************************** HERO QUEST HINTS ****************************** 1- A fighter is always testing his strength and courage against the world, and is everyone's favorite adventurer! Add 20 points to Strength. Add 10 points to Agility. Add 10 points to Weapon Use. 2- It's very important to read the the section on "THE FIGHTER" in your Famous Adventurer's Correspondence School manual. Then practice with the Weapons Mas- ter and work in the stable daily. Fight monsters at every opportunity. Buy Hea- ling Potions and drink them. Sleep in the Magic Meadow. 3- Ah so you've decided to play the intellectual adventurer! Add 10 points to Strenght. Add 15 points to Agility. Add 5 points to Magic. Add 10 points to In- telligence. Add 5 points to Vitality 4- It is very important to read the sections on "THE MAGIC USER" and on "COMMON EVERYDAY MAGIC SPELLS" in your Famous Adventurer's Correspondence manual. Then get all the spells as soon as possible and practice them whenever practical. Avoid close combat with tough monsters by casting the Calm Spell, the run away. 5- You can buy the FLAME DART spell, the FETCH spell, and the OPEN spell at the Magic Shop. You can obtain the TRIGGER spell from the Hermit, the DAZZLE from Erasmus, the CALM spell in the Magic Meadow, and the DETECT MAGIC spell from the Meeps. 6- The Thief lives by his wits, travels by night, and runs away from monsters! Add 10 points to Strenght. Add 10 points to Vitality. Add 10 points to Weapon Use. Add 10 points to Agility. Add 10 points to Luck. 7- It is very important to read the section "THE THIEF" from your Famous Adven- turer's Correspondence School manual. You must think "sneaky". Explore the town at night, try to pick all locks. Most important: buy a Thief Tool Kit at the Thieves Guild. 8- Everyone at Spielburg seem to be worry about the Brigands, and they cer- tainly dangerous! Everytime you meet somebody, ask about the Brigands, the Brigands Leader, and the Brigands Warlock. There is a lot to be uncovered... But there is more going on here, and a deeper plot. 9- You may work in the stables, sell Spell Components to the Healer, defeat the Goblins and Brigands in combat and search their bodies for coins. You can defeat the Ogre and the Kobold and take thier treasure. Rescuing the Baron's son will also net you a nice reward. 10- The Baron tried to get rid of Baba Yaga and make her very angry. She cursed the graveyard and cursed the Baron. It is your quest, should you choose to acc- ept it, to break the curse, free Spielburg, rescue the Baron's son and daughter and become a hero. 11- Ask Karl the Gatekeeper, go to him with all your questions. You can ask him about the castle, the Baron, the Baron's son and daughter, Yorick, the stable, brigands monsters, heros, the valley, the graveyard, Baba Yaga, the hut, the curse... Karl knows it all! 12- Ask the Sherrif and Otto. You can ask about the brigands. You can ask them about the heros, but best thing to do here is check out Otto's yo-yo action. Have you seen him do the cat's cradle? How does he do that? 13- The Healer is your friend - she will buy Spell Components from you, help you make the Dispell Potion, sell you the Undead Unguent - and, hey, she sure makes a great Healing Potion!! 14- The Baron Stefan von Spielburg is Lord of Spielburg Valley. He angered Baba Yaga when he ordered her to leave Spielburg. She cursed him and he soon lost his daughter, then his son. Now the Baron will not leave his castle or see any vi- sitors. If you rescue his son, you will be permitted to see him. 15- If you are a Fighter, the Goblins are easy - go ahead and fight them to build up your Strenght and Weapon Use skill before taking on something really scary. Don't forget to search your opponent's body after you kill it. If you are a Thief you can always run. If you are a Magic User, cast a spell at them. 16- What can I do at the Magic Meadow? Travel due north to find Erana's Peace. Eat the Magic Fruit. The flowers exude a perfume that heals, bring a bouquet to the Healer. Healing occurs when you sleep in this Magic Meadow. As a Magic User, you will regain your magic points and health points by sleeping here. Cast an OPEN spell upon the stone to reveal a spell of CALM. 17- How to find the Baron's son? The Kobold wizard turned the Baronet into a BEAR!. To lift the enchantment, get the key from the Kobolt and unlock the chain arond the Baronets (bear's) leg. 18- Where is the secret passage to the Brigand's Fortress? Find the note on the floor in the Tavern. Spy on Brutus and Bruno at high noon. Get the key from Brutus. he entrance to the lair is near the Bouncer that Hops, (the Antwerp!) search the rocks for the keyhole, then use the key. Say the se- cret word, and you're in! 19-How do I pass the Minotaur and the Gate? As a Fighter, you must be tough. Fight the Minotaur and force the gate. As a Thief, sneak behind the Minotaur on the left side of the Fortress, then climb the wall behind the rock. Once inside, go around the barrier to the left and go across the right bridge. Approach the center of the last barricade area and "Step over the rope". As a Magic User, cast the CALM spell on the Minotaur, and the OPEN spell on the gate. 20- How do I get through Brigand's Cafeteria? As you enter the cafeteria, shut the door. Type BLOCK DOOR. Go over to the chair near the right wall door, and PUSH CHAIR or BLOCK DOOR. Go over to the candela- bra and PUSH CANDLES. Move to the center of the table, wait until the lead bri- gand starts to pass the front corner of the table, type CLIMB TABLE. Go to the door on the north wall and type OPEN DOOR. Ask about Yorick. 21- How to get through the distortion room? Ask about Yorick. Stop, read the sign. At the dangling rope type PULL ROPE. At the next door type OPEN DOOR. At the left hand door to the north (the upside down door) type OPEN DOOR. Move quickly out of the way as it begins to shake. The door will fall. Go through the door. 22- What do I do in the Brigand Leader's room? When confronted by the Brigand Leader type USE DISPELL POTION. After Elsa leaves, go to the desk and get the mirrow. Get the Healing potions. Exit the room behind the treasure chest on the east wall. 23- How to find the Baron's daughter? Baba Yaga turned Elsa into the Brigand Leader. Use the DISPELL potion to lift the enchantment. 24- How do I get into Baba Yaga's hut? Ask the central skull about "THE DEAL" Then ask it about "THE RHYME". Then gi- ve it the GLOWING GEM. 25- Baba Yaga keeps turning me into a frog what can I do? Wise up! Answer YES to all her questions, and get her Mandrake Root. Be to deli- ver it before dawn. 26- What I do with the fox? Show some kindness free the fox. 27- I would like some information on the White Stag? Follow the White Stag it will lead you to Dryad. 28- I've seem the Meep's Peep what I do there? The furry little Meeps are all different colors. You are looking for some green fur, you know! If you have some magic skills and you ask at just the right time you can also receive the DETECT MAGIC spell. 29- How I locate the Dryad? Follow the White Stag until he leads you to the Dryad, Keeper of the Woods. She will trade her Magic Acorn for the Spore Spitting Spirea Seed. She knows of a DISPELL potion to disenchant people with spells upon them - VERY important. 30- I need some information about the DISPELL potion? The Dryad and the Healer will aide you in making the DISPELL potion to break enchantments. You can pick up FLOWERS in the Magic Meadow, the Meeps will give you GREEN FUR, you can get FAIRY DUST at night near the magic mushrooms, FLYING WATER can be obtain at the waterfall near Spiegelsea, and the Dryad will give you a MAGIC ACORN after you give the Spore Spitting Spirea Seed to her. 31- Where is the Hermit? The Hermit lives near to the waterfall. If you have throwing skills you can gather some rocks near the waterfall and throw them at his door until the Hermit opens up. If you have climbing skills, just climb up his door. If you have magic skills, cast the DETECT MAGIC spell. 31- I am in the Snow Forest what do I do with Brauggi? Bargain with Brauggi. He told you he was hungry. Give him 50 apples and he will give you a GLOWING GEM. 32- What I do once I found the Hermit? The Hermit will offer you a safe place to sleep for the night and a round of cribbage. Ask the Hermit about the Brigand Warlock, magic, Erasmus, the magic mirror, the REFLECT spell, and the TRIGGER spell (he'd also be very happy if you ask him about all his family). 33- How can I defeat Baba Yaga? Get the Magic Mirror from the Brigands Leader's room. Then go to Baba Yaga's hut and type USE MIRROR when she casts a spell at you. 34- I keep getting kill at the graveyard at night. Is anything I can do? You must use the UNDEAD UNGUENT before entering the graveyard at night. Don't fall in any open graves. 35- What can I do with the Magic Mushrooms? You can pick the Magic Mushrooms during the day, then sell them to the Healer. Do heroes ever EAT Magic Mushrooms? 36- I can't find the Mandrake or when I do it dissolves! You'll find the Mandrake root in the graveyard. It must be picked precisely at midnight. 37- How I get past the Gargoyle? The questions CAN be tough! Here it is the matter of using your SAVE and RESTORE options. Everytime the Gargoyle ask you a question that you KNOW the answer to SAVE your game before answering. If you get zapped back down to the botton of the montain, simple RESTORE. He also have one trick question. When he ask for the secret password to the Thieves Guild, you don't give him the right answer he doesn't want any thieves in there. You only have to answer 3 questions co- rrectly. You already know your name right? And do you guess that Erasmus's fa- vority color was PURPLE?... If he ask you "What is the meaning of life?" well everybody knows that "LIFE IS A BOWL OF CHERRIES" If he ask you for the mean airspeed of an unladen swallow, even this hint can't help you. 38- Can you tell me about Erasmus? Erasmus is a wizard and can teach you about magic. If you already know some magic, you can play Mages Maze game. If you beat him, he'll teach you a new spell called "DAZZLE". Ask Erasmus about Erana, about the PROTECTION spell, about Baba Yaga, about curses, about countercurses, and must importantly about the Magic Mirror. 39- Who is Fenrus? Haven't you been listening? Why, he is the second half of Erasmus's comedy team. Don't tell me you didn't like the jokes!?! Fenrus is cute, but I wish he'd lose the hat. 40- The Brigands keep attacking what should I do? If you are a Fighter, fight those Brigands! they are not so tough. Count it as an opportunity to build your skills and beef up your muscles. Don't forget to search your opponents body after defeating him. If you are a THIEF you can always run. If you are a Magic User, cast a spell at them. 41- I keep dying from the Night Gaunt attacts what should I do? Well don't sleep in the forest! Hero's Tale Inn is safe for a weary traveler. You can also sleep at the Magic Meadow, the Dryad's Wood, the stables at the castle, or with the Hermit. If you MUST travel at night, you got to have the Undead Unguent, don't leave home without it!!!