------------------------------------------------------------------------------ RED FLAG MISSIONS By Craig Allen ______________________________________________________________________________ FALCON 3.0 Mission - "Dropkick" A prototype of the enemie's new stealth fighter has been flown to a base along the front and parked in one of two concrete-reinforced hangars. Take out both hangars with your GBU-15s and time permitting, level the remaining (green) hangars with your Mavericks. Two F-16 Falcons fly top cover. FALCON 3.0 Mission - "Hardhit" Escort two F-117s and three F-111s on a mission to bomb the enemie's airstrip and their Command and Control Center. Intercept and destroy all hostile aircraft you encounter. If you can clear the skies, the probability of a succcessful strike mission will be greatly improved. FALCON 3.0 Mission - "Birdnest" A shipment of enemy air-to-air ordnance will be delivered today by an AN-12 Cub arriving from the north. You're on the runway, going through your pre- flight checklist when a platoon commander radios in to report two Mig 19s hugging the terrain and headed south. You know that a flight group of A-10s will likely be intercepted by the MiGs, unless you intervene. Stop the MiGs as quickly as you can and then head northwest to seek out and destroy the Cub. Falcon 3.0 Mission - "Defector" You have mixed feelings as you take to the air to stop a renegade F-14 pilot who has defected. Intel reports SAM and MiG patrol activity in the area, so stay low and use the terrain to your advantage. Slide in behind the Tomcat pilot and take him out before he lands at the enemie's airbase. Falcon 3.0 Mission - "Cakewalk" Just another routine mission. Escort two C-130s to a rendezvous point northeast of your airbase where you'll meet with two Tornados who will continue the escort. Protect the C-130s from an inbound flight of MiGs. Falcon 3.0 Mission - "Bounce" Two Mikoyan/Gurevich MiG 21s are headed towards your airbase. Get in the air as quickly as you can and splash these bandits. Falcon 3.0 Mission - "Scramble" Startled by the air-raid siren, you spring out of the officer's quarters and sprint across the field to your F-16. Tu-22s are reported inbound, and if you don't stop them the enemy plans to follow-up with a ground-based attack on the airfield. Falcon 3.0 Mission - "Covert" You'll start off in the air about 30 miles southeast of an airstrip used by freedom fighters involved in guerilla warfare efforts deep in enemy territory. You're flying a two-seater on a mission of utmost importance; drop the agent in the back seat off at the remote airstrip. Avoid detection at all costs, but if you're spotted, strike swiftly to eliminate the threat. Land at the airstrip, drop off your passenger, then turn around on the runway and head for home. On your way back, keep an eye out for mobile SAM launchers! Falcon 3.0 Mission - "Javelin" Allied and enemy troops are moving into position to engage each other on the plateau northwest of your airbase. Your job is to lead three Fighting Falcons into the area and terminate all SAM activity. Mavericks and radar- homing missiles are unavailable, so you'll have to stay very low as you ingress into the target zone. Use your rockets to silence the SA-6 missile batteries before they silence you. Falcon 3.0 Mision - "Hammer" Ground troops are engaged in a struggle to the south, and as you accelerate down the runway, you wonder about the air-combat worthiness of the enemy pilots you have to intercept. Once you're in the air, light the burner and head south. Stop the Frogfoots and their escorts before they unleash their firepower against allied troops. Falcon 3.0 Mission - "Catseye" The E-3 Sentry "AWACS" holds the most sophisticated and effective airborne radars in the world. Flying behind friendly lines, the AWACS can watch and direct aircraft out to 300 miles range. Your flight of two F-16s will fly fighter escort for a single AWACS as it makes its last trip around the circuit. Falcon 3.0 Mission - "Bandit" One of my favorite missions in the original Falcon was one called "Black Bandit". Just our best vs. their best in a one-on-one engagement that only a fighter pilot could love. I've taken the original concept and spiced it up a bit, courtesy of Falcon 3.0's Red Flag Mission generator. You'll start out in the air heading due east. You've got one bogey (or more!?) headed due west, so keep your eyes peeled and your trigger finger ready! Falcon 3.0 Mission - "Kariso" Bombing Mission Lead six Fighting Falcons in a precision air strike against the Kariso nuclear reactor, due to become operational in several weeks. If allowed to go critical, the 70MW reactor will turn out sufficient plutonium to allow the construction of five 20kT nuclear weapons within 3-4 years. You'll take out the concrete cupola on the left, while flight no. 2 gets the one on the right. Two F-15 Eagles fly top cover. Falcon 3.0 Mission - "Bombprac" This mission is identical to "Kariso", except that you'll start out in the air about 25 nautical miles due west of the Kariso nuclear reactor. Falcon 3.0 Mission - "Rattler" Intelligence has reason to suspect that an enemy SAM battery is moving into position in the mountains northwest of the city. Light your burner as you head into the mountains and be ready for a firing solution as you crest the peak of the hill. Quickly drop down into the valley to avoid line-of-sight detection by the enemy. Without an ECM pod, you'll have to rely on flying ability and skillful weapons delivery to pull through this one. Destroy all enemy SAM sites to successfully complete this mission. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AIR COMBAT MANEUVERING EXERCISES Nothing fancy here, just some simple missions to help you improve your air combat maneuvering skills. ______________________________________________________________________________ Falcon 3.0 Mission - Red Flag Dogfight "1V1SXS" (One Versus One Side-By-Side) A classic one-versus-one engagement. Two high-energy fighters pitted against each other in a deadly duel. Try to maintain your speed and energy while honoring a 10,000 foot "hard deck". Here's the chance to hone your air combat maneuvering skills. You'll start off on the same heading and altitude as the bogey. Learn to fight 1 V 1, and you'll prevail in the multi-bogey engagements as well. Falcon 3.0 Mission - Red Flag Dogfight "1V1H2H" (One Versus One Head-2-Head) Falcon 3.0 Mission - Red Flag Dogfight "1V2SXS" (One Versus Two Side-By-Side) Falcon 3.0 Mission - Red Flag Dogfight "1V2H2H" (One Versus Two Head-2-Head) Falcon 3.0 Mission - Red Flag Dogfight "2V2H2H" (Two Versus Two Head-2-Head) Falon 3.0 Mission - Red Flag Dogfight "DRONES" Just you against six maneuvering drones. How quickly can you clear the skies? ______________________________________________________________________________