous missions. Heavy losses have been incurred by other bomb groups trying to wipe out this target. The target itself isn't all that important, but it has become a test of pride and wills between the USAAF and the Luftwaffe. The Luftwaffe has moved in elements of JV44 and JV7 equipped with the new Me262 jets. It is your job to punch through the air defenses bomb the target and return safely. You will be escorted by P-51D "Mustangs" on the way in to the target. You will be joined by P38Js near waypoint two at about 01:20 to help cover you on your return leg of the mission. ----------------------------------------- Deathrow.Mis/Txt created by K. Heitmann