How can I get a flower from Kael's branches?

Hint 1 of 9:
You first need to make sure that Kael will listen to you.  See the previous
hint if you haven't already done that.

Hint 2 of 9:
This is really a rather tricky sequence.  The first step is getting one of
the goblins up to the branches.

Hint 3 of 9:
Kael only likes one goblin and he'll only let one of them up on his branches.

Hint 4 of 9:
Fingus can walk to Kael's hand for a boost up.

Hint 5 of 9:
Try taking one of the flowers and see what happens.

Hint 6 of 9:
It falls down and a creature pops out of the ground to get it.

Hint 7 of 9:
Maybe you could use that creature to propel Winkle up to the branch.

Hint 8 of 9:
Have him stand on the stone that the creature comes from and then get Fingus
to pick a flower.  Winkle will fly up to the branch on the tree.

Hint 9 of 9:
The reason you couldn't get the flower with Winkle standing on the ground
is that Winkle wants to eat the flower.  But I doubt that Fingus is as dumb
as his partner.