KAMPF DES ADLER (BATTLE OF EAGLES) The Me262A-1a arrived in numbers too few and too late to turn the tide of the war. However, its potential for combat was fully appreciated once it was decided to use it as fighter and interceptor rather than as a bomber, a capability Hilter insisted on. Combatting conventional prop driven planes presented new problems for the Jagdflieger of the Luftwaffe. The high speeds made maneuvering in dogfights with slower Allied aircraft nearly impossible. So other methods had to be employed. Mission Orders You are on a free ranging fighter sweep looking for trouble in your brand new Me262s. Having just completed your conversion training to jets from your old Bf109G-10 you are itching to take on the Allies best planes to show them that the Luftwaffe will now control the skies. Fly your waypoints and engage any and all enemy planes that you may come across. Show them what the new wonder weapon can do. The eyes of the Fatherland are upon you! _______________________________________ Kampf.MIS/TXT created by K. Heitmann