Stop A Raid On Thorpe-Abbotts By KG200 [Important Note: To allow this mission to run properly you must have the following 3 files; B17FOE.BAT, B17FOE.TXT, and B17FRND.BAT. You must also have debug in the \AC subdir or a path set to it. You must exit SWOTL and place B17FOE.TXT in the \AC subdir and B17FOE.BAT & B17FRND.BAT in the \SWOTL subdir. Run B17FOE.BAT. Then run SWOTL and load 5-KG200.MIS from the custom mission menu. After running this mission exit SWOTL and run B17FRND.BAT.] A group of B17s has been spotted trailing returning B17s from a raid on enemy targets. All attempts to contact this group have failed. Your patrol and others have been vectored in to intercept these unknown planes. If they fail to respond you are to shoot them down. ------------------------------------------ 5-KG200.Mis/Txt created by K. Heitmann