How can I get past the giant?

Hint 1 of 12:
Before you read on in the hints, I should warn you that the giant is the
last puzzle in this episode.  If you still think that you have things to do,
you should stop hear and look at other hints.

Hint 2 of 12:
The giant is very hungry.

Hint 3 of 12:
The smell of something good to eat would definitely wake him up.

Hint 4 of 12:
You need to cook the food to make sure that the giant smells it.

Hint 5 of 12:
That pile of wood is a good way to cook; all you need to do is light it.

Hint 6 of 12:
You should have found a box of matches in Tazaar's house.  See the hints
about the "rug" if you don't have it.
