Mah Jongg Tile Set Description Tile Set Name: KEEN6.TIL Subject: COMMANDER KEEN EPOSODE 6 - ALIENS ATE MY BABYSITTER! Created by: Jim Sunderland Description: The tiles in this set are all items from the Commander Keen Episode 6 (Aliens Ate My Babysitter) - My tribute to a great game from the folks at Apogee! These guys and their programs are THE KEENEST!! KEEN6 tiles are listed below: GOODIES for KEEN! (Set 1 - 9) ------------------------------------ 1 - Viva 2 - Bloog Soda 3 - Stunner 4 - Ice Cream 5 - Root Beer Float 6 - Pizza Slice 7 - Pudding 8 - Banana Split 9 - Molly 10 - HAZARD SIGN * ------------------------------------- BAD GUYS! (Set 11 - 19) ------------------------------------- 11 - Blue Blooglet 12 - Green Blooglet 13 - Red Blooglet 14 - Yellow Blooglet 15 - Babobba (baby Bobba) 16 - Gik 17 - Flect 18 - Orbatrix 19 - Nospike 20 - Wall Switch * -------------------------------------- More BAD STUFF (Set 21-29) ------------------------------------- 21 - Bip 22 - Celick 23 - Blorb 24 - Pulsating Bomb 25 - Spikes 26 - Fleex 27 - Bobba 28 - Bloog 29 - Blooguard 30 - Keen Flag * ---------------------------------------- Keen Stuff (Set 31 - 38) --------------------------------------- 31 - Commander Keen with Stunner 32 - Jumping Keen 33 - Pogo Keen 34 - Platform 35 - Blue Gem 36 - Green Gem 37 - Red Gem 38 - Yellow Gem --------------------------------------- Stunned Blooglets (WILD Set 39 - 42) --------------------------------------- 39 - Stunned Blue Blooglet (say that fast 5 times!) 40 - Stunned Green Blooglet 41 - Stunned Red Blooglet 42 - Stunned Yellow Blooglet --------------------------------------- * = "Dragon" Type tile