SOME NOTES ON MAKING RBEDIT WORK 1. Make sure that the RBEDIT.EXE file is in the same directory as the ROSTER.DAT flie that you will be editing. I'm a simple soul, so I made no provision for including PATHS in the editing process. 2. The editing is done by replying to prompts. The prompts will give you your choices either enclosed in a set of parentheses or as a number to the left of the available chioces. When a letter is required, be sure to reply in lower-case. Failure to do so will likely lead to an invalid choice. 3. The program starts out by giving you a pilot's name and asking if you wish to edit this pilot in some way. If you do, the next screen will show some of this pilot's stats. The screen will stay up until you hit RETURN/ENTER. This was done to allow you time to look at the info. 4. The next screen will show you the items that you can edit. Just type in the number of your choice. 5. If you choose to transfer to a different unit, a list of currently operational units and their airfields will be shown. Again, just type in the number of your choice. 6. This editor is limited in the number of things that you will be allowed to change. Things that you will not be able to change are kills, medals, and points. Those you have to fly for and earn on your own. 7. You will be able to promote a pilot to the rank of major, but only if you have at least 81 kills (one more the the Red Baron) and if you are retired. The reason for the retired restriction is that setting an active pilot's rank to major causes the Red Baron program to have a big-time hiccup. Specifically, you may be prevented from fling an A/C of the type your squadron flies (if that A/C is different from your own) on an individual mission basis. I noticed this first when I was flying a Camel and the rest of the squadron was flying Se-5a's. I went to the little screen to try out the Se-5a and what I was offered was a Moraine Bullet. I then went and promoted an active GAS pilot to major. He was flying a Dr-I and the rest of the squadron D-Va's. Went to the little window and the program quit and gave me some sort of nebulous error message (complete with error number and a SEED number {what's that?}). I got the message - no more active majors. 8. Comments and/or suggestions are welcome. J.W. Johnson aka "Jaybird" 74020,1734