Mah Jongg Tile Set Description Tile Set Name: PCSTUFF.TIL Subject: PERSONAL COMPUTER ITEMS Created by: Jim Sunderland Description: Various PC hardware and items related to this favorite hobby of mine. My first attempt at a tile set and I liked using the TILEMAKER. Look for more sets of mine to come. Hope you enjoy this one! PCSTUFF tiles are listed below: MAIN HARDWARE (Set 1 - 9) ------------------------------------ 1 - Monitor 2 - CPU 3 - Tower CPU 4 - Keyboard 5 - 5 1/4" Floppy Drive 6 - 3 1/2" Floppy Drive 7 - Cartridge Tape Drive 8 - Dot Matrix Printer 9 - Laser Printer 10 - Internal Modem * ------------------------------------- ACCESSORIES (Set 11 - 19) ------------------------------------- 11 - Mouse 12 - Joystick 13 - Hand Scanner 14 - "Trackman" Trackball 15 - Printer A/B Switch 16 - Laptop 17 - Digitizer Pad 18 - Coprocessor Chip 19 - Power Strip 20 - Motherboard * -------------------------------------- STORAGE MEDIA (Set 21-29) -------------------------------------- 21 - 360K 5 1/4" Floppy Disk 22 - 1.2M 5 1/4" Floppy Disk 23 - 720K 3 1/2" Floppy Disk 24 - 1.44M 3 1/2" Floppy Disk 25 - 5 1/4" Disk Case 26 - 3 1/2" Disk Case 27 - CD-ROM Disk 28 - 40M Tape Cartridge 29 - 5 1/4" Disk Notcher --------------------------------------- 30 - Memory Expansion Card * --------------------------------------- PRINTER ITEMS (Set 31 - 34) --------------------------------------- 31 - Labels 32 - Printer Ribbon 33 - Printer Paper 34 - Printer Cable --------------------------------------- DISKETTE BRANDS (Set 35 - 38) --------------------------------------- 35 - Sony 36 - KAO 37 - BASF 38 - 3M --------------------------------------- MONITOR TYPES (WILD Set 39 - 42) --------------------------------------- 39 - Monochrome 40 - CGA 41 - EGA 42 - VGA --------------------------------------- * = "Dragon" Type tile