1 File HRHINTS.TXT Downloaded from Disney Software Hotline on 24-MAY-9 at 06:59 <<< Press RETURN to cancel >>> Getting Through Hare Raising Havoc From the hard drive prompt, type "roger". The game will load and the opening scenes will begin. After the opening scene, Roger will find himself in the: Living Room: Go to the ironing board and press Enter. It will come down and bonk Roger on the head. Go to the right of the footstool and press Enter. Roger will kick it to the left. There is a small bulge under the rug near the door. (N)onstop, (Q)uit, or (C)ontinue? Position Roger over the bulge and press Enter. Roger will find a magnet. Notice that the magnet shows up in Roger's "pocket indicator" in the upper right corner. Walk over to the fishbowl and press Enter. Roger will find a key. Go to the left side of the couch and press Enter. Continue to press enter to get Roger to bounce on the couch. When Roger is bouncing as high on the couch as he can, press Enter and he will grab the chain and turn on the fan. Jump off the couch and walk to the right side of the couch and press Enter. Continue to press enter to get Roger to bounce on the couch. When Roger is bouncing as high on the couch as he can, press Enter and he will grab the fan blades and begin to spin. This is the tricky part. When Roger is on the left side of the fan, press Enter. You will have to do this fairly quickly, because if you don't the fan will speed up and it will become much more difficult. If you don't make it the first time, try again. Sit back and watch the fun. Roger will fly off the fan and onto the ironing board which then bounces him onto the footstool and then out the transom over the door sending him into the kitchen. Kitchen: Walk to the cabinets under the sink. Press Enter in front of one of them and Roger will open that cabinet (if he picked up the key from the fishbowl in the living room). He will either find additional time, a piece of cheese, or nothing. If Roger finds the cheese, walk over to the mousehole and press Enter. Roger will give the cheese to the mouse, who will run away. Press Enter again and Roger will get some additional time. Walk in front of the washing machine on the right of the kitchen. Press Enter and Roger will pull the machine forward. Walk in front of the stove and press Enter. Roger will turn on the stove. Walk in front of the refrigerator and press Enter. Roger will open the refrigerator and throw out a carrot. Do this again and Roger will throw out a banana peel. Continue rummaging through the refrigerator and Roger will find additional time. Walk to the right. Roger will slip on the banana peel and end up spinning on the table. When Roger is facing towards the pile of dishes on the counter, press Enter. As with the fan, Roger will speed up if you wait too long, so don't. When Roger lands on top of the dishes, press the Up Arrow and Roger will find some additional time. Immediately press Enter or the Down Arrow, or Roger will lose his balance. Roger will kick away a dish. Repeat this until Roger is standing on the counter. Press the Left Arrow and Roger will edge his way along the countertop and onto the stove. Roger will stand there for a minute and then, realizing that his feet are on fire, will scream and jump into the air, ending up hanging from the light fixture. Use the Left and Right Arrows to start Roger swinging. When Roger is at the top of his swing on the right, press Enter and watch the fun. Roger will fly off the light fixture and into the wringer which flattens him so that he can slide under the door into the bathroom. Bathroom: This is a complicated one. Walk Roger in front of the stool and press the Up Arrow twice. Roger will jump up on the stool and grab the towel. Press Enter or the Down Arrow to jump down off the stool. Position Roger between the stool and the puddle of water on the floor and press Enter. Roger will lay the towel over the puddle. Walk Roger to the left of the stool and press Enter. Roger will kick the stool under the shelf. Walk Roger in front of the stool and press Enter. Roger will jump up onto the stool. Immediately press Enter again and Roger will start to bounce on the stool. When Roger is bouncing as high as he can, press enter and he will grab the soap. Press Enter and Roger will throw the soap into the sink. Press Enter again and Roger will jump off of the stool. Walk Roger in front of the sink and press Enter. Roger will begin to wash his hands and the soap will slip out of them and land on the floor. Walk Roger to the soap. Roger will slip on the soap and land on his face, and the soap will fly through the air and land in the toilet, where it will begin to produce bubbles. Walk Roger in front of the scale. Press Enter to start him bouncing on the scale. At the top of his bounce, press Enter and he will pull the cord which opens the skylight. Walk Roger to the right side of the bathroom. Press Enter and Roger will plug in the fan. The bathroom heater is on when Roger enters the bathroom. If Roger walks to the heater he can turn it off and on by pressing Enter. Make sure that the heater stays on or Roger can't exit the bathroom. Move slightly to the left and press Enter. Roger will get all wrapped up in the toilet paper. This doesn't help him any, but it is fun to watch. Move to the right side of the plunger and press Enter. Roger will pull the plunger loose and it will stick to the right wall. If Roger is on the left side of the plunger, and Enter is pressed, he will pull it loose and it will stick to the bathroom door on the left. Move Roger to the bathroom door and press Enter. Roger will pull the plunger loose and it will then stick to the right wall. Walk Roger in front of the stool and press Enter. Roger will jump up on the stool. Immediately press Enter again to start Roger bouncing on the stool. When Roger gets to the top of his jump, press Enter and he will end up on the shelf. Don't touch the duck!!!! (Oh alright, go ahead.) Roger will pick up the duck and throw it so that it lands on the edge of the bathtub. Wasn't that fun? Move Roger to the right, on top of the towels. Press Enter and watch the fun. Roger will leap onto the scale, bounce onto the plunger handle and land in the toilet. Roger will then flush the toilet, spin around and around and disappear into the toilet. He will reappear inside a bubble which will rise and carry Roger out through the skylight and into the backyard. Backyard: Move Roger all the way to the left and press Enter. Roger will turn on the sprinkler. Press the Left Arrow and Roger will step on the hose, causing a bulge of water to grow. When the bulge is full- sized press the Right Arrow and Roger will walk toward the sprinkler head. As soon as you step off of the hose the bulge will speed towards the sprinkler head too. If you reach the sprinkler before the bulge does, you will be catapulted up into the air by the geyser of water. While you are at the highest point of the water press Enter and Roger will grab the telephone line. Press the Right Arrow and Roger will move along the telephone line. Once Roger gets past the rake, press Enter or the Down Arrow and Roger will drop onto the ground. Walk Roger to the front of the bag of fertilizer, and press Enter. Roger will kick over the bag and apples will grow on the tree. Press Enter and Roger will shake the tree and an apple will fall. Keep pressing Enter and an apple will grow large enough to fall to the ground and Roger will fall backward and bounce to the right by the barbeque. Walk Roger to the far right and press Enter. Roger will pick up the bucket. Walk to the left, back toward the sprinkler and get hit on the head by the rake as you pass. Continue walking to the left and Roger will do a little dance to the left of the sprinkler head. Walk right toward the sprinkler and press Enter. Roger will put the bucket down and it will begin to fill with water. (Be patient, it takes a little while to fill the bucket.) Wait until the bucket is full, then press Enter and Roger will pick up the bucket. Repeat the steps necessary to get Roger up onto the telephone wire and over to the right, past the rake. Walk to left of the barbecue and press Enter. Roger will pour the water onto the barbecue and the flames will go out for a brief period. During this brief period, press Enter and Roger will try to get a steak to bribe the dog, find that it is too hot, and throw it over his shoulder onto the teeter-totter. Walk Roger to the base of the tree and press Enter. (If this is the second time that Roger has come to the tree to shake it, you will get additional time.) In any case, an apple will fall. Repeat, and a large apple will fall onto the teeter-totter, catapulting the steak over the fence. The dog will catch it and disappear. Quickly, before the dog comes back, walk Roger in front of the tire swing and press Enter. Roger will jump onto the tire swing. Use the Left and Right arrows to get him swinging. When Roger is at the top of his swing on the right, press Enter and he will go over the fence. Street: Walk next to the ball and press Enter. Roger will pick it up. Walk to the right of the fire hydrant and press Enter. Roger will place the ball in the hydrant. Walk to the left of the hydrant and press Enter. Roger will turn on the hydrant, the water will come out and bounce the ball into the air landing it on the clown's nose. Walk Roger in front of the pogo stick and press Enter. Roger will get on the pogo stick and begin to bounce. Press Enter to get him to bounce higher and higher. At the top of his bounce, press Enter and he will grab the telephone line. Press the Right Arrow key and Roger will move to the right, until he reaches the bird, who will then squawk, peck at Roger, and release a feather. Roger will drop to the ground. Move Roger next to the feather and press Enter. Roger will pick it up. Repeat the pogo stick moves to get up onto the wire. Press the right arrow key to move Roger just to the left of the clown's nose and press Enter. Roger will tickle the clown, who will sneeze and the ball will bounce off of the magnet sign and the magnet will drop onto the telephone wire. Tickle the clown's nose again and you will get additional time. Press Enter or the Down Arrow to drop off of the telephone wire. Walk Roger in front of the garbage can. Press Enter and Roger will put the trash can on his head. Press Enter again and he will remove the trash can. Do it again and Roger will put the trash can back on his head and you will get additional time. With the trashcan on Roger's head, walk under the magnet to cause the magnet to be attracted to the garbage can, and then walk slowly to the right, dragging the magnet. Walk into the street, over the manhole cover. Wait for a moment for the magnet to pull the manhole cover up. Watch for cars coming behind you and press the Up Arrow to jump over them. Walk left to where the garbage can used to be and press Enter. Roger will remove the can from his head. Walk to the right, and when Roger is over the open manhole, press the Down Arrow. Roger will wave and drop into the manhole. Construction site: Walk Roger in front of the cement mixer and press Enter. Roger will turn the wheel and the cement mixer will change it's angle towards the right. Walk Roger to the left of the bricks and press Enter. Roger will pick up one of the bricks. Walk Roger to the right of the cement mixer barrel and press Enter. Roger will put the brick in the cement mixer. Repeat the same process with the dynamite which is stacked next to the bricks. There will be an explosion and the brick will fly through the air and land in the right hand elevator, which will drop partway to the ground. If Roger gets another stick of dynamite and then tries to pick up a brick, the dynamite will explode and you will get additional time. Repeat the whole brick and dynamite process to throw another brick onto the elevator, causing it to go all the way to the ground. Walk Roger in front of the cement mixer and press Enter. Roger will turn the wheel, causing the mixer to change angle back to upright. Have Roger go get another stick of dynamite. Walk Roger in front of the elevator and press return. Roger will get into the elevator. Press Enter and Roger will kick one of the bricks off, causing the elevator to go partway up. Press Enter again to get the elevator all the way up. Walk Roger to the right, about two-thirds of the way to the saw. Wait for the hook to come by, and when it bobs down just to the right of where Roger is standing, press Enter. Roger will grab the hook and be carried to the left. When Roger is over the mixer, press Enter. Roger will fall down into the mixer and then be fired (remember the dynamite in his pocket?) out of the mixer and onto the beam with the saw. Press Enter and Roger will saw partway through the beam. Press Enter again to have him saw all the way through, and watch the fun. The beam will fall across the hole in the ground and make a bridge. Roger will fall, bounce on the ground, bounce on the beam and out of the construction site. The next scene is automated. Roger lands in front of the dairy and sees Baby Herman on top of the dairy roof reaching for the "big bottle". Roger runs into the dairy to rescue him. Dairy: Walk Roger just to the right of the large switch on the left wall and press Enter. Roger will pull the switch down, breaking it. The dairy machinery will start. Getting out of this room is not as straightforward as the others. Basically, Roger needs to climb up onto a pile of crates near the right wall, and then out the window. Right now the pile of crates isn't high enough. To get more crates, you need to fill the first crate with bottles. Once a crate is filled with bottles, another crate will drop down. In order to fill the crate with bottles they need to be sent there by the QA (Quality Assurance) machine, which is on the lower right corner of the assembly line. If a bottle is clean, labelled, filled and nippled, move Roger to the QA location and press Enter. The bottle will pop off and land in a crate. If the bottle does not pass, it will be rejected and drop to the floor where it will break. Once a crate has four bottles in it, a new empty crate will be dropped on top of it. Roger needs to pass twelve bottles past QA to get enough crates to get out of here. Every time a bottle passes through QA, a new bottle, in some level of readiness is added to the assembly line. There are four processes the bottles need to go through: washing, labeling, filling and nippling. Move Roger to one of the four wheels and press Enter. Roger will turn the wheel and start that process. Some hints: bottles with nipples cannot be cleaned or filled, although they can be labeled. Activating the nippling machine with a nippled bottle in it causes the machine to remove the nipple. It will take a little while to get the hang of when to activate each machine, but hang in there. Once there are enough boxes in place, move Roger in front of the stack and press the Up Arrow. Roger will climb the stack. Press the Right Arrow and Roger will zoom out the window to rescue Baby Herman and save the day! *** DOWNLOAD COMPLETE *** (R)eply, (E)mail reply, follow (T)hread, (P)revious or (N)ext message?