How can I get a cockroach?

Hint 1 of 7:
This is another one of those puzzles where playing with all of the buttons can
really help.

Hint 2 of 7:
The head and the tongue will be important again.

Hint 3 of 7:
This time, you want to reverse the roles of the two goblins.  Pull the tongue
(W) and then go through the head (F).  Timing is rather critical here, so you
may have to try a few times before you get it right.

Hint 4 of 7:
You'll see a cockroach appear next to the guard who likes to eat them.  Now
all you have to do is find a way to get those roaches.

Hint 5 of 7:
You don't want to try to take a cockroach without something to cover your
hands.  They are pretty disgusting, after all.

Hint 6 of 7:
Use the glove on the right hole (F).  But that's not the entire story.
