Looking pale and weak from a self-imposed hunger strike, Dr. Jack Kevorkian was released from jail in December after promising not to assist in any additional suicides until Michigan's assisted suicide law can be tested before the state supreme court. Over the last three and a half years, Kevorkian has assisted in the deaths of 20 seriously ill people in what he has called "medicides". After the Michigan legislature passed a law intended to make assisted suicide illegal, Kevorkian continued to help critically ill people take their own lives. A judge in Wayne County ruled in December that the law was unconstitutional but the state planned to appeal. One charge of violating the law in the death of Thomas Hyde was thrown out, but Kevorkian faced charges at the end of the year in the deaths of Merian Frederick and Donald O'Keefe. His lawyers have asked that charges be dropped in light of the ruling that the law is unconstitutional.