Branch Davidian cult leader David Koresh and at least 74 of his followers died April 19 when a fire consumed their cult compound near Waco, Texas. Koresh apparently ordered the compound set ablaze when the FBI began pumping the buildings full of tear gas. The standoff with FBI and Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms began Feb. 28, after four ATF agents were killed in an abortive raid on the compound. Six cultists were believed killed in that 45-minute gun battle. The ATF had warrants to search the compound for a stockpile of guns and to arrest Koresh. The siege lasted 51 days. Koresh's body was found in the ashes with a gunshot wound to the head. He had repeatedly said the group would come out. Koresh called himself Jesus Christ and asked that a sermon be broadcast on radio. It was, but Koresh reneged on his promise. Later he said they would emerge as soon as he translated the "seven seals," a reference to warnings about the end of the Earth found in the Book of Revelation. On the morning of April 19, agents in an armored vehicle started punching holes in the compound and pumping in non-flammable tear gas. A short while later flames could be seen billowing from the structure. At year's end, 11 cult members were being held on charges that they ambushed the federal agents who tried to arrest Koresh.