MAXIMUM EFFORT RAID The Nazi war machine runs on ball ball bearings. Without these simple devices their manufacturing plants and war machinery would grind to a halt. As such they are a priority target for the American bombers. Mission Orders You are leading a group of B17s on a raid to the Berlin ball bearing plant. Another small group will be joining you on this flight, so you will have to try to adjust the course and speed of your group to keep the bombers together and to supply each other with mutual defensive fire. Fly to the specified waypoints so you line up on the target properly during the bombing run. Hint: This is an extremely long mission and you will have to conserve your ammo on this one or you'll be defenseless on the return trip. Only take sure shots and only use very short bursts. Someone once said that warfare is a state of boredom relieved by moments of sheer terror. You'll see what he meant. --------------------------------------- Maxeffrt.MIS/TXT created by K. Heitmann