THE GAUNLET - THE RUN FOR HOME "Gunners be on your toes, we're on our own now" you hear yourself say over your aircraft's intercom. Bombing raids over Germany always produced a large number of downed aircraft and stragglers. The stragglers due to one circumstance or another were aircraft that had to drop out of the main body of the bomber formation. Flying alone or in small groups exposed the stragglers to intense attack by fighters because their smaller defensive fire made them more successful targets. Mission Orders As the leader of a small formation of B-17s that have dropped behind the main bomber stream after a raid on Hamburg it is up to you to guide the group home and save as many of your wingmen as you can. The Luftwaffe is up and they are ready. They know the way you came in and the way you will probably take to get home. The most direct route is straight for home. It will be up to you to set the course to take to get home. You will have to find that chink in the "armor" of the Luftwaffe fighter defenses to make it back home safely. It's all up to you. Good luck! --------------------------------------- Gauntlet.MIS/TXT created by K. Heitmann