1 photohse.ini 2 PHOTOHOUSE 3 MultiThreaded 4 PreserveImage 5 CommandsOnly 6 ZoomResize 7 ScanTransfer 8 CheckpointUndo 9 3DPaletteLook 10 DisplayX 11 DisplayY 12 TILES 13 TOOL 14 FILL 15 COLORSELECT 16 DISPLAY 17 CalibrationMode 18 COLORMASK 19 Color 20 Parms 21 ShowInfoLine 22 Window 23 ShowPopUpHelp 24 ScanCalibration 25 Mask 26 Size 27 Transparency 28 Softness 29 Hue 30 Saturation 31 Brightness 32 Texture 33 Bleed 34 Resaturate 35 PenTablet 36 PluginInitStartup 37 NIB 38 RECORDER 39 Palette Properties 40 PaletteType 41 ImageAdjust 42 Lightness 43 Contrast 44 Intensity 45 SwirlAngle 46 PosterizeLevel 47 CyanRed 48 MagentaGreen 49 YellowBlue 50 Shadows 51 Midtones 52 Highlights 53 Luminance 54 EraserToolID 55 BPlanes1 56 BPlanes2 57 BPlanes3 58 DeInterlace 59 Gamma 60 HalftoneRadius 61 HalftoneC 62 HalftoneM 63 HalftoneY 64 Psychedelic 65 Solarize 66 MaskMarqueeThreshold 67 ObjectMarqueeThreshold 68 Range 69 WetPaintPercent 70 WetPaintWetness 71 WindOpacitiy 72 WindStrength 73 OffsetPercent 74 OffsetHShift 75 OffsetVShift 76 OffsetEdgeFill 77 PixelateOpacity 78 PixelateWidth 79 PixelateHeight 80 PixelateMode 81 PuzzleWidth 82 PuzzleHeight 83 PuzzleMaxOffset 84 PuzzleEmptyFill 85 PuzzleSquare 86 RipplePeriod 87 RippleAmplitude 88 RippleAngle 89 RippleAutoAngle 90 RippleDistort 91 TileHorizontal 92 TileVertical 93 TileSquare 94 EdgeDetectSensitivity 95 EdgeDetectBackground 96 TraceContourLevel 97 TraceContourEdge 98 BandPassInRadius 99 BandPassOutRadius 102 BandPassOutWeight 103 AddNoiseDensity 104 AddNoiseLevel 105 AddNoiseType 106 AddNoiseColor 107 ImpressionistHoriz 108 ImpressionistVert 109 ImpressionistIdent 110 VignetteOffset 111 VignetteFade 112 VignetteColor 113 VignetteShape 114 MapToObjectPercent 115 MapToObjectMode 116 PinchPunch 117 GlassBlockWidth 118 GlassBlockHeight 119 GlassBlockSquare 120 SmokedGlassTint 121 SmokedGlassPercent 122 UnsharpMaskPercent 123 UnsharpMaskRadius 124 MedianRadius 201 Version 1.0 202 Version 1.00.116 204 Copyright © 1988-1996 Corel Corporation. 205 All rights reserved. 208 Kodak PhotoCD(TM) Technology © 1993 Eastman Kodak Company. 213 Initializing Environment 214 Initializing Color Manager 215 Initializing Filter Manager 1100 \n[B]Error. The Page information for this page not found in the resource.[B] 1101 Error : Invalid List Name 1102 This name already exists, please rename it. 1103 Error : Cannot read specified directory. Make sure the right CD is in. 1104 Are you sure you want to delete this item? 2500 MinimumPercent 2501 MinimumRadius 2502 MaximumPercent 2503 MaximumRadius 2504 DiffusePercent 2505 LowPassPercent 2506 LowPassRadius 2507 HighPassPercent 2508 HighPassRadius 2509 DustScratchLevel 2510 DustScratchRadius 2511 JaggyDespeckWidth 2512 JaggyDespeckHeight 2513 JaggyDespeckSymmetric 2514 PageCurlWidth 2515 PageCurlHeight 2516 PageCurlDir 2517 PageCurlOpaque 2518 PageCurlCorner 2519 PageCurlCurlColor 2520 PageCurlBackground 2521 DirSharpen 2522 SharpenLevel 2523 SharpenBackground 2524 FindEdgesLevel 2525 FindEdgesType 2526 Soften 2527 Smooth 2528 AdaptiveUnsharp 2529 RemoveNoiseLevel 2530 RemoveNoiseAuto 2531 EmbossDepth 2532 EmbossAngle 2533 EmbossColor 2534 DirSmooth 2535 StereoNoiseDepth 2536 StereoNoiseShowDots 2537 GaussianBlur 2538 MotionBlurSpeed 2539 MotionBlurDirection 2540 UserDefinedPath 2541 ShowReadOnlyWarning 2542 CanvasPath 2543 CanvasFile 2544 CanvasTransp 2545 CanvasX 2546 CanvasY 2547 CanvasEmboss 2548 CanvasRow 2549 CanvasMode 2550 DisplacePath 2551 DisplaceFile 2552 DisplaceHScale 2553 DisplaceVScale 2554 DisplaceMap 2555 DisplaceEdge 2556 EqualizeFlat 2557 LevelThresholdBiLevel 2558 BlurControlPercent 2559 BlurControlDirection 2560 NoiseControlLevel 2561 NoiseControlDensity 2562 SharpenControlPercent 2563 SharpenControlBackground 2564 ImgLists 2565 ZigzagPeriod 2566 ZigzagStrength 2567 ZigzagDamping 2568 ShearPath 2569 SmokedGlassColor 2570 SmokedGlassPicker 2571 ToneMapPath 2572 EmbossLevel 2573 Whirlpool Presets 2574 Whirlpool 2575 WindAngle 2576 LensFlareX 2577 LensFlareY 2578 LensFlareBrightness 2579 LensFlareType 2580 LensFlareColor 2581 ShearFile 2582 UserDefinedFile 2583 ToneMapFile 4000 Dirs 4001 PlugInFilters 4002 ,; 4003 *.dll, *.8bf, *.eff 4028 LetPluginDoDisplay 4029 FileExtensions 4150 IOFilters 4151 Dirs 4152 FileExtensions 4153 ,; 4154 *.flt, *.dll 4200 RegisterPenApp 4201 IsPenEvent 4202 pen 4203 GetPenHWEventData 4204 wintab.dll 4322 &Amount: 4323 R&ate of flow: 4324 B&lend: 4400 Any unsaved changes will be lost.\nDo you wish to continue?\n 4500 Corel PHOTO-PAINT 7.0 5000 PREFERENCES 5001 Width 5002 Height 5003 XRes 5004 YRes 5005 Units 5006 Mode 5008 Startup 5009 Undo 5010 Zoom 5011 UseSystemPal 5012 Channels 5013 MaskTint 5015 Object 5016 Mask 5017 NibThreshold 5018 PastedSelection 5019 Guideline 5020 Grid 5021 ShapeCursor 5022 TransparentCheckerBackground 5023 TransparentCheckerForeground 5038 AutoSave 5039 AutoTime 5040 AutoDir 5041 AutoBackup 5042 AutoSaveFile 6070 Displays Color Tolerance Dialog\n Color Tolerance Dialog 6081 Displays Tools Dialog\n Tools Dialog 6156 COLORSELECT 6157 Brush 6158 Mode 6159 Background 6160 Outline 6161 ImageColorModel 6162 WheelMode 6163 Palette Type 6164 ColorNames 6166 Displays Color Dialog\n Color Dialog 6208 ColorBlendRes 6209 MixBlendColorModel 6210 MixTransparency 6251 FillType 6252 FillUniformClr 6253 FillFountainType 6254 FillFountainClr1 6255 FillFountainClr2 6256 FillFountainNumSteps 6257 FillFountainCenterX 6258 FillFountainCenterY 6259 FillFountainAngle 6260 FillFountainPadding 6261 FillFountainMode 6262 FillBitmapName 6263 FillTxrTextureName 6264 FillTxrLibName 6265 FillTxrStyleName 6301 PRINT 6302 PrintDir 6400 MASK 6401 FeatherWidth 6402 FeatherDirection 6403 FeatherType 6404 Threshold 6410 BorderWidth 6411 BorderType 6412 ExpandWidth 6413 Smooth 6415 AntiAlias 6440 OBJECT 6441 DefringeWidth 6470 Total number of objects: %d 6471 Object %d 6474 Background 6475 %d lines 6476 Small 6477 Medium 6478 Large 6479 Selection 6490 Brush: 6491 Effect: 6492 Clone: 6542 pntbrbr.ini 6543 pntbref.ini 6544 pntbrcl.ini 6545 NmT 6546 t 6547 C 6548 Custom 6549 BrushID 6551 Writeable 6553 pnt_tmp.ini 6554 pnt_tmp.msk 7000 CustomSettings 7001 EyedropTool 7002 PolygonTool 7003 LineTool 7004 NodeTool 7005 CurveTool 7006 OvalTool 7007 RectTool 7008 PenTool 7009 LassoTool 7010 WandTool 7011 MaskBrushTool 7012 LocalUndoTool 7013 EraserTool 7014 ReplacerTool 7015 FillTool 7016 MaskRectTool 7017 MaskCircleTool 7018 FreeHandTool 7019 NibSettings 7020 NODEEDITROLLUP 7021 TextTool 7022 PickTool 7023 ZoomTool 7024 RepeatStrokeTool 7025 TransparencyTool 7026 GradientFillTool 7027 GradientStyle 7028 TransparencyBrushTool 7100 Width 7101 Shape 7102 Transparent 7103 Fade 7104 Smooth 7105 Spacing 7106 MinJump 7107 TOOLBOX 7108 Flaten 7109 Rotate 7110 AntiAlias 7111 EffectAmt 7112 RoundRect 7113 ONF 7115 HVar 7116 LVar 7117 SVar 7118 Mitering 7119 TxF 7120 LinePrecision 7121 Eyedrop 7122 SoftEdge 7123 MergeMode 7124 Graininess 7125 Texture 7126 Bleed 7127 Wetness 7128 DabCount 7129 Spread 7130 ToleranceMode 7131 NormalTol 7132 HTol 7133 STol 7134 BTol 7135 RectMode 7136 Height 7137 Feather 7138 Continuous 7139 Direct 7140 RateOfFlow 7141 Fill 7142 PathDir 7143 TextureDir 7144 Weight 7145 Italic 7146 Underline 7147 Alignment 7148 Point 7149 Index 7150 FaceName 7151 ContextMenu 7152 ONFIx 7153 L1 7154 L2 7155 RenderToObject 7156 StrokeRepeat 7157 StrokeRotateVar 7158 StrokeColorFromImage 7159 StrokeAccummulateAngle 7160 StrokeTangent 7161 StrokeID 7162 ToolID 7163 BrushID 7164 TypeID 7165 Stroke 7166 StrokeName 7167 StrokeScale 7168 ImageSprayerTool 7169 NozzleDir 7170 NumRows 7171 NumColumns 7172 Start 7173 End 7174 Immediate 7175 UseOriginalTransparency 7180 BrushTool 7181 EffectTool 7182 RecentMethod1 7183 RecentMethod2 7184 RecentMethod3 7185 RecentMethod4 7186 DropDown 7600 NibMain 7601 NumberOfNibs 7602 Nib# 7603 pntnib.nib 7608 *.nib 7609 .nib 7610 NibFile 7611 NibDir 7612 pntdefbr.ini 7613 MaskIndex 7614 .msk 7615 pntdefef.ini 7616 pntdefcl.ini 7617 pntdefnb.ini 7618 File not found 7619 Nib file not found 7667 Duotones 7668 DuotoneDir 7669 InkDir 8013 OLE initialization failed. Make sure that the OLE libraries are the correct version. 8014 Corel Photo House 8015 \nNew-\nPhoto House Document\n\n\nPhotohse.Document\nPhotoH Document 12288 %s separation 12289 Page %d 12290 Default 12291 Printer paper orientation does not match document. \n \nAdjust printer automatically? 12292 Unable to create printing resource lists. 12293 Unable to write %s. 12294 Unable to allocate memory. 12295 No printers have been installed. 12296 %d %% Complete 12297 Composite 12298 Tile %d of %d 12299 Band %d 12300 Disabled 12301 Analyzing Document... 12302 Even & Odd 12303 Even Pages 12304 Odd Pages 12305 %d spot color separations are about to be output. Are you sure you want to continue? 12306 Spot Color Separations Warning 12307 Don't warn 12308 If any spot colors are used 12309 If more than 1 spot colors used 12310 If more than 2 spot colors used 12311 If more than 3 spot colors used 12312 Left & Right 12313 Left Pages 12314 Right Pages 12315 Can not preview multiple chapters with the present settings 12320 There is an object with a very complex outline. 12321 12322 Outlines with more than 500 nodes may cause limitcheck errors 12323 on Level 1 PostScript devices. It would be best to redesign 12324 such objects so that fewer nodes are necessary. 12325 12326 12327 12328 12329 12336 There is an object with a complex fill and a complex outline. 12337 12338 12339 Objects with more than 300 nodes that contain complex 12340 fills may cause limitcheck errors on Level 1 PostScript 12341 devices. It would be best to redesign such objects so 12342 that fewer nodes are necessary. 12343 12344 12345 12352 There is a clipping path (e.g., a Lens or PowerClip) that 12353 contains many nodes. 12354 12355 Complex clipping paths may cause limitcheck errors on 12356 Level 1 PostScript devices. It would be best to redesign 12357 such clipping paths so that they use as few nodes and 12358 subpaths as possible. 12359 12360 12361 12368 There is an object with multiple subpaths that contains a 12369 texture fill. 12370 12371 Objects comprised of multiple subpaths that contain 12372 texture fills may cause limitcheck errors on Level 1 12373 PostScript devices. These objects should be redesigned so 12374 that only one curve, with no subpaths, exists. 12375 12376 12377 12384 There is a clipping path (e.g., a Lens or PowerClip), with 12385 multiple subpaths, that contains a bitmap. 12386 12387 Bitmaps inside complex clipping paths may cause limitcheck 12388 errors on Level 1 PostScript devices. These objects should 12389 be redesigned so that only one curve, with no subpaths, 12390 exists. 12391 12392 12393 12400 There is a text object that contains a texture fill. 12401 12402 Text objects that contain texture fills may cause 12403 limitcheck errors on Level 1 PostScript devices. This is 12404 because multiple subpaths are usually necessary in order to 12405 render text objects. 12406 12407 12408 12409 12416 There is a linear fountain fill that will likely show 12417 banding on output. 12418 12419 The following actions can eliminate banding: 12420 12421 · reduce the length of the fountain fill 12422 · increase the number of fountain steps 12423 · increase the range of color in the fill 12424 · output to a higher resolution 12425 · output using a lower screen frequency 12432 Layout 12433 Separations 12434 Options 12435 Special 12438 DEVICEMODE 12439 EXTDEVICEMODE 12440 Cyan 12441 Magenta 12442 Yellow 12443 Black 12444 Color 12445 Frequency 12446 Angle 12447 Overprint 12448 *.PRN 12449 Standard Defaults 12450 No PostScript screen sets found in CORELPRN.INI! 12451 Unable to locate the file %s in the data directory \nor the custom directory!\n 12452 Default 12453 Dot 12454 Line 12455 No colors were chosen for separation! 12456 Number of fountain steps must be between 0 and %d inclusive! 12457 prn 12458 Print File (*.prn)|*.prn|All Files (*.*)|*.*|| 12459 Print To File 12460 Custom 12461 Error accessing %s. Mac preparation halted. 12462 Some values are invalid. Make sure that values are \npositive and that angles do not exceed 360 degrees 12463 The value entered for the angle is invalid. \nMake sure it is between -360 and 360 degrees.\n 12464 The value entered for the frequency is invalid, \nMake sure it is a positive number.\n 12465 Print Job Info Sheet to Text File 12466 TXT 12467 Text File (*.txt)|*.txt|All Files (*.*)|*.*|| 12468 Print Job Info Sheet 12469 PJI 12470 Print Job Info File (*.pji)|*.pji|All Files (*.*)|*.*|| 12471 *.PJI 12472 *.TXT 12473 High 12474 Medium 12475 Low 12476 Draft 12477 The character '%c' cannot be used in the range of page numbers to be printed. 12478 You must specify at least one valid page number to be printed.\nCheck your page range and even/odd pages setting. 12479 Sheet %d of %d 12480 Sheet %d of %d - Front 12481 Sheet %d of %d - Back 12482 (%s, ...) 12483 (%s) 12484 %s 12485 %s%5.1f x %5.1f Millimeters 12486 %ld dpi 12487 %ld dpi x %ld dpi 12488 P&rinter color profile - %s 12489 %s%ld dpi 12490 %s%3.4f Inches 12491 %s%3.4f x %3.4f Inches 12492 %s%3.4f Points 12493 Config 12494 PreviewImage 12495 PSRegistrationMarkType 12496 PSColorBitmapsAsGrayscale 12497 FullImageDrag 12498 PSSpotFountainsAsProcess 12499 PSConformToDSC 12500 AllTextAsGraphics 12501 PS2StrokeAdjust 12502 PSDownloadType1Fonts 12503 PSConvertTrueTypeToType1 12504 UseColorProfile 12505 TileOverlapPercentage 12506 TextAsClip 12507 Unit 12508 CropMarksToImage 12509 ExtentPad 12510 PSCompositeCMYKMarks 12511 PSBitmapFontLimit 12512 PSComplexityThreshold 12513 PSBitmapFontSizeThreshold 12514 PSOverprintBlackLimit 12515 WarnBadOrientation 12516 DumpEntireBitmap 12517 BadPreview 12518 SpotSeparationsWarning 12519 DoBanding 12520 PSDrivers 12561 Print Job Information 12562 Application Information: 12563 Filename: 12564 Application: 12565 Version: 12566 PSResolveDCSLinks 12567 BitmapChunkOverlapPixels 12568 Driver Information: 12569 Driver Name: 12570 Driver File: 12571 Resolution: 12572 Job Information: 12573 Mode: 12574 Output: 12575 Emulsion: 12576 AutoFlatness: 12577 AutoSpreading: 12578 Fountain Steps: 12579 For Mac: 12580 Color Profile: 12581 Screen Frequency: 12582 Bleed Limit: 12583 Crop Marks: 12584 Crosshairs: 12585 File Information: 12586 Densitometer Scale: 12587 Calibration Bar: 12588 Copies: 12589 Separation Information: 12590 Color 12591 Angle(degrees) 12592 Frequency(lpi) 12593 Flatness: 12594 Maximum Spread: 12595 Text Above: 12596 Font(s): 12597 Font(s) Required: 12598 Font(s) Supplied: 12599 Linked Graphics: 12600 None 12601 Yes 12602 No 12603 Enabled 12604 Disabled 12605 Separations 12606 Positive 12607 Negative 12608 Up 12609 Down 12610 See Separation Information 12611 (degrees) 12612 (lpi) 12613 UNKNOWN 12614 Landscape 12615 Portrait 12616 N/A 12617 Do not know where to output the sheet.\n Go into Info Settings and specify a destination\n 12618 Printer Default 12619 Level 2 PostScript: 12620 Bitmap Color Space: 12621 Auto Increase Fountain Steps: 12622 Optimize Fountain fills: 12623 Current Selection: 12624 Bitmap Printing 12625 Output Entire Bitmap 12626 Output in 64K Chunks 12627 Preview Image Default 12628 Off By Default 12629 Default To High Quality Mode 12630 Bitmap Font Limit (PS) 12631 Bitmap Font Size Threshold (PS) 12632 Overprint Black Threshold (PS) 12633 Fill Clipping 12634 Use Driver Clipping For Fills 12635 Use Software Clipping For Fills 12636 Grayscale Driver Bitmap Output (PS) 12637 Send Color Bitmaps As Color 12638 Send Color Bitmaps As Grayscale 12639 PostScript 2 Stroke Adjust (PS) 12640 Off 12641 On 12642 Registration Mark Type (PS) 12643 Standard Bullseye 12644 Half Inverted Bullseye 12645 Square and Circle 12646 Elongated Bullseye 12647 Driver Banding 12648 Let Driver Handle Banding 12649 Send Bands to Driver 12650 Corel Logo 12651 Print Preview Drag Mode 12652 Drag Marquee 12653 Drag Full Image 12654 Page Orientation Warning 12655 Off 12656 On 12657 Composite Crop Marks (PS) 12658 Output in Black (Normal) 12659 Output in full CMYK 12660 Text Output Method 12661 All Text as Graphics 12662 Text as Text When Possible 12663 Conform to DSC (PS) 12664 Off 12665 On 12666 Resolve DCS Links (PS) 12667 Leave DCS Links Unresolved 12668 Substitute Plates at Print Time 12669 Bitmap Chunk Overlap Pixels 12670 Default To Fast Mode 12671 &Help 12672 Unable to read print styles database; print styles will not be available. 12673 Limit on number of print styles has been reached; unable to add another style. 12674 The print style:\n\n %s\n\nalready exists. Do you wish to update it with new settings? 12675 Unable to save print style. Please ensure that CORELPRN.INI has read/write access. 12676 Cannot remove style:\n\n %s\n\nStyle does not exist. 12677 About to delete the print style: %s\n\nDo you wish to proceed with delete? 12678 Unable to remove style:\n\n %s 12679 You must enter a valid name for the style in order to save it. 12681 %s Defaults 12682 Unable to load the specified print style. 12683 Insufficient memory or system resources to carry out this operation.\nClose some applications and try again. 12684 12688 Style 12689 <> 12691 PageLayout 12692 Positioning 12693 TileOverlap 12695 ColorSep 12696 SepsInColor 12697 PrintEmptyPlates 12698 PrintJobInfo 12699 Info 12700 Crops 12701 RegMarks 12702 CalibrationBar 12703 Densitometer 12704 Negative 12705 EmulsionDown 12706 ConvertSpot 12707 Within 12708 CropExterior 12709 DefaultXScale 12710 DefaultYScale 12711 DefaultCenterImage 12712 DefaultFitToPage 12713 DefaultMaintAspect 12714 Tiling 12715 OverprintBlack 12716 AutoTrap 12717 AutoTrapSizeMils 12718 AutoTrapTextThreshold 12719 FountSteps 12720 JIAppInfo 12721 JIDriverInfo 12722 JIJobInfo 12723 JISepInfo 12724 JIFontInfo 12725 JILinkedInfo 12726 JIToFile 12727 JIToPrinter 12728 JIPrintPath 12729 JITextFileName 12730 JIDeviceName 12731 JIDriverName 12732 JIFileName 12733 LimitBleed 12734 BleedAmount 12735 PrintVectors 12736 PrintBitmaps 12737 PrintText 12738 AllTextBlack 12739 AllColorsGrayscale 12740 AllColorsBlack 12741 ProofLayout 12742 MaxCurvePoints 12743 CurveFlatness 12744 AutoFlatness 12745 ComplexityWarn 12746 DownloadType1 12747 ConvertToType1 12748 UseLevel2 12749 AutoFountSteps 12750 OptimizeFount 12751 BandedWarn 12752 RGBBitmaps 12753 OPILinks 12754 PageNumbers 12755 UseAdvancedSeps 12756 ScreeningTech 12757 ScreenRes 12758 ScreenBasic 12759 HalftoneType 12760 ConvertToHex 12761 SetToAllPages 12762 ScrFrequency 12763 HighDensityInk 12768 Layout Settings 12769 Separations Settings 12770 Pre-Press Settings 12771 Miscellaneous Settings 12772 Proofing and Color Settings 12773 PostScript Settings 12784 Center Page 12785 Fit to Page 12786 Maintain Aspect Ratio 12787 Print Tiled Pages 12788 Layout Style 12789 Positioning Style 12790 Tile Overlap 12792 Print Separations 12793 Print Separations in Color 12794 Convert Spot Colors to CMYK 12795 Print Empty Plates 12796 Print File Info 12797 File Info Within Page 12798 Print Crop Marks 12799 Exterior Crop Marks Only 12800 Print Registration Marks 12801 Print Calibration Bar 12802 Print Densitometer 12803 Print Negative 12804 Print Emulsion Side Down 12805 Print Job Info Sheet 12806 Always Overprint Black (PS) 12807 Auto Spreading (PS) 12808 Auto Spread Maximum (PS) 12809 Auto Spread Text Above (PS) 12810 Fountain Fill Steps 12811 Width Scale Factor 12812 Height Scale Factor 12813 Job Info Sheet Contents 12814 Job Info Sheet Location 12815 Bleed Limit 12816 Print Vectors 12817 Print Bitmaps 12818 Print Text 12819 Print All Text Black 12820 Color Reduction 12821 Fit Entire Layout To Page 12822 Maximum Curve Points 12823 Curve Flatness 12824 Auto Increase Flatness 12825 Complex Object Warnings 12826 Download Type 1 Fonts 12827 Convert True Type to Type 1 12828 Use Level 2 Features 12829 Auto Increase Fountain Steps 12830 Optimize Fountain Fills 12831 Banded Fountain Warnings 12832 Output Color Bitmaps in RGB 12833 Maintain OPI Links 12834 Print Page Numbers 12835 Screening (PS) 12836 Halftone Type (PS) 12837 Print Hexachrome Plates 12838 Apply Settings to All Pages 12839 Screen Frequency 12840 High Density Hexachrome Ink 12848 Impo 12849 FRAMESACROSS 12850 FRAMESDOWN 12851 FRONTPAGENUMBERS 12852 FRONTPAGEORIENTATION 12853 BACKPAGENUMBERS 12854 BACKPAGEORIENTATION 12855 FRAMEXGUTTER 12856 FRAMEYGUTTER 12857 TWOSIDED 12858 Are You Sure you want to delete? 12859 Posi 12860 ROWS 12861 COLUMNS 12862 HORGUTTER 12863 VERGUTTER 12864 Full Page 12865 Book 12866 Booklet 12867 Tent-Card 12868 Side-Fold Card 12869 Top-Fold Card 12870 Tri-Fold Card 12871 Labels 12872 Manual 12873 LEFTMARGIN 12874 RIGHTMARGIN 12875 TOPMARGIN 12876 BOTTOMMARGIN 12877 CLONEFRAME 12878 DOCSIZE 12879 Error loading %s. 12896 Ready 12897 Paused 12898 Error 12899 Pending Deletion 12900 Paper Jam 12901 Paper Out 12902 Manual Feed 12903 Paper Problem 12904 Offline 12905 I/O Active 12906 Busy 12907 Printing 12908 Output Bin Full 12909 Not Available 12910 Waiting 12911 Processing 12912 Initializing 12913 Warming Up 12914 Toner Low 12915 No Toner 12916 Page Punt 12917 User Intervention Required 12918 Out Of Memory 12919 Door Open 12920 Server Unknown 12921 ; 12922 Default printer 12923 %d documents waiting 12924 1 document waiting 12933 PagePath Section 12934 Put this Stack back with this sheet 12935 in the direction of the Arrow 12936 Use the smaller arrow if your printer feeds the paper along the long edge. 12937 FACE UP 12944 FACE DOWN 12945 The first side of your print job has been printed. \n \n Follow the instructions on top of the stack of printed sheets. \n Click OK to print the second side. 12946 The first side of your print job has been printed. \n \n Reinsert the sheet to print the second side and \n click OK to print the second side. 12960 RGB 12961 CMYK 12962 Page Numbers: 12963 Documents to print 12976 C&urrent page 12977 C&urrent slide 12978 C&urrent thumbnail 12979 C&urrent frame 12980 C&urrent handout 12984 Pa&ges: 12985 Slide&s: 12986 Thumbnail&s: 12987 Frame&s: 12988 Handout&s: 12992 &Apply settings to all pages 12993 &Apply settings to all slides 12994 &Apply settings to all thumbnails 12995 &Apply settings to all frames 12996 &Apply settings to all handouts 13000 &Pages per sheet: 13001 Slides &per sheet: 13002 Thumbnails &per sheet: 13003 Frames &per sheet: 13004 Handouts &per sheet: 13008 Style Name cannot be Empty 13009 0° 13010 180° 13011 Front frame 13012 Back frame 13013 Unable to access printer driver.Try removing and reinstalling this printer driver. 13014 The Position style:\n\n %s\n\nalready exists. Do you wish to update it with new settings? 13015 The Layout style:\n\n %s\n\nalready exists. Do you wish to update it with new settings? 13016 Manual Double Sided Printing 13017 You are printing a double-sided layout on a non-duplexing printer. \n \nChoose Yes to be prompted when to flip the paper to duplex manually. \nChoose No to disable the prompts and print on one side only. \n 13056 %!PS-Adobe-3.0 EPSF-3.0 13057 %%BoundingBox: 13058 %%Creator: 13059 %%%%Title: %s 13060 %%CreationDate: 13061 %%EndComments 13062 %%BeginProlog 13063 %%EndProlog 13064 %%BeginSetup 13065 %%EndSetup 13066 %%Trailer 13067 %%DocumentFonts: 13068 %%DocumentProcessColors: 13069 %%DocumentCustomColors: 13070 %%CMYKCustomColor: 13071 %%+ 13072 %FONT 13073 %CHAR: 13074 %Note: Object 13075 %TEXT 13076 :%s 13077 %%BeginResource: 13078 %%EndResource 13079 font 13080 procset 13081 %%BeginObject: 13082 %%EndObject 13083 %%Page: 13084 %%Pages: 13085 %%BeginPageSetup 13086 %%EndPageSetup 13087 %%DocumentSuppliedResources: 13088 %%DocumentNeededResources: 13089 (atend) 13090 image 13091 %LogicalPage: 13092 %%PlateColor: 13093 %BeginDocumentSetup 13094 %EndDocumentSetup 13095 %%BeginDocument: 13096 %%EndDocument 13097 %%PageTrailer 13098 %EndScript 13104 %ALDImageFileName: 13105 %ALDImageDimensions: 13106 %ALDImageCropRect: 13107 %ALDImageCropFixed: 13108 %ALDImagePosition: 13109 %ALDImageResolution: 13110 %ALDImageColorType: 13111 %ALDImageColor: 13112 %ALDImageTint: 13113 %ALDImageType: 13120 Spot 13121 Process 13122 Separation 13123 %%%sPlate: 13124 %%PlateFile: (%s) EPS # 13126 _ExtendedCourier 13127 prolog60.ps 13129 Courier 13130 wCorel6Dict 13131 Plate: %d of %d 13132 Preparing document fonts 13133 Color profile: 13134 %.5g lpi at %.5g degrees 13136 Default screen 13137 Composite 13138 userproc.ps 13152 No Error 13153 Unknown Error 13154 Out Of Memory 13155 Invalid Parameters 13156 Could Not Write Output 13157 Could Not Create Command Block 13158 No Output Stream Specified 13159 Could Not Read Input 13160 Invalid Block Type 13161 String Too Large 13162 No Graphics State Available 13163 No Graphics Vector Fill Available 13164 No Text Block Available 13165 No Printing State Available 13166 No Printer Vector Fill Available 13167 Invalid Parameter To Print Routine 13168 No Text Block Available 13169 Cannot Print Outside of Text Block 13264 Page %d 13265 Slide %d 13266 Thumbnail %d 13267 Frame %d 13268 Handout %d 13272 Page Size: 13273 Slide Size: 13274 Thumbnail Size: 13275 Frame Size: 13276 Handout Size: 13280 Page Orientation: 13281 Slide Orientation: 13282 Thumbnail Orientation: 13283 Frame Orientation: 13284 Handout Orientation: 13290 %s%3.4f %s 13291 %s%3.4f x %3.4f %s 13296 Full Page 13297 Book 13298 Booklet 13299 Tent-Card 13300 Side-Fold Card 13301 Top-Fold Card 13302 Tri-Fold Card 13303 Manual 13304 Clipping factors: 13305 Scale factor: 13306 Labeler V2.0 TPL 13307 User Defined 13308 Cannot Open File 13309 Form Already Exists OverWrite? 13310 User.Tpl 13312 &Printer Capabilities 13313 Device Mode Information: 13314 Device Name: 13315 Version Number: 13316 Printer Driver Version: 13317 Size: 13318 Driver Extra: 13319 Fields: 13320 Orientation: 13321 Portrait 13322 Landscape 13323 Paper Size: 13324 Paper Length: 13325 Paper Width: 13326 Scale (%): 13327 Copies: 13328 Default Source: 13329 Print Quality: 13330 High 13331 Medium 13332 Low 13333 Draft 13334 Color: 13335 On 13336 Off 13337 Duplex: 13338 Simplex 13339 Horizontal 13340 Vertical 13344 Y Resolution: 13345 TrueType Options: 13346 Prints TT as Graphics 13347 Downloads TT Fonts as Soft Fonts 13348 Substitutes Device Fonts for TT 13349 Collate: 13350 True 13351 False 13352 From Name: 13353 Pixels (per logical inch): 13354 Color Resolution (in bits per pixel): 13355 Width (in pixels): 13356 Height (in pixels): 13357 Device's display mode: 13358 Non-Color device: 13359 Interlaced: 13360 Frequency (htz): 13361 ICM Handled: 13362 Disabled: 13363 Windows: 13364 Device Driver: 13365 Destination Device: 13366 Color Matching Methods: 13367 Optimize for Color Saturation: 13368 Optimize for Color Contrast: 13369 Optimize to Match the Exact Color: 13370 Media Type: 13371 Plain Paper: 13372 Glossy Paper: 13373 Transparent Film: 13374 Dither Type: 13375 Non 13376 A Coarse Brush 13377 A Fine Brush 13378 Line Art Dithering 13379 Grayscale 13380 Device Capabilities: 13381 Device Type: 13382 PostScript 13383 Non-PostScript 13384 Device Technology: 13385 Vector Plotter 13386 Raster Display 13387 Raster Printer 13388 Raster Camera 13389 Character Stream 13390 Metafile 13391 Display File 13392 Physical Width (mm): 13393 Physical Height (mm): 13394 Width of the Screen (pixels): 13395 Height of the Screen (raster lines): 13396 Number of Pixels Hor (logical inch): 13397 Number of Pixels Ver (logical inch): 13398 Color Bits (pixel): 13399 Color Planes (pixel): 13400 Device-Specific Brushes: 13401 Device-Specific Pens: 13402 Device-Specific Fonts: 13403 System Colors: 13404 Relative Pixel Width: 13405 Relative Pixel Height: 13406 Relative Pixel Diagonal Width: 13407 Reserved: 13408 Entries in System Palette: 13409 Reserved Entries in System Palette: 13410 Color Resolution: 13411 Physical Width (device units): 13412 Physical Height (device units): 13413 Horizontal Physical Printable Area: 13414 Vertical Physical Printable Area: 13415 Horizontal Scaling Factor: 13416 Vertical Scaling Factor: 13417 Vertical Refresh Rate: 13418 Width of the Virtual Desktop (pixels): 13419 Height of the Virtual Desktop (pixels): 13420 Horizontal Drawing Alignment: 13421 Clipping Capabilities: 13422 Clip Output to Rectangle 13424 Raster Capabilities: 13425 Requires Banding Support 13426 Transfer Bitmaps 13427 Support Bitmaps Larger than 64K 13428 Supports SetDIBits and GetDIBits 13429 Supports SetDIBits To Device 13430 Flood Fills 13431 Support Windows 2.0 Features 13432 Specifies a Palette-Based Device 13433 Capable of Scaling 13434 Supports StretchBlt 13435 Supports StretchDIBits 13436 Curve Capabilities: 13437 Does not Support 13438 Draw Circles 13439 Draw Pie Wedges 13440 Draw Chord Arcs 13441 Draw Ellipses 13442 Draw Wide Borders 13443 Draw Styled Borders 13444 Draw Wide Styled Borders 13445 Draw Interiors 13446 Draw Rounded Rectangles 13447 Line Capabilities: 13448 Not Supported 13449 Draw A Polyline 13450 Draw a Marker 13451 Draw Multiple Markers 13452 Draw Wide Lines 13453 Draw Styled Lines 13454 Draw Wide and Styled Line 13455 Draw Interiors 13456 Polygon Capabilities: 13457 Not Supported 13458 Draw Alternate-fill Polygons 13459 Draw Rectangles 13460 Draw Winding-fill Polygons 13461 Draw Single Scan Line 13462 Draw Wide Borders 13463 Draw Styled Borders 13464 Draw Wide and Styled Borders 13465 Draw Interiors 13466 Text Capabilities: 13467 Capable of Character Output Precision 13468 Capable of Stroke Output Precision 13469 Capable of Stroke Clip Precision 13470 Capable of 90-degree Character Rotation 13472 Capable of Any Character Rotation 13473 Scale in X and Y Direction 13474 Capable of Doubled Character for Scaling 13475 Uses Integer Multiples for Scaling 13476 Uses Multiples for Exact Scaling 13477 Draw Double-Weighted Characters 13478 Italics 13479 Underline 13480 Draw Strikeouts 13481 Draw Raster Fonts 13482 Draw Vector Fonts 13483 Must be Zero 13484 Can not Scroll using Bit-Block Transfer 13485 Yes 13486 No 13520 &Close 13521 Print 13522 Print Options 13523 Close Print Preview 13524 Print Style 13525 Save Print Style As 13526 Delete Print Style 13527 Pick Tool 13528 Zoom Tool 13529 Zoom Factor 13530 Full Screen 13531 Layout 13532 Separations 13533 Help 13534 Previous Sheet 13535 Next Sheet 13536 Emulsion Side Down 13537 Print in Negative 13538 Densitometer Scale 13539 Calibration Bar 13540 Registration Marks 13541 Crop Marks 13542 Page Numbers 13543 File Information 13544 Close 13545 You must specify at least one valid chapter number to be printed. 13546 &Options... 13547 You must specify at least one valid page number to be printed.\nCheck your page range and left/right pages setting. 13548 &Print... Ctrl+P 13549 &Print Ctrl+P 14336 Corel Color Manager 14337 unnamed color 14338 unknown INK 14339 unknown PANTONE color %d 14340 white 14341 BLACK 14342 Transparent 14343 coreldrw.ink 14344 color %d 14345 trumatch.cpl 14346 pantone.cpl 14347 rgbstd.cpl 14348 CMY 14349 focolton.cpl 14350 dupont.cpl 14351 toyo.cpl 14352 dic.cpl 14353 CMYK 14354 CMYK255 14355 RGB 14356 HSB 14357 Grayscale 14358 Uniform Colors 14359 PANTONE MATCHING SYSTEM® Colors 14360 PANTONE® Process Colors 14361 TRUMATCH Colors 14362 FOCOLTONE Colors 14363 Custom Palette 14364 L*a*b* 14365 YIQ 14366 HLS 14367 Palette 14368 Mixing Area 14369 Color Blend 14370 Registration Color 14371 SpectraMaster® Colors 14372 TOYO COLOR FINDER 14373 DIC Colors 14374 Image Palette 14375 Le&vel 14376 T&int: 14377 &C 14378 &M 14379 &Y 14380 &K 14381 &R 14382 &G 14383 &B 14384 &H 14385 &S 14386 &B 14387 &L* 14388 &a* 14389 &b* 14390 &Y 14391 &I 14392 &Q 14393 &L 14394 &H 14395 &S 14396 B&lend: 14397 Brush T&ype 14398 &Hard 14399 &Medium 14400 &Soft 14401 inch 14402 Default 14403 Dot 14404 Line 14405 Not enough disk space to save file %s. 14406 Opening 14407 Reading 14408 Writing 14409 Corel Color Manager 14410 Error %s %s file. 14411 untitled.cpl 14412 Custom palette (*.cpl)|*.cpl| 14413 Process palette (*.pal)|*.pal| 14414 Spot palette (*.ipl)|*.ipl| 14415 Select Color 14416 %d%% %s 14417 PANTONE® HEXACHROME (TM) 14418 &O 14426 cpl 14427 pal 14428 ipl 14429 Delete %s from palette? 14430 You have not saved the changes to %s. Opening a new palette will discard these changes. \n \nDo you wish to continue opening a new palette? 14431 You have not saved the changes to %s. Creating a new palette will discard these changes. \n \nDo you wish to continue creating a new palette? 14432 The current custom palette is a Process Palette (%s) and cannot be saved under the *.%s format. To save your changes, rename the palette to a Custom Palette (*.%s).\n Do you wish to continue and discard your changes? 14433 The current custom palette is a Spot Palette (%s) and cannot be saved under the *.%s format. To save your changes, rename the palette to a Custom Palette (*.%s).\n Do you wish to continue and discard your changes? 14434 %s is not a valid palette filename. 14435 Color Calibration 14437 Not Enough Memory, Please close some applications and try again. 14438 Can't find file %s in directory %s 14439 untitled.bmp 14440 Color mixing files (*.bmp)| *.bmp| 14441 Open Color Mix File 14442 Save Color Mix File 14443 Open Palette 14444 Save Palette As 14445 New Palette 14446 BMP File (*.bmp)|*.bmp| 14447 Load Mixing Area File 14448 Save Mixing Area File As 14449 Error opening file %s. 14450 %s is not a valid mixing area file. \nOnly 1, 4, 8, and 24 bit non-compressed .BMP files are supported. 14451 Error reading file %s. 14452 Error - low memory. 14453 TRU 14454 PAN_PROC 14455 PAN_SPOT 14456 IMAGE 14457 USER 14458 CUSFIXED 14459 RGBSTD 14460 FOCTONE 14461 DUPONT 14462 TOYO 14463 DIC 14464 PANTONE 14465 CMYK100 14466 CMYK255 14467 CMY255 14468 RGB255 14469 HSB 14470 HLS 14471 BW 14472 GRAY255 14473 YIQ255 14474 LAB 14475 PANTONE S 14476 TRUMATCH 14477 FOCOLTONE 14478 RGB 14479 SpectraMaster® 14480 TOYO 14481 DIC 14482 bmp 14483 C 14484 M 14485 Y 14486 R 14487 G 14488 B 14489 The specified color name has already been used. Please choose another name for this color. 14490 1 249 245 131 "100" 14491 The number of colors in the Custom Color Palette has reached its maximum. Adding the new color will cause the last color to be overwritten. \n Would you like to add this color? 14492 Adding all colors will cause the maximum number of colors in the Custom Color Palette to be exceeded by %d colors. Delete some colors from the Custom Palette, or create a new palette before adding these colors. 14493 Custom Colors - 14494 pantone.hex 14495 PAN_HEX 14592 OK 14593 %s calibration error. 14594 General error. Please check your Profile generating procedure. 14595 Not Enough Memory. Please close some applications and try again. 14596 Cannot open file %s. 14597 Incorrect file format or Bad values in %s. 14598 Not enough disk space, or file %s is read only. 14599 Incorrect file format or Bad values in %s. 14600 %s calibration error. 14601 %s calibration error. 14602 Exit Corel Color Manager? 14603 Time out 14604 Can't overwrite %s ! 14605 File %s does not exist ! 14606 Scanner calibration file %s does not exist. 14607 The file %s is read only. Please change the file attributes and try again. 14608 %s is not a valid System Profile. 14609 &Use Printer Circuits 14610 Incorrect file format or bad values in measurement file %s. Check that all colors are in XYZ100; check also that the file contains %d colors. 14611 UsePrinterCircuits 14613 Hex. Yellow 14620 Selecte&d Color 14621 STARTFROMAPPLICATION 14622 Config 14623 Warning 14624 Do you want to overwrite the existing file ? 14625 SystemColorProfile 14626 Other... 14627 Please wait... 14628 Generating the System Profile %s 14629 ColorDir 14630 ProfileMatchMode 14631 GamutAlarmColor 14632 &Add Color to Palette 14633 &Swap Color 14634 &Brush Size 14635 &Small 14636 &Medium 14637 &Large 14638 &Color Model 14639 &CMYK 14640 &RGB 14641 &HSB 14642 &Load Bitmap... 14643 Sa&ve Bitmap... 14644 Cl&ear Bitmap 14645 Show Color Names 14646 &PostScript Options... 14647 &Grid Size 14648 Color Options 14649 Palette Options 14650 Mod&el: 14651 Typ&e: 14652 Mod&e: 14653 Add A&ll Grid Colors to Palette 14654 &Get Color 14655 &What's This? 14656 ProgramsDir 14657 \ColorMgr.exe 14658 SELECTPROFILE 14659 Could not load the Color Manager. Please ensure it is properly installed. 14660 Color Manager - Error 14661 C 14662 M 14663 Y 14664 K 14665 H 14666 S 14667 B 14668 L 14669 I 14670 Q 14671 R 14672 G 14673 B 14674 L* 14675 a* 14676 b* 14677 Edit 14678 Pick 14679 RGB 14680 HSB 14681 HLS 14682 CMY 14683 L*a*b* 14684 YIQ 14685 Color Blend 14686 CMYK 14687 CMYK255 14688 Grayscale 14689 Registration Color 14690 Palette 14691 Mixing Area 14692 Uniform Colors 14693 Image Colors 14694 Custom Colors 14696 PANTONE® Process Colors 14697 PANTONE MATCHING SYSTEM® Colors 14698 TRUMATCH Colors 14699 SpectraMaster® Colors 14700 TOYO COLOR FINDER 14701 DIC Colors 14702 FOCOLTONE Colors 14703 &Add Color to Palette 14704 Red 14705 Green 14706 Blue 14707 Cyan 14708 Magenta 14709 Yellow 14710 Black 14711 Gray 14712 Channel 14713 Duotone 14714 Fill Mixing Area 14716 Inside Gamut 14717 Outside Gamut 14723 COLORSELECT 14724 Brush 14725 Mode 14726 Background 14727 Outline 14728 ImageColorModel 14729 WheelMode 14730 Palette Type 14731 ColorNames 14735 Paper Color 14736 Paint Color 14737 Show Color Com&ponents 14738 S&how Color Name 14739 Show Mi&xing Area 14740 Show &Model 14741 Swap Co&lors 14742 &Use Printer Circuits 14743 &What's This? 14744 &Properties... 14763 &Brush Size 14764 &Small 14765 &Medium 14766 &Large 14767 Load Bi&tmap... 14768 &Save Bitmap... 14769 Clear &Bitmap... 14770 &Grid Size 14771 Color &Model 14772 &CMYK 14773 &RGB 14774 &HSB 14775 &Edit Color... 14776 &Rename Color 14777 &Delete Color 14778 &New Palette... 14779 &Open Palette... 14780 &Save 14781 Sa&ve As... 14782 Show Color Names 14783 Auto-Blend 14784 ColorBlendRes 14785 MixBlendColorModel 14786 MixTransparency 14787 Brush T&ype 14788 &Hard 14789 &Medium 14790 &Soft 14800 comh 14801 spc6 14802 head 14803 note 14804 ccmm 14805 s___ 14806 mt__ 14807 m___ 14808 p___ 14810 s__1 14811 m__1 14812 pc_1 14813 pr_1 14814 ipc1 14815 ipr1 14816 icm1 14817 irm1 14818 prm1 14819 pcm1 14820 2c21 14821 2r21 14822 m__P 14823 pc_P 14824 pr_P 14825 ipcP 14826 iprP 14827 icmP 14828 irmP 14829 prmP 14830 pcmP 14831 2c2P 14832 2r2P 14833 ip_G 14834 14835 14848 Scanner1.CC 14849 Monitor1.CC 14850 2CMYKPr1.CC 14851 2RGBPr1.CC 14852 CMYKPr21.CC 14853 RGBPr21.CC 14854 2C2Mon1.CC 14855 2R2Mon1.CC 14856 R2Mon1.CC 14857 C2Mon1.CC 14858 lb21.CC 14859 2lb1.CC 14860 2c21.CC 14861 2r21.CC 14862 MonitorP.CC 14863 2CMYKPrP.CC 14864 CMYKPr2P.CC 14865 2RGBPrP.CC 14866 RGBPr2P.CC 14867 2C2MonP.CC 14868 2R2MonP.CC 14869 R2MonP.CC 14870 C2MonP.CC 14871 lb2P.CC 14872 2lbP.CC 14873 2c2P.CC 14880 2r2P.CC 14881 2PrinterG.CC 14882 CRGB2HxH.PT 14883 CRGB2HxN.PT 14896 Scanner.PRF 14897 ThMonitor.PRF 14898 Monitor.PRF 14899 CMYKPrn.PRF 14900 RGBPrn.PRF 20480 Jan 20481 Feb 20482 Mar 20483 Apr 20484 May 20485 Jun 20486 Jul 20487 Aug 20488 Sep 20489 Oct 20490 Nov 20491 Dec 20492 January 20493 February 20494 March 20495 April 20496 May 20497 June 20498 July 20499 August 20500 September 20501 October 20502 November 20503 December 20504 Mon 20505 Tue 20506 Wed 20507 Thu 20508 Fri 20509 Sat 20510 Sun 20511 Monday 20512 Tuesday 20513 Wednesday 20514 Thursday 20515 Friday 20516 Saturday 20517 Sunday 20518 Intl 20519 sThousand 20520 sDecimal 20521 sList 20522 sDate 20523 sTime 20524 sCurrency 20525 sShortDate 20526 sLongDate 20527 s1159 20528 s2359 20529 iDate 20530 iTime 20531 iTLZero 20532 M/d/yy 20533 dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy 20534 EeBbDd 20535 $ 20536 , 20537 . 20538 , 20539 / 20540 : 20541 K 20542 M 20543 e+00 20544 % 20545 # 20546 0 20547 20548 20549 y 20550 M 20551 d 20552 h 20553 m 20554 s 20555 " 20556 \ 20557 & 20558 am 20559 AM 20560 pm 20561 PM 20562 yards 20563 yds 20564 miles 20565 mi 20566 feet 20567 ft 20568 '' 20569 ' 20570 inches 20571 in 20572 "" 20573 " 20574 kilometers 20575 km 20576 meters 20577 m 20578 centimeters 20579 cm 20580 millimeters 20581 mm 20582 picas 20583 picas 20584 points 20585 pts 20586 ciceros 20587 didots 20588 / 20589 - 20590 General 20591 degrees 20592 radians 20593 gradians 20594 K 20595 M 20596 e+00 20597 % 20598 # 20599 0 20600 20601 20602 y 20603 M 20604 d 20605 h 20606 m 20607 s 20608 " 20609 \ 20610 & 20611 am 20612 AM 20613 pm 20614 PM 20615 miles 20616 mi 20617 yards 20618 yds 20619 feet 20620 ft 20621 '' 20622 ' 20623 inches 20624 in 20625 "" 20626 " 20627 kilometers 20628 km 20629 meters 20630 m 20631 centimeters 20632 cm 20633 millimeters 20634 mm 20635 picas 20636 picas 20637 points 20638 pts 20639 ciceros 20640 didots 20641 General 20642 / 20643 - 20645 degrees 20646 radians 20647 gradians 20648 Corel 20649 Only user-defined format types may be deleted. \nThe selected format type is not user-defined. 20651 #,##0 mi 0 ft 20652 #,##0 ft 0 in 20653 #,##0 ft 0 /32 in 20654 #,##0 '' 0 "" 20655 #,##0''"-"0 /32"" 20656 #,##0.000 km 20657 #,##0 km 0.00 m 20658 #,##0 m 0.00 cm 20659 #,##0 m 0.0 mm 20660 0 picas 0 points 20663 0 20664 0.0 20665 0.00 20666 #,##0 20667 $"$"#,##0.00 20668 #,##0 K 20669 #,##0 M 20670 #,##0 % 20671 0.00 e+00 20674 dd/MM/yy 20675 dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy 20775 Could not open %s.\n\nPlease check Key: "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\%s" Value: "%s" in the Registry. 20776 Key: "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\%s" Value: "%s" not found in the Registry. 20779 Registered to: %s Serial #: %s 20780 This copy is registered to: \n%s \nSerial Number: %s \nPIN: %s 20781 Unknown User 20782 Unknown 20800 Custom 20801 Labels 20802 Slide 20803 Letter 20804 Legal 20805 Tabloid 20806 Statement/Half 20807 Executive 20808 Fanfold 20809 Double 20810 Broad Sheet 20811 A0 20812 A1 20813 A2 20814 A3 20815 A4 20816 A5 20817 A6 20818 B1 (ISO) 20819 B4 (ISO) 20820 B5 (ISO) 20821 B4 (JIS) 20822 B5 (JIS) 20823 C3 20824 C4 20825 C5 20826 C6 20827 RA2 20828 RA3 20829 RA4 20830 Envelope #9 20831 Envelope #10 20832 Envelope #11 20833 Envelope #12 20834 Envelope #14 20835 Envelope Monarch 20836 Envelope Check 20837 DL 20838 German Fanfold 20839 German Legal Fanfold 20848 %s Condition #%4.4d-%s-%4.4d 20849 A problem occurred accessing memory. Please refer to the Technical Support Help. 20850 Unexpected condition encountered. Please refer to the Technical Support Help. 20851 CorelDRAW! 20852 Invalid %s 20853 Value must be between %s and %s %s. 20857 inches 20858 inch 20859 in 20860 millimeters 20861 millimeter 20862 mm 20863 picas, points 20864 pica 20865 pc 20866 points 20867 point 20868 pt 20869 centimeters 20870 centimeter 20871 cm 20872 pixels 20873 pixel 20874 px 20875 feet 20876 foot 20877 ft 20878 miles 20879 mile 20880 mi 20881 meters 20882 meter 20883 m 20884 kilometers 20885 kilometer 20886 km 20887 degrees 20888 degree 20889 deg 20890 ciceros, didots 20891 cicero 20892 cc 20893 didots 20894 didot 20895 dd 20896 agates 20897 agate 20898 agates 20899 inches decimal 20900 inch decimal 20901 in decimal 20902 yards 20903 yard 20904 yd 20910 % Complete 20917 Insufficient memory to open this Roll-Up.\n\nClose one or more Roll-Ups or applications and then try again. 20918 Roll-Up 20919 System 20920 Display 20921 Printing 20922 Corel EXEs & DLLs 20923 System DLLs 20925 Platform: Windows NT 20926 Platform: Win32s(TM) on Windows 3.1 20927 Platform: Windows 95 20928 Platform: Unknown 20929 Platform version: %d.%d 20930 Platform build number: %d 20931 Platform info: %s 20932 Total physical memory: %lu KB 20933 Available physical memory: %lu KB 20934 Total virtual memory: %lu KB 20935 Available virtual memory: %lu KB 20936 Math Coprocessor: Yes 20937 Math Coprocessor: No 20938 Available space on drive %c: %lu KB %s 20939 Windows Directory: %s 20940 TEMP directory: %s 20941 20942 (Network drive) 20943 (Ram drive) 20944 Processor: Intel 80386 20945 Processor: Intel 80486 20946 Processor: Intel Pentium (586) 20947 Processor: Intel 860 20948 Processor: MIPS R2000 20949 Processor: MIPS R3000 20950 Processor: MIPS R4000 20951 Processor: Alpha 21064 20952 Processor: Unknown 20953 Number of Processors: %lu 20954 Display width: %d 20955 Display height: %d 20956 Mode: Black and White 20957 Mode: 16 Colors 20958 Mode: 256 Colors 20959 Mode: 65K Colors 20960 Mode: 24 Bit Color 20961 Display: %s 20962 Driver: %s 20963 Driver version: %d.%d 20964 Driver size: %lu 20965 Driver date: %s 20967 File Version Date Size 20968 %s %s %d/%d/%d %ld 20969 Installed Printers Driver Version Date Size Port 20970 %s %s %d.%d %d/%d/%d %ld %s 20971 System info was saved to %s. 20972 Unable to save system info to %s. 20973 pixels per 20974 ... 20975 1: 20976 2: 20977 3: 20978 Rotation values 20979 Are you sure you wish to cancel\nthe current operation? 20980 Confirm 20981 (CD-ROM drive) 21761 Value must be between %s and %s %s. 21762 Value must be between %s and %s %s.\nThe value will be reset to %s %s. 21763 Invalid 21764 Grid Unit 21765 Settings 21766 Toolbars...\nMore Toolbars... 21767 Toolbar 21768 There is already a toolbar named ' 21769 '.\nTry a different name. 21770 &Delete 21771 &Reset 21772 Reset all changes made to the toolbar ' 21773 '? (This operation cannot be undone) 21774 Others... 21775 The file ' 21776 ' could not be opened\n\n 21777 ' is corrupt\n\n 21778 ' is read only\n\n 21779 Using the default toolbar configuration instead. 21780 The toolbar configuration information will not be saved\n 21781 The toolbar configuration cannot be saved\n 21782 ' has an old format\n\n 21783 Load ToolBars 21784 Save ToolBars 21785 You must type a name for the toolbar 21786 This is a system defined toolbar.\nYou cannot change its name 21787 You must enter a name for the menu 21788 Using the default menu configuration instead.\nUse the Customize Menus property page to make any changes. 21789 The menu configuration information will not be saved\n 21790 The menu configuration information cannot be saved\n 21791 <> 21792 <> 21793 This will delete the ' 21794 ' menu and all contained menu items. 21795 Load Menus 21796 Save Menus 21797 Menu 21798 File 21799 View 21800 Tools 21801 Window 21802 Help 21803 Edit 21804 Delete 21805 Assign 21806 Load... 21807 Save As... 21808 Reset All 21809 Go to conflict on assign 21810 Commands: 21811 Current shortcut keys: 21812 Press new shortcut key: 21813 Accelerator Files (*.acl) | *.acl|| 21814 Prefix 21815 Ctrl, Alt, or Shift must me used in combination with another key. 21816 You will lose all your changes. 21817 This accelerator conflicts with part of a multiple key accelerator.\n Assign another accelerator. 21818 This accelerator is reserved for Windows.\n Assign another accelerator. 21819 This accelerator conflicts with another single key accelerator 21820 File Path not set ... Please check 21821 File Cannot be Read \n Will use default settings 21822 No Disk Space available 21823 File is not an Accelerator File 21824 Accelerator File does not belong to this Application\n Using default settings instead. 21825 Accelerator File does not belong to this version of the Application\n Using default settings instead. 21826 Acclerator file is in old Format,\n Using default settings instead. 21827 Clear 21828 Print Screen 21829 Num Lock 21830 Scroll Lock 21831 Ctrl 21832 Shift 21833 Alt 21834 Backspace 21835 Tab 21836 Enter 21837 Pause 21838 CapsLock 21839 Esc 21840 Space 21841 PgUp 21842 PgDn 21843 End 21844 Home 21845 LeftArrow 21846 RightArrow 21847 UpArrow 21848 DnArrow 21849 Insert 21850 Delete 21851 F1 21852 F2 21853 F3 21854 F4 21855 F5 21856 F6 21857 F7 21858 F8 21859 F9 21860 F10 21861 F11 21862 F12 21863 F13 21864 F14 21865 F15 21866 F16 21867 F17 21868 F18 21869 F19 21870 F20 21871 F21 21872 F22 21873 F23 21874 F24 21875 NUMPAD* 21876 NUMPAD+ 21877 NUMPAD- 21878 NUMPAD. 21879 NUMPAD/ 21880 NUMPAD0 21881 NUMPAD1 21882 NUMPAD2 21883 NUMPAD3 21884 NUMPAD4 21885 NUMPAD5 21886 NUMPAD6 21887 NUMPAD7 21888 NUMPAD8 21889 NUMPAD9 21890 CAP 21891 NUM 21892 OVR 21893 SCRL 21894 Press ESC to Cancel 21895 Progress: 21896 Working ... 21897 Base Region 21898 21899 21900 21901 21902 21903 &Help 21904 &What's This? 21905 You must type a name for the Rollup Group 21906 Persistant 21907 No Roll-Ups 21908 All Roll-Ups Arranged 21909 Save On Exit 21910 Terminal 21911 MS Sans Serif 21912 - 21913 New Group 21914 Using the default Rollups configuration instead.\nThe Rollups configuration file will be restored when you exit the application. 21915 The Rollups configuration information will not be saved\n 21916 The Rollups configuration can not be saved\n 21917 Load Rollups 21918 Save Rollups 21919 Grid & Ruler Setup 21920 Custom 21921 8 per tick 21922 10 per tick 21923 2 Points 21924 Angle and 1 Point 21925 H 21926 V 21927 Angle: 21928 Guidelines Setup 21929 &Show Guidelines 21930 S&nap To Guidelines 21931 Clea&r All 21932 &Options>> 21933 &Options<< 21934 Could not write Keyword/Notes. 21935 There are too many files for the Files Listbox. Some will not be shown. 21936 Name 21937 Date 21938 Save changes to Keywords/Notes? 21939 %s already exists.\n\n Replace existing file? 21940 of 21941 No Caption 21942 < &Back 21943 &Next > 21944 N&o 21945 &Yes 21946 &Finish 21947 Application Scripts 21948 General Scripts 21949 Suspend 21950 Resume 21951 Document 21952 Command 21953 Priority 21954 % 21955 Suspended 21956 High 21957 Normal 21958 Low 21959 Idle 21960 CAPS 21961 NUM 21962 SCRL 21963 Main Menu 21964 Do you want to save your changes to '%s' ? 21965 Reset '%s' to default application settings? 21966 Reset to default application settings? 21967 Dock Toolbar 21968 Float Toolbar 21969 Fly-out Toolbar 21970 Fly-in Toolbar 21971 Percent Done: 21972 Customize... 21973 '%s - %s' is no longer available. A component\nof your application may have been uninstalled. 21974 '%s - %s' is no longer available. 21975 Reset the status bar to original settings? (This operation cannot be undone) 21976 Wednesday, September 30, 2000 21977 Table 21978 Columns 21979 Cancel 21980 &Update 21981 Save Copy &As... 22528 Fountain Fill 22529 Default 22530 Delete preset: %s? 22531 Linear 22532 Radial 22533 Conical 22534 Square 22535 Preset already exists,\n Overwrite ? 22536 Texture Fill 22537 Save Texture as 22538 Texture exists in this Library,\n Overwrite ? 22539 Please enter a different name. 22540 Delete Texture: %s? 22541 Are you sure? 22542 Error generating Texture 22543 Function not found in TXR_EngineProc 22544 TXR_EngineProc not found in Texture DLL 22545 Texture DLL not found 22546 Could not find your Texture directory 22547 Error during Save As 22548 Texture file CORELDRW.TXR could not be found. 22549 You cannot Save in the Styles Library 22550 Texture Options 22551 %s bytes 22552 Cannot Open Texture Bitmap File 22553 CORELDRW.END 22554 ARROWS.TMP 22555 CORELDRW.DOT 22556 % 22557 Delete last selected arrow 22558 Outline Color 22559 *.PAT 22560 Vector Pattern 22561 Vector Pattern 22562 Two-Color Bitmap Pattern 22563 Error: Nothing selected, cannot delete. 22564 Delete Vector Pattern 22565 Error: File %s has been deleted. 22566 Delete File: %s? 22567 Delete currently selected Two-Color Bitmap Pattern? 22568 Delete Two-Color Bitmap Pattern 22569 Two-Color Foreground 22570 Two-Color Background 22571 Fountain Fill 22572 Uniform Fill 22573 Full-Color Bitmap Pattern 22574 Tiles.ini Not Found 22575 Delete currently selected Full-Color Bitmap Pattern? 22576 Delete Full-Color Bitmap Pattern 22577 Cannot Open Full-Color Bitmap File 22578 Load 22579 Pattern File (*.pat)|*.pat|| 22580 PAT 22581 Could not import selected file 22582 Label Name cannot be Empty 22583 Cannot Open File 22584 Label Form Name \n %s Already Exist's\n OverWrite? 22585 User Defined 22586 %s is read only. \n\n CorelDRAW cannot create the arrow ! 22587 Create Arrow 22604 Are you Sure You Want to Delete? 22605 The format of the file %s is not currently supported for use as a fill. 22606 Style Name: 22607 Arrowhead file CORELDRW.END could not be found 22618 Right Side 22619 Left Side 22620 Booklet 22621 Book 22622 Full Page 22623 Side-Fold Card 22624 Tent Card 22625 Top-Fold Card 22626 One page per sheet 22627 Two pages per sheet 22628 Four pages per sheet 22629 22630 Cut in middle 22631 Fold in middle 22632 Fold on top 22633 Fold on left 22640 OK 22641 Cancel 22642 &Help 22643 Page Setup 22644 Label Types 22645 %s, %s 22646 %.4g %s 22647 in. 22648 The printer is currently set to use an unrecognized paper size. Paper type not changed. 22649 Cannot Set From Printer 22650 Paper Color 22651 Customize Label 22652 The current label layout does not allow the specified number of\nlabels to fit across the page. 22653 The current label layout does not allow the specified number of\nlabels to fit down the page. 22654 The current label layout does not allow the specified number of\nlabels to fit across and down the page. 23552 Invalid Custom Directory specified in corelapp.ini. 23553 CorelDRAW! 23554 coreldrw.hlp 23557 Find and Replace 23558 Find has reached the end of the text. \nDo you want to continue the search \nfrom the beginning of the text? 23559 Search text not found! 23560 This action cannot be completed because it would produce a paragraph that is greater than the maximum allowable length. 23570 Corel 32-bit Presentation Exchange Data 23571 Rich Text Format 23572 Unknown Operation 23573 Typing 23574 Break Paragraph 23575 Delete 23576 Delete Selection 23577 Paste 23578 Cut 23579 Select Text 23580 Cursor Move 23581 Apply Style 23582 Revert To Style 23583 Change Multiple Attributes 23584 Change Alignment 23585 Change Spacing 23586 Change Tabs 23587 Change Bullet 23588 Change Indents 23589 Change Hypenation 23590 Change Color 23591 Change Typeface 23592 Change Type Style 23593 Change Type Size 23594 Change Type Angle 23595 Change Character Shifts 23596 Change Range Kerning 23597 Change Line Attributes 23598 Change Drop Cap 23599 Change Case 23622 Type Assist 23623 .?!& ¡¿ 23624 monday 23625 tuesday 23626 wednesday 23627 thursday 23628 friday 23629 saturday 23630 sunday 23631 coreldrw.tpa 23632 This entry already exists. Do you want to Replace it? 23633 Are you sure you want to delete this entry? 23642 % of Char. height 23643 points 23644 % of Pt. size 23645 AaBbYyZz 23646 This is a TrueType font. 23647 This is a PostScript Type 1 font. 23649 Normal 23650 Superscript 23651 Subscript 23652 (none) 23653 Single Thin 23654 Single Thin Word 23655 Single Thick 23656 Single Thick Word 23657 Double Thin 23658 Double Thin Word 23659 (none) 23660 SmallCaps 23661 AllCaps 23662 ÆxÆxAa12 23663 (Not Found) 23664 There are no fonts available for text. 23665 The total column and gutter widths exceed the maximum size. 23666 Thin 23667 Thin-Italic 23668 ExtraLight 23669 ExtraLight-Italic 23670 Light 23671 Light-Italic 23672 Normal 23673 Normal-Italic 23674 Medium 23675 Medium-Italic 23676 SemiBold 23677 SemiBold -Italic 23678 Bold 23679 Bold-Italic 23680 ExtraBold 23681 ExtraBold-Italic 23682 Black 23683 Black-Italic 23702 Default Graphic 23703 Default Artistic Text 23704 Default Paragraph Text 23705 AvantGarde Bk BT 23722 &Change 23723 Change &All 23724 &Delete 23725 Delete &All 23726 Full Text 23727 Highlighted Text 23728 Selected Text 23729 (No Alternatives) 23730 Current Text Object. 23731 USERPD 23732 USERPF 23733 There is no Personal Dictionary Installed. 23734 ProofReader 23735 ProofRdrDatabase 23736 HyphDatabase 23737 PersonalDic 23738 UserProfile 23739 CorelTxt.ini 23740 PEN3M111.DAT 23741 HENIS320.DAT 23742 Spelling 23743 Quick Proofreading 23744 Full Proofreading 23746 Formal 23747 Standard 23748 Informal 23749 Catalan 23750 Czech 23751 Danish 23752 Dutch (Prime) 23753 Dutch (Second) 23754 US English 23755 UK English (ise) 23756 UK English (ize) 23757 Finnish 23758 French 23759 German (Scharfes) 23760 German (Doppel-S) 23761 Italian 23762 Norwegian (Bokmal) 23763 Norwegian (Nynorsk) 23764 Portuguese (Iberian) 23765 Portuguese (Brazilian) 23766 Russian 23767 Spanish 23768 Swedish 23769 (none) 23770 Language 23771 Proofreading is Complete. 23772 Error: 23773 Warnning: 23774 Input buffer 23775 Text error 23776 System Error - 23777 Procedure Error - 23778 Unknown Error 23779 Correction returns are exhausted 23780 Space insertion during correcting of text. 23781 Performing Personal dictionary correction text. 23782 Some, but not all requested messages were available. 23783 Hyphenation has not been initialized. 23784 Hyphenation initialization could not be performed. 23785 Hyphenation termination could not be performed. 23786 A single crude token would create too token nodes. 23787 Unknown. 23788 The Proofreader does not support the input language. 23789 Input text is a null string. 23790 Invalid input buffer index. 23791 Option is a null pointer. 23792 Invalid dialect code. 23793 Invalid mode. 23794 Invalid primary operation. 23795 Invalid secondary operation. 23796 Application ID is invalid. 23797 Database ID is invalid. 23798 Personal Dictionary ID is invalid. 23799 Proofreader database filename is NULL. 23800 User rule-file ID is invalid. 23801 Rule type number is invalid. 23802 Rule number is greater than maximum in type. 23803 Messages have been already retrieved. 23804 Structure does not exist. 23805 Input is a null pointer. 23806 Null ICS pointer. 23807 Hyphenation initialization failure. 23808 Hyphenation termination failure. 23809 Bad field in IO structure. 23810 Database does not support selected proof mode. 23811 Database preference error. 23812 Parameter #1 is invalid. 23813 Parameter #2 is invalid. 23814 Parameter #3 is invalid. 23815 Parameter #4 is invalid. 23816 Parameter #5 is invalid. 23817 Parameter #6 is invalid. 23818 Parameter #7 is invalid. 23819 Parameter #8 is invalid. 23820 File open. 23821 File close. 23822 File position. 23823 File header. 23824 File creation. 23825 Memory allocation. 23826 Memory lock. 23827 Memory operation failed. 23828 A maximum (of ALTs, etc.) was exceeded. 23829 Database/code version mismatch. 23830 An operation in expr matcher data is bad. 23831 The Rule Matcher's stack is corrupted. 23832 No error message exists 23834 File seek. 23835 File read. 23836 File write. 23837 ICS returned an Error. 23838 Do you want to continue Proofreading from the beginning? 23839 The states of the rule types have been changed, do you want to save them? 23840 Make sure that the file '%s' exists in the path '%s', or delete the Entry from the INI file 23841 Edit Underline 23842 Edit Overline 23843 Edit Strikeout 23844 Character Attributes 23845 Spell Checking 23846 Quick Proofreading 23847 Full Proofreading 23848 Spell Checking is complete. 23849 Quick Proofreading is complete. 23850 Full Proofreading is complete. 23851 Paragraph Text Frames: 23852 Linked Frames: 23853 Empty Frames: 23854 Not all of the text fits in the frames. 23855 Not all of the text fits in the frame. 23856 Artistic Text Objects: 23857 Paragraphs: 23858 Paragraphs: 23859 Lines: 23860 Words: 23861 Characters: 23862 \nAll Text In Document 23863 Selection:\n%d Artistic Text Object, %d Paragraph Text Frame 23864 Selection:\n%d Artistic Text Object, %d Paragraph Text Frames 23865 Selection:\n%d Artistic Text Objects, %d Paragraph Text Frame 23866 Selection:\n%d Artistic Text Objects, %d Paragraph Text Frames 23867 \nSelection: Artistic Text Object 23868 \nSelection: %d Artistic Text Objects 23869 \nSelection: Paragraph Text Frame 23870 \nSelection: Linked Paragraph Text Frames 23871 \nSelection: %d Paragraph Text Frames 23872 Number of styles used: 23873 Fonts used: 23875 Paragraph 23876 Drop cap si&ze: 23877 Drop cap &indent: 23878 Baseline &shift: 23879 Bullet si&ze: 23880 Bullet &indent: 23881 There are already %d tabs which is the maximum number allowed. 23882 There are no symbol fonts installed. 23883 Selected Frames Only 23884 Selected And Subsequent Frames 23885 All Frames 23892 New Personal Dictionary 23893 &Dictionary name: 23894 New User Profile 23895 &User profile name: 23896 AltSpelling 23897 A new range has been selected.\nChecking must resume at the beginning of this range. 23898 Cannot load CDRTPR60.DLL.\nMake sure you have the file in your path 23899 Cannot find the database files in the DATA directory. 23900 Cannot Initialize the database file 23901 UsePD 23902 Did not find any definitions for this word. 23903 An error [# %d] occurred. 23904 There is no enough memory. 23905 Can not find thesaurus database '%s'. 23906 Cannot load CDRTRE60.DLL.\nMake sure you have the file in your path 23907 rdntf300.dat 23908 rdutf300.dat 23909 reutf410.dat 23910 rektf400.dat 23911 rfntf400.dat 23912 rfrtf300.dat 23913 rgrtf400.dat 23914 rittf310.dat 23915 rnotf313.dat 23916 ribtf311.dat 23917 rpbtf331.dat 23918 rsptf302.dat 23919 rswtf300.dat 23920 Can't Allocate memory to be used for proof reading a sentence.\nSentence skipped 23921 Error allocating memory.\nProcess is not completed. 23922 This is not a valid number.\nCan't set the new font size. 23923 Getting Formality from the database file: \n 23924 Setting Formality in the database file: \n 23925 Initialization of the ProofReader module: \n 23926 Terminating the ProofReader module: \n 23927 Initialization of the database module: \n 23928 Termination of the database module: \n 23929 Initialization of the hyphenation database module: \n 23930 Termination of the hyphenation database module: \n 23931 Setting document format: \n 23932 You can have only 4 personal dictionaries active at once: \n 23933 Closing personal dictionary: \n 23934 Getting rule type status: \n 23935 Setting rule type status: \n 23936 Getting rule type description and status: \n 23937 Getting rule status: \n 23938 Setting rule status: \n 23939 Cleaning up rule information: \n 23940 Getting rule type list: \n 23941 Saving rule type list: \n 23942 Getting rule type description: \n 23943 Restoring rules default settings: \n 23944 Checking sentence: \n 23945 Getting error information and alternative spelling for a sentence: \n 23946 Rechecking the sentence: \n 23947 Getting spelling alternatives: \n 23948 Cleaning up the spelling alternative list: \n 23949 Adding word to Personal dictionary: \n 23950 Getting the best possible hyphenation for a word: \n 23951 Getting all possible hyphenation for a word: \n 23952 Checking word: \n 23953 Font Options 23954 Please select at least one font option 23955 Please select at least one type of style in the style list 24848 Invalid file handle 24849 Out of Memory 24850 Invalid resource data 24851 I/O read error 24852 I/O write error or Disk is full 24853 Invalid file format 24854 Invalid header 24855 Invalid bitmap raw data 24856 Invalid compress data 24857 Internal Memory is corrupted 24858 Key is not in registry file. 24859 Invalid Parameters. 24860 Invalid filter. 24862 User Aborted 24863 Stack Violation 24864 Unrecoverable Error 24865 Invalid Arithmetic operation 24866 Memory Access Violation 24868 All Files 24869 *.* 24870 Import 24871 Export 24872 Full Image 24873 Crop 24874 Resample 24875 Partial Load 24876 CorelGraphics6 24877 Signature 24878 FilterEntry 24879 Description 24880 Extensions 24881 CorelID 24882 FilterCapability1 24883 FilterCapability2 24884 NoOfCompressions 24885 Compressions 24886 FilterNo 24887 ImportCapability 24888 ImportCurrentCompression 24889 ImportCurrentFilter 24890 ImportDefaultDirectory 24891 ImportType 24892 CropUnit 24893 ResampleUnit 24894 ResampleMainAspectRatio 24895 ResampleIdenticalValues 24896 ExportCapability 24897 ExportCurrentCompression 24898 ExportCurrentFilter 24899 ExportDefaultDirectory 24900 CompressionType 24901 Import Into Bitmap 24902 Bitmap Export 24903 New Folder 24904 Edit Quick List... 24910 Quick List Section 24911 File Name0 24912 File Name1 24913 File Name2 24914 File Name3 24915 File Name4 24916 Black and White 24917 256 Shades of Gray 24918 16 Colors 24919 256 Colors 24920 16 Million Colors 24921 CMYK Image 24922 Option&s >> 24923 Option&s << 24924 Pixels , Black and White (1-bit) 24925 Pixels , 16 Colors (4-bit) 24926 Pixels , Grayscale (8-bit) 24927 Pixels , 256 Colors (8-bit) 24928 Pixels , 16.7 Million Colors (24-bit) 24929 Pixels , 16.7 Million Colors (32-bit) 24930 Unknown 24931 Imp&ort 24932 E&xport 24933 bytes 24934 FilterFullName 24935 Version 24936 Company 24937 Copyright 24938 1 to 1 24939 640x480(VGA) 24940 800x600(SVGA) 24941 1024x768 24942 Custom 24943 Initial DIR 24944 Prev Check 24945 Import Type 24946 Use Def Value 24947 Slide Type 24948 Compression Type 24949 BACKUP 24950 OPEN File Dialog 24951 SAVE File Dialog 24952 Option State 24953 Enter Proper Filename 24954 Filter Manager 24955 Dithered 24956 Size Index 24957 Identical Value 24958 H Resolution 24959 V Resolution 24960 Width 24961 Height 24962 Anti Alias 24963 Resolution Index 24964 300 DPI 24965 200 DPI 24966 150 DPI 24967 75 DPI 24968 FAX Fine (200x100) 24969 FAX Normal (100x100) 24970 Color Index 24971 Uncompressed 24972 IMPORT 24973 EXPORT 24974 Filters 24975 AutoCAD Binary DXF 24976 FILTER ID 24977 AdditionalDll 24978 CDRFLT60.HLP 24979 Cannot access this file because it is being used by another process 24980 Print House 24981 Print House Files (CPH) 24982 *.cph 25088 CorelDraw4 25089 DrawDir 25090 corelfnt.ini 25091 CDrawConfig 25092 FontsDir 25093 TTFOptimization 25094 CorelDrwFonts 25095 CORELDRWSymbols 25096 CORELDRW20FontMap 25097 PSResidentFonts 25098 -Thin 25099 -ThinItalic 25100 -ExtraLight 25101 -ExtraLightItalic 25102 -Light 25103 -LightItalic 25104 -Normal 25105 -Italic 25106 -Medium 25107 -MediumItalic 25108 -SemiBold 25109 -SemiBoldItalic 25110 -Bold 25111 -BoldItalic 25112 -ExtraBold 25113 -ExtraBoldItalic 25114 -Black 25115 -BlackItalic 25118 Font Manager 25119 No fonts were found. This application may not have been properly installed. 25120 No fonts were found. This application may not have been properly installed. 25121 Invalid font directory specified in corelapp.ini. 25122 panose.bin 25124 (Not Found) 25232 Times 25233 Courier 25234 Helvetica 25235 Symbol 25236 Dialog 25239 Arial 25240 Wingdings 25344 Object Properties 25413 %%PlateFile: (%s) EPS Local 25600 Width: %.2f Height: %.2f inches 25601 Select one or more objects 25602 Transform the selected objects 25603 Drag the mouse to draw 25604 Scale: %.1f %% 25605 Y Scale: %.1f %% 25606 X Scale: %.1f %% 25607 DX: %.2f DY: %.2f inches 25608 Angle: %.1f degrees 25609 Object Properties 27392 Range Container Contents: 27393 Enumeration Container Content: 27394 OneValue Container Content: 27396 Container Type 27397 Minimum Value 27398 Maximum Value 27399 Step Size 27455 Default 27456 Current 27457 Items 27458 Item Type 27459 Array Container Content: 27461 Memory 27462 File 27463 Buffered 27464 An Unknown Error has occured in the Twain Source Manager during Initialization.\n\nTwain functionality will be disabled. 27465 The Twain Source Manager could not be Loaded, the file Twain_32.dll is either missing or corrupted.\n\nTwain functionality will be disabled. 27466 The Twain Source Manager could not be Initialized.\n\nTwain Functionality will be disabled. 27467 No Twain Drivers could be found.\n\nPlease make sure that your Twain Driver(s) have been installed properly. 27468 The Selected Twain Driver could not be enabled.\n\nThe driver is either busy, or the Hardware is not installed properly. 27469 An Unknown Error has occured during Image Acquisition. 27470 A Low Memory Error occured during Twain Image Acquisition.\n\nPlease try reducing the size of your Image. 27471 A Low Disk Space Error has occured during Twain Image Acquisition.\n\nPlease try reducing the size of your Image, or free up some disk space. 27472 The Selected Image is too large.\n\nPlease try reducing the size of your Image. 27473 The Twain Driver could not complete the Image Acquisition.\n\nPlease try adjusting your Image and try again. 27474 The Twain Driver could not complete the Image Acquisition to Memory.\n\nPlease try Buffered, or File Mode from the Options Dialog. 27475 The Twain Driver could not complete the Image Acquisition in Buffered Mode.\n\nPlease try Memory, or File Mode from the Options Dialog. 27476 The Twain Driver could not complete the Image Acquisition to File.\n\nPlease try Memory or Buffered Mode from the Options Dialog. 27477 An Unknown Error occured when creating a temporary file.\n\nPlease check your Windows temp Directory and try again. 27478 The Selected Image has an unsupported Pixel Depth.\n\nPlease try reducing the number of colors in your image. 27479 Buffered Transfer Mode does not support Planar Data.\n\nPlease try Native or File Transfer Mode with this Twain Driver. 27480 This image contains an unsupported image data type.\n\nPlease check the options in your Twain Driver for B&W, Gray, or RGB Selections. 27481 This Twain Driver does not support File Transfer Mode.\n\nPlease try Native, or Buffered Mode from the Options Dialog. 27907 \panose.bin 27920 (PANOSE default) 27921 (Corel default) 27922 Temp 27923 Perm 27924 Save changes to your font matching exceptions file? 27925 Save changes 27926 panose.dat 27927 ... 27928 -Normal 27929 -Italic 27930 -Bold 27931 -BoldItalic 27932 -Thin 27933 -ThinItalic 27934 -ExtraLight 27935 -ExtraLightItalic 27936 -Light 27937 -LightItalic 27938 -Medium 27939 -MediumItalic 27940 -SemiBold 27941 -SemiBoldItalic 27942 -ExtraBold 27943 -ExtraBoldItalic 27944 -Black 27945 -BlackItalic 28065 Blank font name 28066 Font names may not be left blank. 28067 Exception conflict 28068 A matching exception already exists for this font. 28069 Duplicate Macintosh name 28070 An alternate spelling rule for this Macintosh font name already exists. 28071 Duplicate Windows name 28072 An alternate spelling rule for this Windows font name already exists. 28073 Memory allocation failure 28074 An error occurred allocating memory. 28075 List full 28076 No more entries can be added to the required list. 28684 Brightness/Contrast/Intensity 28685 Reduce Speckles 28686 Remove Dust & Scratches 28687 Remove Red Eyes 28688 Replace Colors 28689 Sharpen 28690 Simplify Colors 28691 Add Light Source 28692 Custom Negative 28693 Emboss 28694 Feather 28695 Impressionist 28696 Motion Blur 28697 Page Curl 28698 Photo Negative 28699 Psychedelic 28700 Ripple 28701 Sketch 28702 Swirl 28703 Texture 28704 Vignette 28705 The "%1" effect cannot be applied to an image with a selection. 28706 \n 28707 photos 28708 More - HSB 28709 RGB 28710 HSB 28711 More - RGB 28712 Paint Color 28713 Page Color 28714 Coloring 28715 Create New Image 28716 Image Properties 28717 Black & White 28718 Grayscale 28719 16 color 28720 256 color 28721 16 million color 28722 Side Quarter folded card 28723 Top Quarter folded card 28724 Side Half folded card 28725 Top Half folded card 28726 Postcard 28727 Postcard (large) 28728 Full page 28729 Custom 28730 inches 28731 mm 28732 Pixels 28733 Corel Photo House 1.0 28734 Do you want to update the image in Print House? 28735 Unable to update the image in Print House 28736 Unable to allocate shared memory 28737 &Brightness 28738 &Contrast 28739 &Intensity 28740 R&adius 28741 &Threshold 28742 Per¢age 28743 &Background 28744 &Angle 28745 P&eriod 28746 &Strength 28747 &Damping 28748 &Offset 28749 &Fade 28750 &Speed 28751 Curl &Width 28752 Curl &Height 28753 &Depth 28754 &Level 28755 Sof&t 28756 Soli&d 28757 R&ange 28758 &Horizontal 28759 &Vertical 28760 &Width 28761 Image size is too large.\nPlease descrease the size of image. 28762 There is no CD in the drive.\n\nPlease insert a Print && Photo House CD. 28763 There is no Print && Photo House CD in the drive.\n\nPlease insert one and press Retry. 28764 There are no photos on this CD.\n\nPlease insert a different Print && Photo House CD and press Retry. 28765 Brightness controls the amount of light. Contrast controls differences in shading. Intensity increases the brightness of lighter areas and decreases brightness of the darker mid-tones and dark areas. 28766 Softens the image and reduces the speckled effect that can be created by scanners and video capture software. 28767 Minimizes dust and scratch faults in an image. 28768 Color corrects red eyes. Zoom in on one pupil at a time and select the red area. Choose a new eye color with the eyedropper or Select eye color button. 28769 Replaces the selected color in the original image with a new color. 28770 Sharpens the edges of the image or the selection. 28771 Reduces the number of distinct shades used to represent the image by combining shades close to one another into a single shade. 28772 Produces a spot of light that resembles the refraction of light through a camera lens. 28773 Transforms the colors in an image to appear like those of a negative photographic image. 28774 Creates a three-dimensional appearance. 28775 Blurs the edges of a selection or photo. Feathering the edges of a selection helps blend it into the background gradually. Feathering an entire photo blends the edges into the page color. 28776 Makes the image look like an impressionist-style oil painting. 28777 Creates the illusion of movement in an image. 28778 Rolls a corner of the page over part of the image. 28779 Changes the colors in the image to bright, electric colors such as orange, hot pink, cyan, and lime green. 28780 Produces an effect similar to dropping a pebble into a pool of water. 28781 Makes the image look like a hand-drawn sketch. 28782 Creates a whirlpool effect by rotating and dragging an image according to the angle you specify. 28783 Applies a paper, linen, rock, or marble pattern over the image. 28784 Creates an oval frame around the center of the image. 28785 The "%1" effect cannot be applied to this type of image. 28786 longname.cfg 28787 catalog.cfg 28788 The "%1" effect cannot be applied to this type of image with a selection. 28789 unnamed color 28790 &Undo Ctrl+Z 28791 &Undo %1 Ctrl+Z 28792 &Redo Ctrl+Shift+Z 28793 &Redo %1 Ctrl+Shift+Z 28794 techsupp.hlp 28795 CMYK 32768 Activates Dialog to Change Paint or Page Color\nChange Colors 32770 Property Bar 32794 Activates Brush Tool\nBrush Tool 32795 Activates Rectangle Tool\nRectangle Tool 32796 Activates Key Tool\nKey Tool 32799 Activates Text Tool\nText Tool 32800 Activates Select Tool\nSelect Tool 32801 Activates Node Edit Tool\nNode Edit Tool 32815 Activates Eyedropper Tool\nEyedropper Tool 32816 Activates Eraser Tool\nEraser Tool 32817 Activates Spray Tool\nSpray Tool 32819 Activates Clone Tool\nClone Tool 32823 Activates Freehand Select\nFreehand Selection Tool 32825 Activates Flood Fill Tool\nFlood Fill Tool 32828 Activates Eyedropper Tool\nEyedropper Tool 32830 Activates Rectangle Select Tool\nRectangular Selection Tool 32851 Change image properties\nImage Properties 32852 Crop to selection\nCrop to selection 32876 Magnify Twice\nZoom In 32877 Zoom to see more\nZoom Out 32878 Show the entire document\nZoom Full 32888 Adjust brightness, contrast or intensity\nBrightness/Contrast/Intensity 32889 Soften the image and reduces speckled effects\nRemove Speckles 32890 Eliminate dust and scratch faults\nRemove Dust and Scratches 32891 Color-correct images with red eyes\nRemove Red Eyes 32892 Replace selected color with a new one\nReplace Colors 32893 Sharpen the edges\nSharpen 32894 Reduce the number of distinct shades\nSimplify Colors 32895 Produce a spot of light in the image\nAdd Light Source 32896 Transform colors to look like a negative photographic image\nCustom Negative 32897 Createes a three-dimensional appearance\nEmboss 32898 Blur the edges to produce a softer effect\nFeather 32899 Make image to an impressionist-style oil painting\nImpressionist 32900 Create the illusion of movement in an image\nMotion Blur 32901 Roll a corner of the page over part of the image\nPage Curl 32902 Invert image colors to give a photo negative\nPhoto Negative 32903 Change the colors in the image to bright, electric colors\nPsychedelic 32904 Produce an effect like dropping a pebble into a pool of water\nRipple 32905 Make the image look like a hand-drawn sketch\nSketch 32906 Rotate and drags an image in certain direction\nSwirl 32907 Load a pattern over an image\nTexture 32908 Create an oval frame around the center of the image\nVignette 32909 Convert image to grayscale\nGrayscale 32910 Whirlpool\nWhirlpool 32916 \nMerge Selection 32918 \nDelete Selection 32919 \nMove Selection 32920 \nReplace Selection 32921 \nPaste into Selection 53296 &Time and Date 53297 &None 53298 &Memory 53299 &State Icons 53300 &Keyboard States 53301 &Large Color Swatch 53302 Sm&all Color Swatches 53303 Object &Information 53304 Object &Details 53305 Small Color S&watches 53460 Add 53461 Delete 53462 Join 53463 Break 53465 Reduce 53466 To Line 53467 To Curve 53468 Stretch 53469 Rotate 53470 To Cusp 53471 Smooth 53472 Make Symmetrical 53473 Align 53474 Elastic Mode 57344 Corel Photo House 57345 For Help, press F1 57346 Select an object on which to get Help 57347 %1 in %2 57349 %1 - %2 57600 Create a new document\nNew 57601 Open an existing document\nOpen 57602 Close the active document\nClose 57603 Save the active document\nSave 57604 Save the active document with a new name\nSave As 57605 Change the printing options\nPage Setup 57606 Change the printer and printing options\nPrint Setup 57607 Print the active document\nPrint 57609 Display full pages\nPrint Preview 57610 Update the container to show any changes\nUpdate 57611 Save a copy of the active document with a new name\nSave Copy 57616 Open this document 57617 Open this document 57618 Open this document 57619 Open this document 57620 Open this document 57621 Open this document 57622 Open this document 57623 Open this document 57624 Open this document 57625 Open this document 57626 Open this document 57627 Open this document 57628 Open this document 57629 Open this document 57630 Open this document 57631 Open this document 57632 Erase the selection\nErase 57633 Erase everything\nErase All 57634 Copy the selection and put it on the Clipboard\nCopy 57635 Cut the selection and put it on the Clipboard\nCut 57636 Find the specified text\nFind 57637 Insert Clipboard contents\nPaste 57640 Repeat the last action\nRepeat 57641 Replace specific text with different text\nReplace 57642 Select the entire document\nSelect All 57643 Undo the last action\nUndo 57644 Redo the previously undone action\nRedo 57648 Open another window for the active document\nNew Window 57649 Arrange icons at the bottom of the window\nArrange Icons 57650 Arrange windows so they overlap\nCascade Windows 57651 Arrange windows as non-overlapping tiles\nTile Windows 57652 Arrange windows as non-overlapping tiles\nTile Windows 57653 Split the active window into panes\nSplit 57664 Display program information, version number and copyright\nAbout 57665 Quit the application; prompts to save documents\nExit 57666 Opens Help\nHelp Topics 57667 List Help topics\nHelp Topics 57668 Display instructions about how to use help\nHelp 57669 Display help for clicked on buttons, menus and windows\nHelp 57670 Display help for current task or command\nHelp 57680 Switch to the next window pane\nNext Pane 57681 Switch back to the previous window pane\nPrevious Pane 59136 EXT 59137 CAP 59138 NUM 59139 SCRL 59140 OVR 59141 REC 59392 Show or hide the toolbar\nToggle ToolBar 59393 Show or hide the status bar\nToggle StatusBar 61184 Change the window size 61185 Change the window position 61186 Reduce the window to an icon 61187 Enlarge the window to full size 61188 Switch to the next document window 61189 Switch to the previous document window 61190 Close the active window and prompts to save the documents 61202 Restore the window to normal size 61203 Activate Task List 61215 Activate this window 61440 Open 61441 Save As 61442 All Files (*.*) 61443 Untitled 61444 Save Copy As 61445 Close print preview mode\nCancel Preview 61457 &Hide 61472 No error message is available. 61473 An unsupported operation was attempted. 61474 A required resource was unavailable. 61475 Out of memory. 61476 An unknown error has occurred. 61504 on %1 61505 &One Page 61506 &Two Page 61507 Page %u 61508 Page %u\nPages %u-%u\n 61509 prn 61510 Output.prn 61511 Printer Files (*.prn)|*.prn|All Files (*.*)|*.*|| 61512 Print to File 61513 to %1 61577 &Update %1 61580 E&xit && Return to %1 61588 Linked %s 61589 Unknown Type 61696 Invalid filename. 61697 Failed to open document. 61698 Failed to save document. 61699 Save changes to %1? 61700 Failed to create empty document. 61701 The file is too large to open. 61702 Could not start print job. 61703 Failed to launch help. 61704 Internal application error. 61705 Command failed. 61706 Insufficient memory to perform operation. 61712 Please enter an integer. 61713 Please enter a number. 61714 Please enter an integer between %1 and %2. 61715 Please enter a number between %1 and %2. 61716 Please enter no more than %1 characters. 61717 Please select a button. 61718 Please enter an integer between 0 and 255. 61719 Please enter a positive integer. 61720 Please enter a date and/or time. 61721 Please enter a currency. 61728 Unexpected file format. 61729 %1\nCannot find this file.\nPlease verify that the correct path and file name are given. 61730 Destination disk drive is full. 61731 Unable to read from %1, it is opened by someone else. 61732 Unable to write to %1, it is read-only or opened by someone else. 61733 An unexpected error occurred while reading %1. 61734 An unexpected error occurred while writing %1. 61829 %1\nUnable to register document.\nThe document may already be open. 61831 Update %1 before proceeding? 61832 Could not update client. 61833 Failed to register. OLE features may not work properly. 61834 Failed to update the system registry.\nPlease try using REGEDIT. 61836 Unable to read write-only property. 61837 Unable to write read-only property. 61840 Unable to load mail system support. 61841 Mail system DLL is invalid. 61842 Send Mail failed to send message. 61856 No error occurred. 61857 An unknown error occurred while accessing %1. 61858 %1 was not found. 61859 %1 contains an invalid path. 61860 %1 could not be opened because there are too many open files. 61861 Access to %1 was denied. 61862 An invalid file handle was associated with %1. 61863 %1 could not be removed because it is the current directory. 61864 %1 could not be created because the directory is full. 61865 Seek failed on %1 61866 A hardware I/O error was reported while accessing %1. 61867 A sharing violation occurred while accessing %1. 61868 A locking violation occurred while accessing %1. 61869 Disk full while accessing %1. 61870 An attempt was made to access %1 past its end. 61872 No error occurred. 61873 An unknown error occurred while accessing %1. 61874 An attempt was made to write to the reading %1. 61875 An attempt was made to access %1 past its end. 61876 An attempt was made to read from the writing %1. 61877 %1 has a bad format. 61878 %1 contained an unexpected object. 61879 %1 contains an incorrect schema. 61888 pixels