"Little-brother" Escort Mission American fighters on escort with the bomber streams were called several nicknames, such as, "little friends", and "little brothers", etc. On this mission the P-51B escorts are assigned to get the bombers through to their targets at Essen. Mission Orders You are in command of a group of 4 P51Bs on an escort mission for 6 B-17Gs heading for Essen. Your mission is simple: Protect the bombers and get them through the enemy fighter opposition so they can attack their target. Reports indicate that German fighters have been making use of their unguided rockets called "Pulkzerstoerer" or formation destroyer. Your best bet is to get these fighters before they gete close enough to your bombers to fire their rockets. A good position to be is right behind the bomber formation with your throttle set for about 40%. While flying in the slot behind the bombers, scan the sky for the enemy fighters that are sure to make an appearance sooner or later. -------------------------------------- Lil-Bro.MIS/TXT created by K. Heitmann