STAR TREK: THE THIRD SAGA DISCLAIMER: The material in this document is copyrighted K. K. ente- rprises. No sale of the material that follows is allowed unless all proceeds are returned to Kevin Kastelic. I do not intend to infringe upon any copyrights,therefore I apologize for any Copyrights I might infringe upon. HISTORY: The material in this story is placed at about 120 years after ST:TNG. Most material is based upon ST:TOS, and ST:TNG although it is based upon ideas from several years of ( for lack of a better word ) Trekkieness. NEW DEVELOPMENTS: The Federation and The Klingon Command have united, Thus the technologies have combined. The Tholian Assembly has been obliterated by the notorious Borg. A new enemy known as the Scrn'tn ( more info in new races ) has shown up. Nothing has been seen of the Ferengi since the Borg destroyed the Tholian Assembly. The great starship Enterprise 1701-D was destroyed by the Borg, killing the heroic crew ( Data was found shut down folating in space ). The "Q" have seemingly finally left the UFP alone after years of tormenting random starships. NEW RACES: The Scrn'tn ( pronounced: schrinton): A race of humanoid creatures standing 25 to 30 feet tall. Their technology is rather advanced, as well as their physical attributes. They Have Phaser and Photon capabilities, the most common ship is apparently capable of only warp 8. Shield systemery is about 80% that of Federation shield technology. They do not, app- arently,have cloaking abilities. As far as the Federation can tell,the Scrn'tn came from somewhere farther out in the area of what was Gorn space, destroying the Gorn alliance, and are now starting ventures into Federation space. Little is known about Scrn'tn society except that it is militaristic (resemb- ling Klingon social structure ). Physically they are almost identical to a prime human athlete, if of course that athlete was 27 feet tall. Nothing else is Known about the Scrn'tn. The Gronts: These are a race of sentient computer beings. The Gronts are members of the Federation they are humanoids, with positronic structures resembling Data. The Gronts have been aware of the Borg for as long as the Federation has been in existance. They possess an utter hatred of the Borg, for Borg soldiers do not possess any sentience. That is all that is known about the Gronts. NEW TECHNOLOGIES: Warp Drive: The Federation, for no apparent reason, has gone back to designing the warp engines to resemble the tran- swarp drive engine of the Excelsior. The maximum speed that warp engines can now achieve is warp 9.95 (or 8000 x speed of light), they can maintain this speed for about 96 hours or 4 days. The new speed is achievable because improvements on the matter/anti-matter mixing control. Electromagnetic Recoilless Cannon ( REL cannon ): An old technology made more practical. The REL cannon makes use of electromagnetic fields to propel a projectile of raw metal to a target. Phasers: Phasers now automatically fluctuate firing freq- uencies so the Borg do not get a chance to adapt. ( hand held phasers as well) O.S.C.A.U. ( Officers Self Contained Armor Unit ): these are now standard issue armor for hostile environment. They are made out of Phaser reflective alloys ( classified info ) that can withstand the equivalent force of 2 mega-ton charge at ground zero ( heavy stuff! ). The suit is a hydraulic unit so that it helps the wearer move. A person wearing the armor is capable of running at 25 to 30 mph. The unit contains an automated sensory targeting device that displays the target, and where the wearer is aiming. The armor is also equipped with a recoilless projectile cannon with 200 rounds of ammo, the device is about equivalent to a 20th century M-16 auto- rifle, firing 40 rounds per minute. The suit can function for 72 hours continuous use before needing to be recharged. Instantanious Transporters: the Federation has finally developed a dimensonal-shift based transporter that does not cause the slow breakdown of DNA structures in the user. The new system can transport people from one location to another in about 5 nanoseconds, without the breakdown look of the old design. A mild flash of light ( part of the other dimension entering ours and being vaporised ) accompanies the person. A tributary of the speed of transportation "Instantanious" tra- sporter. Cloaking Devices: Because of the union of the Federation and the Klingon Command,all UFP ships are equipped with cloak capabilities, but when cloaked, a UFP ship can only travel at warp 8.5 max. Celestial Class Starship: The newest and best ship of the Federation, There are only two in commission: N.C.C. 1831-A USS Nightshade, and N.C.C. 1825-B USS Flashback. Capable of a maximum warp of 9.95, this is a ship useful in fighting the Borg. The Saucer Section resembles that of the obsolete class Enterprise XI cruiser, stemming from the primary hull, are wings resembling those from the Klingon Bird Of Prey, above the wings, centered, is the first of 3 warp engines, hanging opposite on either wing are the other 2 warp engines.The ship is equipped with a strip of Phaser giving an arc of fire port around forward to starboard side, 3 banks located aft give an equal area of fire all around, 2 banks of photon tubes fire forward and one photon tube in the primary hull fires aft. A REL cannon is located on the tip of either wing. The ship is designed for a voyage of exploration, but is given enough firepower to handle hostile forces and Borg attacks,which are rather common. THE STORY On the bridge of the USS Nightshade, Captain Richard Pulse sits on the command chair in the center of the bridge next to him is seated First Officer David Morrise, opposite Morrise is Lieutenant commander Jean Wolfe.The bridge is alot like that of the old Galaxy class starships, except it has more computer interface stations. Directly above Captain Pulse is Lieutenant commander Debra Mitchell at ship weapons scanners. At Engine control is Lieutenant Michael D. Singer, At the navigation console ( front left ) is Mr Dron ( ensign of Gront race). Opposite Mr Dron is Lieutenant Vicki Games at ops. On the view screen is the plannet Qalliph ( the Scrn'tn word "dread"), the fifth planet in the Ra'anath system, a sun which is slowly being devouered by a black hole. The Nights- hade was awaiting the arrival of its twin, the Flasback. It was due here in five minutes, the two ships were given orders to investigate strange subspace fluctuating emmisions not or- iginating from the planets, the star, or even the black hole that was all to close in Captain Pulse's mind. "Mr. Mitchell, is there any sign of the Flashback yet ?" asked Captain Pulse,"Yes sir, they have just come out of warp at the edge of the solar system, arrival in 30 seconds." Good thought Pulse, I finally get to see my cousine again. "Captain, Captain Randolph is hailing us." said Mitchell, "On screen" said Pulse. "Flasback to Night shade, Pulse, Is that you old friend?" "Yes, Randolph, Is there any news ?" said Pulse, "Sirs, if I may," asked Mitchell,"Three Borg ships Approaching at half impulse." "Shields up! Flashback, did you get that ?"snapped Pulse, "Aye, Nightshade, Three Borg vessels on intercept course with us," Randolph Commented, "Flashback out." "Sir,"started Morrise,"Borg force beams are attempting to lock on, shields holding.""Target force beam emitter, fire Phasers, full Photon Torpedo spread." "Captain, one of the other Borg ships has mannaged to br- eak through the Flashback's shields, they are attempting to send her into the black hole!"added Games,"NO," shouted Pulse "full reverse impulse, target force beam emitter on that Borg ship, fire." "Captain," interupted Mr. Dron,"your attention please to the third Borg vessel. It appears as though a bay of some sort has opened up on it." "Sir," said Mitchell,"confirmed,several very small sliver like ships emerging." "Damn, Looks like we are the decided test subjects of a new Borg weapon." observed Pulse. "Sir," stated Games, her voice barely a whisper,"the Borg 'drones' have sent the Flas- hback over the Event Horizon of the black hole." "Aim Phasers and Photons on the 'drones'," Pulse said not without sorrow in his voice,"Aim REL cannons on drone bays of the Borg ship, Fire!" "Captain, the drones are breaking through our shields," said Morrise,"the Phasers and Photon Torpedoes are taking a toll, but there's so many drones, I don't think it makes much difference. The REL fire has mannaged to destroy one of the three Borg, ships, but now the other two are opening their bays." "Damage report." Pulse commanded. "Sir, shields at 40% and dropping rapidly. Thruoghout primary and secondary hulls, there are reports of damage and casualties. "Mr. Dron replied "Captain," came from the medical officer Karen Beckom, "what on Earth is going on up there, I have more injuries than I can accomodate for in the medical facility." "Mrs. Wolfe," said Pulse,"Report to the med-lab to assist Miss Beckom in her duities." "Aye, Sir." snapped Wolfe walking towards the turbo-lift. "Mr. Singer, give me all you've got, warp 9, get us out of here. Miss Games, send a subspace message to starfleet, tell them what occured at Ra'anath's star."ordered Pulse. "Aye, Sir," said Singer,"warp 9, arriving at starbase 255 in the Illyria system in 7 minutes." "Message sent," said Games,"Star Fleet Command will reci- eve it in four days." "Gentlemen," started Pulse,"I'll be in my office if I'm needed." As Captain Pulse entered his office, all he could think about was the last time he saw Chris Randolph, his cousin. To loose him at the hands of the Borg, such terrible thougts. Star Fleet had suspected that the Borg had ascimilated some new technology, and were working on some new ideas of their own. "Enter" he said as the door sounded, it was Lieutenant Vicki Games, looking rather distressed. "What is it Miss Games?"asked Pulse, used to dealing with his officer's problems. "Sir," she started,"I...I just wanted to extend my utmost sympathy, in light of what" "Thank you Lieutenant." said Pulse. "I knew him too, Sir." Vicki started to say,"Well, Sir, arrival at Starbase 255 in 2 minutes, your presence is requi- red on the bridge." They left his office, she first, then he. Pulse couldn't help but notice the shapelieness of her backside. Suddenly, she turned,"Sir." "Er...Yes, sorry." Pulse noticed Her front was shapely as well. "We shall discuss it later, Sir." Games stated. "Yes, Lieutenant." Pulse offered. "Sir," came from Dron,"prepairing to dock at Starbase 255 for repairs." "Good, proceed Mr. Dron." stated Pulse. Either Pulse was seeing things, or as Miss Games sat down, she smiled at him with a dangerous twinkle in her eyes.