What am I supposed to do in Tazaar's house?

Hint 1 of 7:
You're looking for a key, somewhere in the house.  I would recommend doing
whatever you can, and you'll eventually stumble on it.

Hint 2 of 7:
Start by making yourself a nice pot of tea.

Hint 3 of 7:
You can do that by heating up some water in the kettle on the back wall.

Hint 4 of 7:
Pour the bottle of water into the kettle (F).

Hint 5 of 7:
Then use the matches on the kettle to light it (F).

Hint 6 of 7:
Look!  There's a key on the wall!  But before you can get it, you'll have to
find a way to keep from the goblins reaching into all that steam.
