
Hint 1 of 8:
You've probably already seen how to hurt the lion to get him to do what
you want him to.  You need to do that again to get up to the platform.

Hint 2 of 8:
All of the preliminary work should be done by Winkle in these hints.

Hint 3 of 8:
Have you been on the giant's shoulder yet?  If not, you need to.

Hint 4 of 8:
When you're up there, the red head is within easy reach.  Try pushing it to
see what happens.

Hint 5 of 8:
It falls down to a lower platform near the hole in the giant's left arm.
And there just happens to be a similar hole in his right arm.  Maybe you
should try to get there.  (How to do so is covered in another set of hints.)
