Theft of a B17 for KG200 [Important Note: To allow this mission to run properly you must have the following 3 files; B17FOE.BAT, B17FOE.TXT, and B17FRND.BAT. You must also have debug in the \AC subdir or a path set to it. You must exit SWOTL and place B17FOE.TXT in the \AC subdir and B17FOE.BAT & B17FRND.BAT in the \SWOTL subdir. Run B17FOE.BAT. Then run SWOTL and load 1-KG200.MIS from the custom mission menu. After running this mission exit SWOTL and run B17FRND.BAT.] An elete unit of Abwehr agents have stolen a B17F. They overpowered and replaced the crew that was to fly a patrol over the Channel. One of the enemy agents was killed in the scuffle. His documents show that the B17 is on its way to Doberitz Airfield. The news of this theft wasn't discovered until the B17 was well on its way. Now it has been handed to you and your P38 group to destroy this bomber before the plane and the precious Norden bombsight can be handed over to the Germans intact. Be forewarned the Luftwaffe will make it difficult. The elete Abwehr agents are renowned gunners so approach the fleeing B17 with extreme caution!! [The measure of success in this mission requires that you down the B17 while it is in the air. Once it actually lands on the enemy airfield a Doberitz the mission is a failure.] -------------------------------------------- 1-KG200.Mis/Txt created by K. Heitmann