.PO 0 .OP .PÌ 68 .MT 0 CONTENTS The Grand Software Auction ..........................® 2 Annual Report .......................................® 3 Schedule of Assets ................................... 4 Statement of receipts and expenditure ................ 5-6 More on the low cost disk system ..................... 6 Construction of a Disk Drive Controller .............. 7 Fantastic New Disk Releases .......................... 7-8 Simply DB ........................................... 9-10 Book Review - Mastering Forth ........................ 10 An Explanation about Electricity ..................... 11 Book Review - Microbee Hardware Notebook ............. 12 Presidents Report .................................... 13 The Latest Z80 Processor - Z80APFL + new commands .... 14 Past Magazine Index's ................................ 14-16 Editor's Waffle ...................................... 16 *************************************************************************** * * * COMING UP APRIL '85 * * ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING + MONSTER SOFTWARE AUCTION * * * * APPLICATIONS AND RENEWALS $20-00 P.A. * * * * THANKS TO SYDNEY MICROBEE USERS GROUP THIS MAGAZINE IS STILL 16 PAGES * * * * MEETINGS HELD AT : * * Unley Senior Citizens Hall * * 18 Arthur Street, Unley * * Third Monday of the Month * * From 7:30 - 10:00 * *************************************************************************** Copyrighô (c)® Alì materiaì publisheä iî thió journaì ió subjecô tï Australiaî anä Inter-nationaì copyrighô law® However¬ limiteä copyinç oæ individuaì articleó ió permitteä provideä acknowledgemenô oæ thå authoò anä MICROBEÅ NEWÓ ió made. .PA ŠThå MicroBeå Useró Grouð oæ S.A® (MUGSA)¬ itó officials¬ thå editoò anä thå contributinç authoró oæ thå MicroBeå Newó dï noô expresó noò implù anù warrantù oò liabilitù witè respecô tï softwarå oò hardwarå anä theiò modificationó whicè maù bå publisheä iî thió journaì oò otheò publicationó oæ MUGSA¬ oò describeä aô anù officiaì oò unofficiaì meetinç oæ MUGSA. **ª COMMITTEÅ **ª **ª GROUÐ COORDINATORÓ *** Chairmaî -Brian Petersson.2502800(H© Assembler-Brucå Gregory® 2634895(H) Secretarù -Richarä Jackson.2948591(H© Basiã -Brentoî Stacey® 444370(H© Treasurer -Brien Uren. 2605083(H) CP/Í -Kyí Fischer® 2727463(H) S/× saleó -Daviä Playford® 2964989(H© Commó -Krió Sieben® 2651374(H) Tapå Liâ -Gleî Marsham® 2514182(H© Editor -Philip Ahrens. 2714477(H) *****ª PLEASÅ RESTRICÔ AFTEÒ HOURÓ CALLÓ TÏ BETWEEÎ 7.3° - 8.3° p.m® ****** *************************************************************************** ****************************** * THÅ GRANÄ SOFTWARÅ AUCTION * ****************************** Aó yoõ shoulä know¬ thå Apriì meetinç ió thå AGM® Iô seemó traditionaì iî  manù clubó thaô thió yearlù evenô ió thå onå thaô manù memberó marë  oî theiò  calendaró iî reä sï theù caî remembeò noô tï go®  Judginç froí  lasô yearó  AGM¬  ouò  cluâ ió nï exceptioî tï thió maxim®  Thå  committeå  has¬ however¬  comå  uð  witè  thå biggesô bribå iô coulä  musteò  tï  encouragå memberó tï attend. Lasô  November¬  wheî  Keù  Computeò decideä (?© tï  opô  ouô  oæ  thå computeò  field¬  thå cluâ boughô thå remaininç stocë oæ Microbeå  softwarå froí  them®  Wå werå originallù goinç tï selì iô tï memberó aô thå Februarù meeting¬  buô  decideä  thaô á normaì shop-typå salå mighô bå toï  harä  tï arrange¬  anä somå memberó mighô bå disadvantageä bù it® Sï wå havå decideä tï havå aî auctioî afteò thå officiaì biô oæ thå AGM® Thå  ideá  ió noô tï makå á greaô profiô (althougè wå  wilì  hopefullù sho÷ somå profiô thaô caî bå turneä bacë intï thå club)¬ buô tï pasó oî thå windfalì  thaô  thå committeå negotiateä tï cluâ members®  Thå  salå  will¬ therefore¬  bå iî thå forí oæ á Dutcè auction® Tï thoså whï don'ô kno÷ whaô thaô is¬  á Dutcè auctioî ió onå iî whicè thå pricå foò thå goodó startó aô thå highesô pricå anä ió reduceä untiì á buyeò ió found®  Thå advantagå  oæ thió ió thaô thå pricå cannoô bå pusheä tï aî excessivelù higè price. Thå ruleó foò ouò auctioî arå aó follows:- 1® Thå startinç pricå oæ eacè iteí (oò grouð oæ items© wilì bå decideä bù thå auctioî committee. 2® Thå pricå wilì bå reduceä bù thå auctioneeò untiì á biä ió made. 3® Thå goodó wilì bå deemeä solä tï thå firsô biddeò aó decideä bù thå auctioneer. 4® Eacè iteí (oò grouð oæ items© wilì havå á minimuí valuå belo÷ whicè iô  wilì noô bå sold®  Thió amounô wilì varù dependinç oî thå whií oæ thå auctioneer¬ buô wilì noô bå announced. 5® Anù goodó passeä iî wilì bå offereä foò salå througè thå cluâ shoð foò $1-0° morå thaî thå minimuí price. 6® Iî thå caseó wherå therå arå multiplå copieó oæ items¬ theù wilì bå offereä foò salå aô thå samå pricå aó thå firsô bid® Thoså noô solä wilì bå availablå lateò froí thå shoð aô thå biä price. 7® Alì saleó wilì bå CASÈ ONLY. 8® Whilsô  thå  committeå haó checkeä á loô oæ thå  software ¬  iô  ió offereä "aó is"¬ anä musô bå accepteä oî thió condition. Thå ideá oæ alì thió ió á fuî night®  Sï pleaså comå alonç anä joiî iî thå spiriô oæ it®  Thå pricå oæ thå softwarå wilì bå betweeî $2-0° anä  $6- 00¬  anä  wå havå Mytek¬  Dreamcardó anä AÔ programs¬  sï valuå ió assured® Loaä yourselæ uð witè suitablå currencù (wå arå noô á bank¬ sï pleaså don'ô wavå toï manù $10° notes© anä letó makå iô á uniquå night. Š ANNUAL REPORT 1984/5 Aó  thå  seconä fulì yeaò oæ thå cluâ drawó tï á close¬  iô ió á  gooä timå tï reflecô oî thå pasô year'ó activities®  Thå yeaò starteä witè  somå 21µ memberó anä haó no÷ reacheä 320®  Thå renewaì ratå haó beeî arounä 65%¬ sï  thió representó abouô 14° ne÷ memberó thió year®  Whilsô thió ió á faiò number¬ iô cannoô bå indicativå oæ thå numbeò oæ Microbeeó solä iî Adelaidå iî  thå  lasô year®  Therå musô bå manù owneró ouô therå thaô  eitheò  havå mastereä thå machineó oî theiò owî oò arå stilì suffering® Wå kno÷ thaô thå maiî  retaiì outletó foò thå 'beå durinç thå pasô yeaò supporteä  thå  cluâ anä  broughô  iô tï thå attentioî oæ buyers®  Thoså whï choså noô  tï  joiî perhapó  thoughô thaô thió typå oæ cluâ woulä noô cateò foò theiò needs®  É hopå thaô ouò currenô memberó havå founä theiò wantó satisfied¬ aô leasô tï somå extent. Thå committeå ió alwayó mindfuì oæ thå widå varietù oæ interestó  thaô ouò memberó have® Iô ió noô easù tï comå uð witè á programmå oæ eventó thaô wilì satisfù eveî mosô oæ thå members¬  leô alonå alì oæ them®  Iî ordeò tï gaugå  thå needs¬  á questionnairå waó senô tï everù financiaì membeò  lasô year®  Thå  resultó confirmeä whaô waó suspecteä - everyonå haó á differenô neeä  anä interest®  Froí thå 10· thaô werå returneä (abouô 27°  werå  senô out© wå determineä commoî areaó oæ interesô wherå thå cluâ coulä help®  Onå sucè  waó  iî  thå fielä oæ education®  Thå resultó  oæ  thå  questionnairå indicateä tï uó thaô wå coulä confidentlù organizå courseó foò beginneró iî á  numbeò oæ subjects¬  anä thaô thå memberó woulä supporô them®  Thió  waó done¬  but¬  alas¬ wherå werå thoså peoplå thaô needeä thå help¿ Iô ió harä foò thå committeå tï kno÷ whaô tï arrangå foò thå memberó wheî thió sorô oæ thinç happens. Thå  maiî monthlù meetinç haó alwayó beeî thå focaì poinô foò  memberó tï gatheò anä exchangå ideas®  I thinç happens. Thå  maiî monthlù meetinç haó alwayó beeî thå focaì poinô foò  memberó tï gatheò anä exchangå ideas®  Iî thå past¬ judginç froí member'ó comments¬ thå  talkó thaô havå beeî giveî havå sometimeó drifteä awaù froí thå club'ó commoî  ground¬  i.e®  thå Microbee®  Thå committeå no÷ attemptó tï havå  á balancå  oæ  directlù relateä subjecô anä generaì interesô  itemó  foò  thå monthlù  meetings®  Whilsô wå agreå thaô aî interesô iî thå Microbeå ió thå commoî factor¬ iô woulä bå wronç tï limiô ouò viewó onlù iî thió direction¬ aó anyonå whï sa÷ thå recenô Viateì demonstratioî woulä surelù  agree®  Thå committeå  ió alwayó opeî foò suggestionó regardinç activitieó foò thå maiî meetings. Thå newsletteò thaô thå cluâ produceó ió thå meanó oæ joininç togetheò alì members®  Iô ió thå onlù communicatioî thaô manù memberó havå witè  thå club¬  anä  thå  committeå  haó alwayó beeî consciouó oæ  this®  Undeò  thå guidinç hanä oæ thå Editor¬  Phiì Ahrens¬  iô haó developeä intï onå oæ thå besô  magazineó  oæ anù useò group®  Phiì haó indicateä thaô hå  wisheó  tï stanä dowî aó Editor¬  sï wå arå lookinç foò á replacemenô tï maintaiî  thå higè standardó thaô havå beeî established®  Pleaså comå forwarä iæ yoõ wilì help® Iô ió unfaiò tï expecô Phiì tï continue¬ anä withouô aî Editor¬ therå wilì bå nï magazine. Iî closing¬  somå thankó arå iî order® Tï Rosó Savvaó anä Granô Dawsoî whï  haä tï stanä dowî froí thå committeå durinç thå pasô year¬  ouò thankó foò  theiò contributioî tï thå club®  Wå musô acknowledgå thå supporô  thaô haó  beeî  giveî tï uó bù Guù Shutå anä hió stafæ aô thå  Microbeå  Centre® Alsï tï thå stafæ oæ Keù Computeró earlieò iî thå year¬ thanks® Thå memberó thaô havå serveä oî thå committeå anä thaô havå helpeä ouô aô thå  meetingó have¬  hopefully¬  goô  á littlå extrá froí iô tï compensatå foò thå efforô puô in® Withouô them¬ thå cluâ woulä noô exist® Thió lasô yeaò haó reinforceä ouò reputatioî aó thå besô useò grouð iî thå  country®  Witè  thå  helð anä supporô oæ alì thå  presenô  anä  futurå members¬ wå caî looë forwarä tï aî eveî betteò yeaò 3. Š MICROBEE USERS GROUP OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA, INC. SCHEDULE OF ASSETS AS AT 31ST MARCH, 1985. HARDWARE ITEMS SERIAL No. PRICE --------------------------------------------------------------------- Microbee 16k I.C. Computer 99474 Donated by A.T. Microbee Power Pack (1 amp) $17.50 Beemodem 1 001280 149.50 Beemodem 2 001336 149.50 Tandy CTR-60 Cassette Recorder 82082403 44.88 Vitronics Enhancer 1 149.00 Video Distribution System 50.00 Head Demagnetizer 7.75 Power Board (5 outlet) 9.95 SOFTWARE ITEMS No. PRICE --------------------------------------------------------------------- Microbee Tutorial (B.E.C.) 1 $13.50 Microbee Technical Manual 1 Donated by A.T. Editor Assembler Manual 1 Donated by A.T. Microworld Basic Manual 1 Donated by A.T. IC Users Manual 1 Donated by A.T. Series 3 Users Manual 1 Donated by A.T. Microsoft Basic Manual 1 Donated by A.T. Intro to 1st 100 Programs 2 Donated by A.T. Intro Mic/Comm to Primary Schools 1 Donated by A.T. Microbee Disk Manual 1 Donated by A.T. Disk Catalog Manual 1 Donated by A.T. Star Index Reference Manual 1 Donated by A.T. Microbee Engineering Notes 1 Donated by A.T. Modem Manual 1 Donated by A.T. Telcom 1 Users Manual 1 Donated by A.T. Busycalc Manual 1 Donated by A.T. Wordbee Manual 1 Donated by A.T. Wordstar Install Manual 1 Donated by A.T. Wordstar Training Guide 1 Donated by A.T. Wordstar Reference Guide 1 Donated by A.T. Spellstar Manual 1 Donated by A.T. Multiplan Manual 1 Donated by A.T. Pascal Manual 1 Donated by A.T. Forth Manual 1 Donated by A.T. Beetalker 1 Donated by A.T. Beethoven 1 Donated by A.T. Oz Logo 1 Donated by A.T. Experimenter 1 Donated by A.T. Online June 84 1 Donated by A.T. Wildcards 2 1 Donated by B.F.&N. Wildcards 3 1 Donated by B.F.&N. TREASURER - B.G.Uren AUDITOR - J.Longayroux *************************************************************************** Š MICROBEÅ USERÓ GROUÐ OÆ SOUTÈ AUSTRALIA¬ INCORPORATED STATEMENÔ OÆ RECEIPTÓ ANÄ EXPENDITURÅ FOÒ THÅ YEAÒ ENDEÄ 3± MARCH¬ 198µ Main Account - 129626740 Hardware Account - 129626741 RECEIPTS Membership: New Members - 117 @ $15.00 $1755.00 New Members - 50 @ 20.00 1000.00 New Members (Overseas) - 1 @ 24.00 24.00 Renewals - 80 @ 15.00 1200.00 Renewals - 69 @ 20.00 1380.00 $5359.00 Newsletter Sales: Within Group $111.60 By Microbee Technology Centre, Adelaide 75.00 By Key Computer, Adelaide 280.00 By Lincoln Computer Centre, Pt. Lincoln 73.00 $539.60 Hardware/Software Sales: Group Meetings - Shop/Software Library $829.57 Education Classes 87.00 To Applied Technology, Sydney 12625.95 Group Administration Charges 20.00 Printers 2790.00 $16352.52 Sundries: Closure of Hardware Account $15.13 AMUG BBS Affiliation (2 Members) 30.00 Extras 2.00 $47.13 Bank Interest: Main Account $34.37 Hardwarå Accounô 1.3¹ $35.7¶ $22334.01 EXPENDITURE Operating Costs: Committee - General $265.94 - Stationery 171.85 Hall Hire - Unley Senior Citizens 240.00 - Unley Council Room 45.00 - Thebarton TAFE 66.00 Group Meetings - Shop/Software Library 1152.45 - R CP/M Demonstration 10.00 Questionnaire - Postage, Prize 190.61 Education Classes Refund 6.00 $2147.85 Newsletter Costs: Printing, Collating and Postage $3754.42 Payment to Key Computer, Adelaide 20.00 $3774.42 Hardware/Software Costs: To Applied Technology, Sydney $12407.61 To Key Computer, Adelaide 300.00 Printers 2790.00 Software Refund 36.50 $15534.11 ŠSundry Costs: AMUG BBS Affiliation (2 Members) $30.00 Surplus to Hardware Account 48.80 Closure of Hardware Account 15.13 $93.93 Equipment Costs: Beemodems (2 off) $299.00 Video Distribution System 50.00 Power Board (5 outlet) 9.95 Microbee Tutorial (Benalla Educ. Cent.) 13.50 $372.45 Bank Charges: Federal Government Tax - Main Account $15.70 - Hardware Account 2.15 Financial Institutions Duty - Main Account 6.99 - Hardwarå Accounô   1.9°   $26.7´ $21949.50 BALANCE Cash in Bank at 31st March, 1984 - Main Account $1085.82 Excess Receipts over Expenditure (1984/85) 384.51 ************** * * Casè iî Banë aô 31sô March¬ 198µ - Maiî Accounô =========½ ª $1470.33 * * * ************** Note: The Hardware Account was closed on 31/12/84. *************************************************************************** More on the low cost disk system ............................... Terry Cox. Iî  thå  Augusô 8´ Microbeå Newó á Lo÷ Cosô Disë Systeí waó  describeä foò thå 16/32Ë Microbee® Thå systeí waó lateò demonstrateä aô á useró grouð meeting® Sincå theî thå softwarå anä thå documentatioî haó beeî reviseä anä completed®  Á  fe÷  oæ thå specificationó havå beeî changeä duå  tï  memorù constraints»  thå operatinç systeí no÷ occupieó thå toð 4Ë oæ usablå memorù and the DOS resides in eprom at E000H. Thå  typå oæ disë drivå preferreä bù thå systeí ió á 5.25"¬  4°  tracë singlå  sideä drive®  Otheò driveó caî bå useä iæ requireä buô thå softwarå wilì  requirå  somå changes®  Thå softwarå alsï changeó  betweeî  differenô modeló  oæ thå Microbee®  Usinç thå preferreä drivå thå  formatteä  storagå capacitieó  oæ á disë arå 92Ë iî singlå densitù anä 148Ë iî doublå density® Disë driveó havå recentlù droppeä iî pricå dowî tï $105.0° taø inc.¬ alsï á printeä  circuiô  boarä  haó beeî developeä foò  thå  disë  controlleò  (bù anotheò  useò  oæ thió system© thereforå makinç thå systeí easieò tï  builä anä  aô loweò cost¬  approø $300.0° tï $400.0° completå includinç thå  disë drive. Thió  systeí woulä makå á gooä projecô foò á hardwarå group¬  iæ  thió approacè  ió pursueä thå designeò oæ thå systeí woulä bå willinç tï  devotå timå  tï thå projecô tï helð witè anù problemó thaô peoplå  maù  have®  Foò furtheò informatioî oî thió disë systeí rinç (08© 25´ 938¹ oò writå tï P.O® BOX 189 Smithfield S.A. 5114. ŠConstruction of a Disk Drive Controller ... Graham Jones (Launceston MUG.). Foò somå timå no÷ (eveò sincå É boughô thå bee© É havå realiseä thaô á disë systeí ió reallù thå onlù onå tï havå iæ anù seriouó uså ió tï bå madå oæ  thå  BEE®  Thå  commerciallù availablå systemó alì seeí  excellenô  buô suffeò  onå  maiî disadvantagå - thå cheapesô ió  abouô  $600.00®  Foò  thå amounô  oæ uså thaô É woulä geô froí á systeí pluó otheò comittmentó  thió seemeä  harä  tï  justify®  Bù studyinç thå circuitó  foò  commerciaì  disë controlleró  iô  seemeä tï bå relativelù easù iî hardwarå termó tï builä  á disë  controller®  Gettinç thå softwarå tï ruî á systeí ió  anotheò  matteò though¬  sï  iô  lookeä likå É woulä noô bå ablå tï enjoù á disë foò  somå time. Abouô  threå  monthó agï É hearä thaô á builä iô  yourselæ  controlleò witè  softwarå  tï  loaä ontï EPROM¬  pluó filå handlinç  softwarå  waó  tï become available from : BETTA BEE COMPUTING P.O. Box 189. SMITHFIELD 5114 Á  shorô  timå afteò sendinç thå moneù (checë witè theí  aó  tï  exacô costs©  É  receiveä  á  nicelù  presenteä  packagå  oæ  constructionaì anä operationaì instructionó completå witè filå handlinç anä EPROÍ softwarå oî tape. Á  prototypinç  boarä waó suggesteä tï bå useä buô É havå  designeä  á printeä  circuiô  boarä thaô caî bå useä anä wilì bå availablå  froí  BETTÁ BEE®  Thå printeä circuiô boarä useó á numbeò oæ jumperó buô ió mucè easieò tï  builä  thaî  á prototypinç boarä anä mucè cheapeò thaî á  doublå  sideä board. Afteò  checkinç carefully ¬  thå biç momenô came¬  anä thå  controlleò boarä  waó  pluggeä  in®  Nï smokå oò sparkó werå seeî  sï  thå  couplå  oæ adjustmentó  requireä  werå  madå anä thå eproí programmeä froí  thå  datsá supplieä oî tape®  Alì thaô no÷ haä tï bå donå waó tï pluç thå eproí iî thå NETWORK position and start on the diagnostics. Workinç  iî  singlå densitù seemeä mostlù OË buô  doublå  densitù  waó hopeless® Iô seemeä tï bå aî intermittenô writinç error¬ aó diskó formatteä oî anotheò controlleò anä disë drivå werå perfect® Afteò mucè morå checkinç thå  faulô waó founä - thå disë drivå caså (CHINOÎ F-502© ió noô eartheä tï thå  disë  poweò  supply®  Á shorô strað tï thå maiî eartè  fixeä  alì  thå problems. It always seems to be the simple things that cause the problems. Thå  DIRECTORY¬  SYSTEÍ LOADEÒ anä MAIÎ SYSTEÍ operatioî softwarå  waó theî  loadeä  froí thå tapå supplieä anä saveä tï á  formatteä  disë  usinç monitoò commands® Thå disë waó theî booteä anä commandó aó presenteä oî thå screen used, to save cassette and load to disk etc. Afteò havinç thå systeí runninç foò á couplå oæ weekó É caî saù thaô É aí  happù witè thå waù thaô iô performs®  Aó É writå therå ió morå promiseä softwarå  tï  comå tï givå morå facilities¬  buô iô ió no÷  á  verù  usablå system® Alì mù wordbeå fileó caî no÷ gï tï disë anä gameó anä utilitieó arå stilì  beinç  transferred®  Iô  ió noô totallù CPÍ  compatiblå  buô  singlå densitù  diskó  iî IBÍ 374° formaô caî bå reaä intï memorù  usinç  monitoò commands. *************************************************************************** TWÏ FANTASTIà NE× DISË PROGRAMÓ DUÅ FOÒ RELEASÅ OÎ APRIÌ 1. Thå mosô interestinç anä valuablå prograí tï bå releaseä froí thå MacroHarä companù - whicè haó alreadù seeî incrediblå successes¬ ió GOOKSTAR® Whereaó WORDSTAÒ makeó intelligent¬  comprehensiblå reportinç aó simplå aó  fallinç ofæ á log¬  anä SPELLSTAÒ ensureó therå arå nï spellinç mistakes¬  GOOKSTAÒ (whicè  ió aî abbreviatioî oæ 'Gobbeledù Gooë foò reporteró anä  Governmenô ŠOfficials© wilì takå thå mosô simplå sentencå oò phraså and¬ aô itó highesô level¬  wilì  converô  iô intï somethinç whicè wilì takå á teaí oæ  lawyeró oveò  á  yeaò  tï comprehend®  Politicianó finä  GOOKSTAÒ  invaluablå  wheî preparinç electioî promises. USINÇ  GOOKSTAR:- Afteò  yoõ havå compileä youò report¬  calì  uð  thå GOOKSTAÒ prograí whicè ió donå witè á simplå (CONTROÌ « G)¬  (CONTROÌ « L)¬ CONTROÌ  «  Z© sequencå followeä bù TWÏ ESCAPÅ codeó anä Á Carriagå  RETURÎ anä LINÅ FEED®  Thió wilì IMMEDIATELÙ takå yoõ tï thå GOOKSTAÒ introductorù menõ  whicè  filló fouò pageó aó iô haó beeî produceä  usinç  thió  prograí itself® Foò demonstratioî purposes¬ Undeò WORDSTAR¬ seô uð á simplå phrase¬ sucè  aó 'JACË ANÄ JILÌ WENÔ UÐ THÅ HILL'®  No÷ exiô tï GOOKSTAR¬  anä  uså CONTROL+Á  tï  takå yoõ tï thå ABSTRUSENESÓ menu®  Thió wilì enablå yoõ  tï selecô thå degreå oæ 'GOOKNESS§ yoõ wisè tï adä tï youò sentence® Selectinç á leveì oæ ± wilì givå you:- JACK¬  Á MALÅ CAUCASIAN¬ ANÄ JILL¬ Á FEMALÅ OÆ THÅ SPECIEÓ OÆ INDETERMINATÅ RACE¬ PERAMBULATEÄ AGAINSÔ THÅ FLO× OÆ GRAVITÙ ALONÇ Á SHORÔ INCLINE. Á leveì oæ threå wilì give:- Á JUVENILÅ MALÅ PERSOÎ WITÈ THÅ FORMAÌ APPELLATIOÎ OÆ JOHN¬  ACCOMPANIEÄ BÙ Á  JUVENILÅ  FEMALÅ  PERSOÎ WITÈ THÅ FORMAÌ APPELLATIOΠ OÆ  JILL¬  MADÅ  Á REGULAÒ  PROGRESSIOΠ OVEÒ  Á  TERRAIΠ POSSESSEÄ  OÆ  INCREASINÇ  POSITIVÅ DIVERGENCÅ FROÍ MEAÎ SEÁ LEVEL. Usinç  leveì  ¹ gavå á 3² pagå document¬  effectivelù sayinç thå  samå thing® Wå havå noô printeä thió duå tï spacå limitationó iî Thå BeeLine. Iî   shorô  GOOKSTAÒ  ió  invaluable¬   anä  wilì  enablå   Governmenô departmentó  tï proliferatå iî á manneò neveò beforå thoughô  possible®  Iô coulä  eveî finä somå uså iî thå publiã sectoò foò newspapeò reporteró  anä technicaì writeró whï arå paiä bù thå 100° worä rate®  Á $50.0° articlå caî easilù becomå onå wortè thousandó oæ dollaró iî jusô á fe÷ moments. Aó á speciaì offeò tï S.M.U.G®  Members¬  thió incrediblå prograí  haó beeî  madå  availablå  aô  thå low¬  low¬  supeò  discounô  pricå  oæ  onlù $4,765.02¬  provideä  youò ordeò ió receiveä alonç witè youò chequå aô  ouò posô  officå  boø bù midnighô oî thå 1st®  April®  Pleaså marë  youò  ordeò 'APRIÌ FOOL§ iî thå toð lefô hanä corner. JINGSTAÒ - Á SALESMAN'Ó DREAM! Thå  seconä  prograí  tï  bå releaseä thió  montè  ió  Jingstar®  Thió translateó  anù  Englisè documentó intï 'Jinglish§ aó widelù useä  bù  manù Orientaì electronicó companies¬ particularlù thoså oæ dubiouó intent. Thå  majoò featureó oæ Jingstaò are:- 23.15¥ oæ thå occurenceó oæ  thå worä  NO× arå translateä aó NOT¬  18.35¥ oæ occurenceó oæ thå worä NOÔ  arå translateä aó NOW® Thå letteró J¬ K¬ anä Ì arå interchangeä witè eacè otheò oî á contra-rotatinç pseudo-randoí cycle®  Alì doublå letteró arå truncateä tï singlå letteró tï savå printinç costó etc® Therå arå sï manù featureó oæ Jingstaò thaô iô ió harä tï lisô theí all. APPLICATIONS:- Jingstaò   wilì  bå  invaluablå  tï  Easterî   Computeò manufactureró  lookinç  tï  maximiså  theiò  profits®  No÷  yoõ  caî  claií incrediblå  featureó - sucè aó four-dimensional¬  multi-coloureä  automatiã spriteó  witè  built-iî sounä effectó etc®  Bù thå timå thå  suckeò  (sorrù customer©  haó  boughô  youò producô anä trieä tï  follo÷  thå  Jingstarreä manual¬  yoõ  caî havå changeä youò companieó namå anä  re-incorporateä  tï prevenô anù chancå oæ legaì actioî etc® Thió systeí ió invaluablå foò thoså companieó whï likå tï introducå á ne÷ computeò everù yeaò anä theî droð alì supporô foò thaô machinå verù quickly. JINGSTAÒ  costó jusô $9909.93¬  anä ió availablå froí S.M.U.G®  aô thå addresó  listeä  abovå - don'ô forgeô tï adä thå wordó APRIÌ FOOÌ  tï  youò order!!!!! Š SIMPLÙ D ................................................® Stepheî Frawley SIMPLÙ  D  ió  thå filå managemenô prograí  availablå  foò  thå  3.5¢ system®  Iô  waó  revieweä iî ONLINÅ No.5¬  sï É wilì noô repeaô thå  wholå procesó here®  Aó yoõ mighô expect¬  reviewó oæ Applieä Technologù productó iî  aî  Applieä Technologù magazinå coulä bå slightlù  biased¬  sï  É  wilì mentioî  á  fe÷ thingó abouô SIMPLÙ D whicè diä noô appeaò iî  thå  ONLINÅ review. Firsô  oæ all¬  iô reallù ió quitå á usefuì anä powerfuì  program®  Iô doeó  noô  attempô tï bå competitivå witè dBaseII¬  buô theî iô onlù  costó abouô  5¥ aó much®  Therå arå nï programminç oò arithmetiã  functionó  - iô simplù letó yoõ retrievå anä manipulatå thå datá iî manù differenô ways. SIMPLÙ  D  ió froí Reiä Software¬  whï É havå neveò  hearä  of®  Thå openinç  screeî containó á logï whicè lookó á loô likå thå shapå oæ Westerî Australia¬ sï perhapó theù arå Sandgropers® Iô ió writteî iî compileä Basiã witè á fe÷ Z8° assembleò routines¬ anä ió verù fast® Thå prograí ió divideä intï siø sections¬  consistinç oæ thå maiî prograí anä fivå overlays®  Eacè datá filå createä haó fouò associateä fileó oî thå disk¬  witè onå morå foò eacè lisô formaô created®  Needlesó tï say¬ therå ió á loô oæ disë activitù wheî thå prograí ió running. Afteò  thå  logo¬  thå Maiî Menõ appears®  Thå functionó  arå  roughlù comparablå witè thå Wordstaò openinç menõ iî thaô yoõ caî list¬ re-namå anä deletå files¬  accesó thå filå yoõ wisè tï worë on¬  oò creatå á ne÷  file® Thå  Accesó Menõ appearó afteò yoõ havå nameä youò file®  Thió ió thå  maiî workinç menu¬  anä allowó yoõ tï search¬  sort¬ create¬ deletå anä ediô thå records® Iô alsï letó yoõ inpuô recordó froí á disë filå createä bù anotheò program¬  anä  letó yoõ creatå oò selecô thå outpuô formaô foò thå  screen¬ printeò oò disk®  Aó witè mosô filå handlinç programs¬  defininç thå fieldó anä  thå  outpuô formaô ió á biô oæ á pain¬  buô iæ yoõ dï iô properlù  yoõ onlù havå tï dï iô once. Yoõ caî theî gï anä inpuô thå datá eitheò froí thå keyboarä oò froí  á disë  file®  Iô  ió herå thaô SIMPLÙ D showó it'ó mosô  seriouó  drawback® Unlikå  dBaseIÉ  wherå  yoõ caî nominatå eitheò strinç oò  numeriã  fields¬ SIMPLÙ  D  onlù haó strinç fields®  Thió meanó thaô yoõ havå  tï  bå  verù carefuì abouô ho÷ yoõ enteò numberó intï thå fields®  Foò instance¬  iæ yoõ defineä  á fielä siø characteró widå tï holä anù numbeò uð tï  999999¬  anä theî entereä á four-digiô number¬ SD woulä left-justifù thå numbeò anä puô twï spaceó oî thå righô oæ iô tï filì thå field® Thió meanó thaô 678¹ woulä havå  á  greateò valuå thaî 12345¶ wheî yoõ comå tï sorô oò searcè  througè thå  datá iî thaô field®  Wheî enterinç numeriã datá yoõ musô  remembeò  tï enteò  leadinç  spaceó  oò  zeroeó sï thaô thå lasô  digiô  oæ  thå  numbeò occupieó thå lasô positioî iî thå field®  Thió alsï applieó wheî specifyinç searcè conditions® Foò instancå iæ yoõ wanteä tï displaù alì numberó iî thå abovå  fielä lesó thaî 1000¬  theî specifù "<001000¢ noô "<1000"®  Thió  ió frustrating¬  buô  É  supposå yoõ cannoô expecô thå worlä foò $3° (sorrù  - $0030.00). Somethinç elså É diä noô expecô waó á bug®  Wheî searchinç througè thå records¬  SD  allowó  yoõ  tï specifù conditionó iî uð  tï  siø  differenô fields®  Thió  ió  great¬  buô thå buç strikeó wheî yoõ dï á  searcè  usinç severaì  fieldó anä theî dï anotheò searcè usinç á feweò numbeò oæ  fields® SD rememberó thå fieldó useä iî thå previouó searcè anä theî tackó onå  oæ theí  ontï  thå fieldó useä iî thió searcè withouô tellinç  you¡  Yoõ  onlù discoveò  thió wheî thå searcè comeó uð witè strangå (oò nil© results¬  anä yoõ enteò thå searcè routinå again®  SD displayó thå fieldó anä conditionó Šiô useä iî thå lasô search¬  anä onlù theî dï yoõ seå thå extrá field®  Thå extrá  fielä  mighô eveî bå thå samå aó thå onå  yoõ  specified¬  buô  witè differenô  conditions¬  e.g®  yoõ  mighô  havå beeî searchinç  foò  recordó containinç botè COST>50° anä COST<400®  Nï wondeò thå searcè waó fruitless¡ Thå  onlù waù tï geô riä oæ thå phantoí searcè fieldó ió tï exiô froí  youò filå bacë tï thå Maiî Menõ anä theî calì uð thå filå again. Thå  facilitù tï inpuô datá froí á disë filå ió useful¬  anä caî  savå yoõ á loô oæ typing®  É waó usinç á Basiã prograí tï keeð tracë oæ mù car'ó fueì consumption¬ anä threå year'ó wortè oæ datá waó involved® É simplù haä tï  seô uð thå SD fields¬  modifù thå Basiã prograí sï thaô iô  wrotå  thå datá tï disë tï suiô thå fields¬  anä leô SD reaä thå datá in® Aó witè thå keyboarä  inpuô  É  haä tï bå carefuì witè numeriã datá - thå  PRINÔ  USINÇ facilitù oæ MBASIà waó handù here. Aparô froí thå bug¬  anä thå difficultù iî handlinç numeriã data¬  SD ió quitå usefuì anä welì wortè thå askinç price. *************************************************************************** BOOK REVIEW MASTERINÇ  FORTH® Bù Anitá Andersoî anä Martiî Tracù (MicroMotion)®  Publisheä bù  Bradù Communicationó Company¬ Inc¬ · Grosvenoò Place¬ Brookvalå 2100® Recommendeä Retaiì Pricå - $23.95® 21¶ Pages Thió ió aî excellenô introductioî tï thå FORTH-8³ Standarä versioî  oæ thå   FORTÈ  languagå  foò  botè  thå  novicå  anä  thå  experienceä  FORTÈ programmer¬  althougè á ra÷ beginneò maù finä thaô iô getó 'heavy§ á littlå toï soon. Chapteró ± tï ´ arå á generaì introductioî tï Reverse-Polisè  notatioî anä  manipulatioî oæ thå datá stack®  Otheò topicó covereä iî thå followinç chapteró  includå 'Thå  Editor'¬  'Variables'¬  'Loops'¬  'Strings'¬  'Masó Storage'¬ anä 'Advanceä Topics'. Thå  booë makeó copiouó uså oæ exampleó tï illustratå thå uså  oæ  thå 'words§  undeò  discussioî  anä eacè chapteò endó witè á seô  oæ  exerciseó baseä oî thå topicó covereä iî thaô chapter®  (Samplå answeró arå  provideä foò  eacè questioî buô otheò answeró arå alwayó possible)®  Eacè sectioî oæ thå chapteò alsï containó á highlighteä lisô oæ thå FORTÈ wordó  introduceä iî thaô sectioî witè á shorô descriptioî oæ theiò action. Thoså  peoplå contemplatinç purchasinç thió booë shoulä bå madå  awarå oæ thå maiî (only?© failinç oæ thå authors¬ NOÔ ALÌ FORTHÓ ARÅ '8³ STANDARÄ anä  thå booë makeó nï mentioî oæ thå differenceó oò eveî thaô theù  exist¡ Theså  differences¬   whilå  predominantlù  minor¬   coulä  causå  needlesó confusioî  iî  thoså usinç thå booë tï learî  FORTH®  Applieä  Technology'ó FORTÈ  foò thå Microbeå ió fig-FORTÈ ('7¸ standard© anä á '7¹ standarä alsï exists. Aparô  froí  thió  omissioî thió ió aî excellenô booë  anä  É  highlù recommenä iô tï anyonå wishinç tï masteò FORTH. Revieweä bù Pauì Colquhoun. *************************************************************************** ŠAn Explanation about Electricity .............. John Buxton 'Catcher' 1984. É waó neveò taughô electricitù aô school¬ noò waó iô á topiã oæ dinneò conversatioî  betweeî mù parents®  Buô witè reading¬  anä havinç tï  changå lighô  bulbó  oò tunå á transistoò radio¬  É havå pickeä uð á prettù  sounä workinç knowledgå oæ electricaì matters® It'ó noô comprehensive¬ Goä knows® É  stilì  can'ô fullù understanä whù yoõ can'ô boiì aî egç oî  aî  electriã guitaò oò ruî á Basiã prograí oî á washinç machine. Mosô  electricitù  ió manufactureä iî poweò stationó wherå iô  ió  feä intï wireó whicè arå theî wounä rounä largå drums. Somå electricity¬  howeveò doeó noô neeä tï gï alonç wires»  thaô useä iî  lightninç foò example®  Thió kinä oæ electricitù ió noô  generateä  buô jusô hangó arounä iî thå air¬ loose. Electricitù  makeó á lo÷ humminç noise®  Thió noiså maù bå pitcheä  aô differenô leveló foò uså iî dooò bells¬ telephoneó anä electriã organs. Electricitù  haó tï bå earthed¬  thaô ió tï saù iô haó tï bå connecteä tï thå grounä beforå iô caî function¬  excepô iî thå caså oæ aircrafô whicè havå separatå arrangements. Althougè electricitù doeó noô leaë ouô oæ aî emptù poweò  point¬  thaô poweò is¬  nevertheless¬ livå iæ yoõ happeî tï shovå youò fingeò iî iô wheî thå switcè ió on® Iæ iô ió noô leaking¬ whaô ió iô doing? Electricitù ió madå uð oæ twï ingredients¬  negativå anä positive® Onå ingredienô traveló alonç á wirå covereä iî reä plastic¬ anä thå otheò alonç á wirå covereä iî blacë plastic® Wheî theså twï wireó meeô togetheò iî whaô wå  calì á plug¬  thå differenô ingredientó arå mixeä tï forí whaô wå  calì electricity. Electricitù  maù  bå  storeä  iî  batteries®   Biç  batterieó  dï  noô necessarilù  holä morå electricitù thaî smalì batteries®  Iî biç  batterieó electricitù ió jusô shoveä in¬  whilsô iî smalì batterieó (foò transistors© iô ió packeä flat. Á  switcè controló á smalì clamð oò vice¬  whicè gripó thå wireó  verù harä sï thaô thå electricitù cannoô geô through® Wheî thå switcè ió flickeä on¬ thå wirå ió relaxeä anä thå electricitù traveló tï thå lighô bulâ wherå á biô oæ wire¬  calleä thå element¬  ió lefô bare® Herå foò thå firsô time¬ wå caî actuallù seå thå electricity¬  iî thå forí oæ á spark® Thió sparë ió enlargeä  manù  manù timeó bù thå curveä bulâ whicè ió madå  oæ  magnifyinç glass. É havå noô toucheä oî fuså wire®  Iô haó alwayó amazeä må thaô thaô aî industrù  whicè  ió  sï enterprisinç iî mosô respectó  - thå  inventioî  oæ colouò electricitù foò uså iî traffiã lightó anä thå harnessinç oæ negativå electricitù  foò refrigeratioî arå twï exampleó thaô comå tï minä  - shoulä stilì bå manufacturinç fuså wirå toï thin® Bù usinç chickeî wirå É no÷ havå á  fuså  boø whicè - eveî wheî thå spin-dryeò bursô intï flameó becauså  oæ toï  mucè  electricitù havinç beeî feä tï iô - haó foò siø monthó  beeî  aó impregnablå aó thå banë oæ England. Iî  somå respects¬  É kno÷ mù knowledgå ió imperfect®  É havå noô  yeô exploreä  thå fielä oæ neoî signó - ho÷ dï theù makå thå  electricitù  movå about¿ Anä thå pop-uð toasteò - ho÷ doeó iô kno÷ wheî thå toasô ió ready? Logiã  woulä answeò alì theså questions¬  buô thå lighô oî mù desë haó jusô gonå out. Š BOOK REVIEW - MICROBEE HARDWARE NOTEBOOK ................ Richard Jackson. Rumouró  havå  beeî circulatinç abouô á ne÷ technicaì manuaì  foò  thå Microbee®  Whaô  haó  actuallù turneä uð ió á ne÷  publicatioî  calleä  thå "Hardwarå  Notebook"®  Iô  ió  á  collectioî  oæ  additions¬  improvements¬ experimentó anä servicå notes® Somå oæ thå informatioî iô containó haó beeî arounä foò á while¬  buô therå ió alsï somå ne÷ and/oò updateä data®  Iô ió meanô tï bå useä iî conjunctioî witè thå technicaì manual®  Iô costó $19-5° (lesó  10¥  tï  members©  anä  ió availablå  froí  thå  Unleù  shoð  (oops¡ technologù centre). Thå  booë ió presenteä iî á higè qualitù looså leaæ foldeò format®  Iô ió divideä intï fouò sections® Thå firsô ió "Servicing"® Iô explainó ho÷ tï disassemblå thå 'beå anä giveó á checë lisô foò revivinç deaä  'bees®  Thió parô  ió  fairlù  limiteä  iî thå depthó tï whicè iô  goeó  ®  Iô  suggestó swappinç somå ICó anä proddinç arounä witè á multimeter¬ buô fairlù quicklù resortó  tï  "..timå  foò aî experienceä  technician..takå  tï  á  microbeå servicå  centre"®  Therå ió á sectioî oî fittinç Nicaä batterieó foò memorù back-up¬  anä instructionó oî repairinç thå poweò pack®  Cassettå problems¬ printeò interfacå anä problemó witè discó arå includeä alonç witè piî  outó foò  alì thå connectors®  Therå is¬  aô last¬  somå informatioî oî thå 128Ë system¬  buô  preciouó  little®  Iô giveó alignmenô detailó  foò  thå  disã controller¬  anä  somå infï oî thå waù thå memorù caî bå bank-switched®  Aî exerciså  iî  trumpeô  blowinç  ió  includeä iî  á  discussioî  aó  tï  thå reliabilitù  oæ thå Microbee®  Theù concludå thaô useä threå houró  á  day¬ everù  daù  oæ  thå year¬  thå meaî timå betweeî failureó (MTBF©  ió  16.6µ years®  É  wondeò  iæ theù havå everù workeä ouô whaô youò chanceó  arå  oæ buyinç á ne÷ machinå thaô wilì stilì bå workinç afteò thå firsô month? Parô ² coveró engineerinç changeó thaô havå beeî madå oveò thå  years® Applieä  Tecè  issuå  Engineerinç Changå Notes¬  somå oæ  whicè  havå  beeî receiveä bù thå cluâ (whù noô all??)® Somå oæ theí arå foò networë systems¬ somå  arå  olä  newó (cassettå mods¬  4MHú moä etc.© anä  somå  coveò  ne÷ ground¬ buô alì ió oæ somå interest. Thå  thirä parô ió entitleä "Experimenting"®  Iî herå arå circuitó anä programó thaô caî bå useä tï adä tï thå usefulnesó oæ thå  Microbee®  Somå ideaó thaô arå covereä arå cassettå motoò control¬  á doorbelì anä intrudeò alarm¬  expandinç  thå  PIO¬  memorù mappeä I/O¬  analoç (sic©  tï  digitaì converteò anä vicå versa¬  anä drivinç relays® Alì theså arå welì explaineä witè circuitó wherå warranted. Thå finaì parô coveró accessorieó thaô arå availablå foò thå bee¬ sucè aó modem¬  Beetalker¬  Beethoveî etc® Iô onlù giveó á brieæ descriptioî anä doeó noô givå exampleó oæ theiò uses® Aó  É  saiä  aô thå beginning¬  iô waó rumoureä thaô á  ne÷  technicaì manuaì waó forthcoming® Iô waó hopeä thaô thió woulä contaiî informatioî oî thå  128Ë anä CIA systemó thaô havå beeî denieä tï  owners®  Thió  is¬  oæ course¬  circuiô  diagramó anä BIOÓ listings®  Whilsô thå legaì sidå maù bå unclear¬  owneró  oæ  theså  systemó clearlù havå á  moraì  righô  tï  thió information®  Applieä  Technologù  havå  saiä  theù  arå  withholdinç  thió informatioî  tï prevenô certaiî partieó froí copyinç thå circuitó anä otheò proprietarù  informatioî aó happeneä (sï theù claim© witè thå  64Ë  system® Thió  ió á greaô loaä oæ codswallop®  Iæ someonå waó seriouó abouô  copyinç thå circuit¬  theù woulä dï iô witè oò withouô circuitó anä thå softwarå ió alreadù covereä bù copyrighô laws®  Thå onlù peoplå whï arå reallù affecteä bù  thió  attitudå arå thoså whï wanô tï worë oî theiò owî machineó oò  fiø thoså oæ others®  Comå on¬  AT®  Whù noô supporô thoså peoplå thaô  supporô you. Š Presidents Report ........................................ Brian Petersson. Yeô  anotheò  yeaò haó gonå iî whicè wå havå seeî manù changeó  occur® Witè iî thå cluâ onå oæ theså changå waó wheî É undeò tooë thå positioî  oæ chairmaî froí Mò Rosó Savvas® Havinç fulfilleä thió rolì foò severaì monthó no÷ É caî saù froí firsô hanä knowledgå thaô thå inpuô thaô Rosó haó puô iî haä mucè tï dï witè thå clubó success. É  woulä likå tï thanë alì oæ thå committeå memberó foò therå  supporô afteò havinç takeî oveò thå positioî midstreaí sï tï speak¬  iô madå lifå á littlå morå bearablå afteò havinç beinç throwî iî feeô first. Noô  sï  obviouó  á  changå ió á restoreä emphasió  iî  cluâ  meetingó towardó  thå Microbeå anä itó relateä productó anä oò facilitieó usablå  bù thå  Bee®  Thió  doeó noô meaî thaô wå wilì bå closinç ouò dooró  tï  otheò productó  thaô  maù bå oæ generaì interesô anä maù causå  Applieä  Tecè  tï incorporatå  á  ne÷ featurå á littlå sooneò  thaî  planned¬  nï  disrespecô intended. Througè  ouô  thå  yeaò  severaì discountó  havå  beeî  attaineä  froí softwarå anä hardwarå distributoró tï whoí wå offeò ouò thanks® É hopå thió spiriô oæ mutuaì cooperatioî wilì continuå foò yearó tï come. Thå  committeå  haä obtaineä uså oæ á rooí witè thå aií oæ aidinç  thå re-establishmenô oæ somå oæ thå speciaì interesô groups¬  iî particulaò thå Hardwarå Group®  Thå committeå feeì thaô thió grouð woulä havå thå mosô  tï offeò  tï alì members®  Througè thió grouð aiä coulä bå giveî foò  upgradeó anä helð foò minoò faults¬ particularlù tï thoså thaô cannoô makå iô tï thå Applieä Tecè Storå durinç normaì hours®  Alsï thå basiã skilló oæ solderinç anä  advicå  oî  tooló requireä coulä bå catereä foò  allowinç  thå  persoî concerneä  tï  bå  ablå tï builä somå oæ thå manù electroniã  kiô  projectó availablå foò thå Bee. Thå  committeå iî responså tï á questioniaòe senô earlieò iî thå  yeaò seô  uð  aî  educatioî committee¬  headeä bù  Mr®  Coliî  Mercer®  Á  higè proportioî  oæ memberó haä indicateä thaô theù wanteä tï seå somå lo÷  cosô formalizeä  traininç anä througè á loô oæ efforô oî thå parô oæ Coliî aideä bù thå committeå seô uð severaì courseó tï cateò tï thió need® Thå responså tï  theså courseó waó disappointinç tï saù thå least®  Tï thoså oæ yoõ  ouô therå  thaô requesteä theså courseó viá thå questioniaòe anä faileä tï takå advantagå  oæ  theí  É hopå yoõ realizå thaô youò thå  losers®  Wå  oî  thå committeå  arå  onlù humaî anä sï becauså oæ youò  unthinkinç  anä  obviouó uncarinç  responså iô ió unlikelù thaô thå committeå wilì responä tï  theså neeä sï readilù iî thå futurå unlesó manù (yeó É saiä manù becauså iô seemó thaô thå majoritù arå aô fault© changå youò attitudes. É  hopå thaô iî thå yeaò tï comå morå memberó takå aî activå  interesô iî  thå club®  Ne÷ ideaó arå needeä alì thå timå sï pleaså approacè uså  oò eveî writå tï uså anä givå uó youò honesô viewó bearinç iî minä whaô É havå saiä earlier. Thå  Microbeå haó undergonå manù changeó anä thió cominç yeaò promiseó tï  brinç  manù morå anä iæ thå ne÷ Serieó ³ anä ne÷ ³ 1/2¢  oò  Harä  Disë Systemó  arå  anù indicatioî oæ what'ó arounä thå corneò 198µ wilì  bå  thå mosô excitinç oæ theí all. *************************************************************************** ŠThe Latest Z80 processor - Z80APFL and its new commands ............. AMUG. Thå  followinç  ió thå instructioî seô oæ thå latesô iî thå serieó  oæ Z8°  Centraì Processoò Chipó - thå Z80APFL®  Thió latesô chið haó  alì  thå normaì  instructioî seô builô in¬  buô includeó somå wonderfullù handù  ne÷ features® Herå arå thå mosô interestinç ones:- INSTR- INSTR- UCTIOÎ MEANINÇ UCTIOÎ MEANING ------ ------- ------ ------- BAÈ Brancè anä Hanç PBÄ Prinô anä breaë drum II Ignorå Interrupô anä Brancè MLÒ Movå anä Loså record TD Transfeò anä droð bitó CRÎ Converô tï Romaî Numerals DÏ Dividå anä Overflo÷ IDPÓ Ignorå Disë protecô Switch Dà Dividå anä Conqueò HCÆ Halô anä Catcè fire SRÚ Subtracô anä Reseô tï Zerï FOPà Seô (false© ouô of papeò condition PIà Puncè invaliä Characteò WUPÏ Waä uð printeò output RDMÄ Reverså Disë drivå directioî GREÍ Generatå Randoí erroò message SSÊ Selecô stackeò anä Jaí IEOÆ Ignorå enä oæ file SRSÄ Selecô recorä anä scaò disë DWIÔ Dï whaô I'í thinking BSÔ Backspacå anä stretcè tapå PPÌ Perforí Perpetuaì loop RIRÇ Reaä inter-recorä gað ZÄ Zað directory UDÒ Updatå anä deletå recorä DSÈ Destroù Sectoò Header RÓ Randoí sle÷ DAÐ Deselecô activå peripheral SS Scramblå statuó bytå SPAÏ Slowdowî processoò tï annoy operator EDÒ Executå destructivå reaä SSFÔ Strið formó tractoò teeth EIOà Executå invaliä Oð codå HRPÒ Hanç uð anä ruiî printer ribbon EÐ Executå programmeò ACQÔ Advancå clocë tï quitting time. ERÍ Eraså Reserveä memorù BRSÏ Blo÷ Rasberrù sounä at Operator SNÄ  Spontaneouó memorù dumð (perforí onlù wheî mosô compleø joâ ió  seô uð iî printer). *************************************************************************** Magazinå Index .............................................. Glen Marsham. July '83 August '83 Wackers Guide to Microworld Basic .3 Wackers Guide to Data Input .......3 Letter to the Editor ..............3 Data Transfer to Tape .............5 PCG Examination ...................4 Review - Beez89 ...................7 Machine Language Program Copies ...5 " - Super Dissasembler .......8 Basic Routine - Is the Printer On .5 " - Maths Adventure ..........9 Basic Bugs ........................5 " - Monkey Maths .............9 Solution to Basic Problem - KEY$ ..6 " - Touch Type Tutor ........10 Review - Printers Mate ............6 Undocumented Features of GX ......11 Screen Dump to Printer.............7 Useful POKE's and PEEK's .........12 Robot Man Patches .................8 Hardware Group ...................13 Basic Tip .........................8 From the Committee ...............14 Joystick Control ..................9 Last Meeting .....................15 Constitution of MUGSA ............11 Next Meeting .....................15 Screen Memory and 80 Columns .....16 Microbee Notes ...................16 From the Committee ...............17 Previous Meeting .................18 Š September '83 October '83 Screen Dump Revisited .............3 From the Committee ................3 Machine Language Tape Copies ......3 Next Meeting ......................3 Next Issue ........................3 Last Meeting ......................3 Intro to Disc Drives ..............4 Coming up in '83 ..................3 From the Committee ................5 CP What ...........................4 Software Library ..................6 Review - Frogger ..................5 "Real Programmers ... " ...........6 Secretaries Message ...............5 Hexadecimal .......................7 Data Storage ......................6 Monitor Commands ..................8 Review - Penetrator ...............7 Modems and Communication .........10 Outsmarting Wordbee ...............8 Review - BASIC Tutorial ..........11 Machine Language Copies ...........9 Network Command ..................12 Software Library .................10 Adventure Games and You ..........13 Wordbee/Mytek Wordprocessor Comp..11 Key Board Scanning ...............14 Robotman - Joystick Mods .........12 Program Protection ...............13 Hardware Group ...................14 Key Computer Discounts ...........14 Market Place .....................16 Next Issue .......................16 November '83 December '83 From the Committee ................3 From the Committee ................3 Key Computer Vouchers .............3 Communications Group ..............3 Communications Group ..............3 Joysticks for Space Invaders ......3 Disc Column .......................4 " " Missile Wars ........4 Z80 PIO ...........................4 Manufacturers Mail ................5 Traffic Light Controller ..........6 Parallel Port Tester ..............6 Data Storage Part 2 ...............7 I.C. Notes ........................7 Review - Defender .................7 Hardware Group ....................8 " - Kilopede/Ghost Muncher ...7 Ten Commandments for Discs ........9 Structured Programming ............9 Structured Programming ............9 Microbee BASIC Checksums .........10 Decimal to Hex Conversion ........10 Mach. Lang. Copies from Wordbee ..11 Software Library .................11 Disc Drives ......................12 Owners Report - 16K I.C. .........11 16K to 32K Conversion ............11 Serial to Parallel Converter .....12 February '84 March '84 From the Committee ................1 How does the Microbee Thoughts on a Disc System .........2 Inside the Z80 CPU ...............3 How does a Microbee ...............4 Notice of AGM .....................5 Notice of AGM .....................6 Book Review - Wildcards 2 .........5 Stepping into FORTH ...............7 Joystick Mods for Over Xmas .........................8 Ghost Muncher/Kilopede ...........6 Stop Press ........................9 Wordbee and Star 10X Printer ......7 Hardware Group ....................9 Modems and Communications .........7 For Sale .........................10 For Sale ..........................9 Program Listing - Munch ..........10 Super Disassembly-Save/Load Mods ..9 Calendar of Events ...............12 Hardware Group ...................10 Parallel Port BASIC Mods ........11 Stepping into Forth Part 2 .......12 CP/M Column ......................14 Report on December Meeting .......15 Review - Review and Sort ........16 Š April '83 May '84 From the Committee ................2 From the Committee ................3 Notice of AGM .....................2 Hardware Group ....................3 Annual Report .....................3 Sorting in BASIC ..................4 Secretaries Report ................3 Program Listing - Day of Week ....6 Treasurers Report .................4 Review - Printers Mate ............7 How does the Microbee Outsmarting Wordbee ...............8 Inside the Z80 CPU Part 2 ........5 C.Itoh 8510 Printer Cover .........8 April Meeting .....................6 Tape to Disc Program Transfer .....9 Special Interest Groups ...........6 Gemini 10X Printer ...............10 Interview of Guy Shute ............7 Definitions ......................11 Joystick Mods for Defender ........7 Communications Group .............12 CP/M Column .......................8 Beginning BASIC ..................13 Hardware Group ....................9 Program Listing-Moving Character .15 For Sale ..........................9 Edasm to Wordbee .................15 Stepping Into FORTH Part 3 .......10 Recovering BASIC Programs ........17 Program Listing-Cursor Selection .11 How does a Microbee ..............17 LIFE the Game ....................12 Software Library .................19 Modems and Communications Part 2 .13 Communications Group .............15 June '84 Program Listing - Alarm Clock .....1 Gemini 10X Printer Part 2 .........3 Review - Star Striker .............5 Software Library ..................5 FORTH Group .......................6 Stepping Into FORTH Part 4 ........6 Beginning BASIC ...................7 Communications Group ..............9 Adelaide Micro Users Bulletin Board ..........9 Membership List Notes ............11 Reviews - Lost Dutchmans Gold Otmaze 3D Maze ................11 CP/M Column ......................12 How does a Microbee .............12 Forums ...........................14 Hardware Group ...................14 Membership List ..................16 Editors Waffle ............................................. Philip Ahrens. Welì herå iô is¬ thå lasô Editor'ó Wafflå iî thå lasô issue¬ editeä bù youró  truly®  Iô ió witè mucè relieæ thaô É retirå aó editoò tï pursuå  mù passion with Robots (Androids actually). Thankó  tï  alì thoså whï havå helpeä bù writinç  articleó  foò  thå magazine® Iô waó á pitù thaô morå peoplå diä noô writå foò thå magazine¬ É hopå  yoõ  geô uð enougè couragå foò thå nexô editor®  Particularlù  thoså peoplå whï saiä "Hey¬ whù don'ô yoõ writå aî articlå oî ...¢ buô wheî askeä themselves said they didn't have the time. Overall¬  however¬  É  havå founä thå rolå oæ editoò  mosô  enjoyable¬ particularlù  thå parô involvinç shufflinç articleó arounä usinç  Wordstar¬ thanë  yoõ  Mò Wordstar®  Thanë yoõ tï Krió Sieben¬  Rosó  Savvas¬  Stepheî Frawley¬  Gleî Marsham¬  Brieî Uren¬  Daviä Rapson¬  Brucå Gregorù anä  Kií Fischer who produced 70% of the magazine every month. Cheers to everyone .... Š