SAVEME The Germans have developed a new type of ammunition at their Dusseldorf ammunition plant. This new explosive charge could change the nature of the American and British bomber offensive over Germany. It has been decided to launch a quick strike using bomb laden fighters to attack the factory. Mission Orders As the mission starts you will be on your bomb run between the two smoke stacks. Your prime targets are the large building just beyond the stacks and the power building at the end of the power lines. You've managed to penetrate the German air defenses and get to the target, but you've been detected along the way. The entire German Luftwaffe in the area has been scrambled to meet you and are approaching you as you begin your bomb run. You will have bombs and rockets for this mission. Make good use of them. (This is the original mission put together by Glenn Bradley that I built my HitNRun mission from in the second batch of missons found in SWOTL#2.ZIP) ----------------------------------------- SAVEME.MIS created by Glenn Bradley SAVEME.TXT created by K. Heitmann