====================================================================== Title : Entryway/Underhalls/The Gantlet/The Focus Author : Nostromo [DnFRG] E-mail : 100331,2015 Description : Four level of DOOM ][, rebuild from scratch. It seems to me that the levels are much better in a Duke-Version, besides the different monsters. What do you think ? Is it worth the time building them ? ! email me ! Additional Credits to : ID-Software,3D-Realms,Apogee. ====================================================================== * Play Information * Episode and Level # : MAP01 to MAP04 from DOOM II Single Player : Yes Coop Player : Yes DukeMatch Level : Yes??? Difficulty Settings : Not implemented ? * Construction * Base : New level from scratch. No converter. Editor(s) used : Build Known Bugs : None. * Other Levels * I've made a Dukematch Level called MOONDEATH and a single-player called ALPHA 1. * Where to get this MAP file * COMPUSERVE: Modem Games Forum, any other who accepts the upload. ===========================================================================