BY Jerry Bonkowski CHICAGO - Michael Jordan said Wednesday if he plays in the Arizona Fall League, it would be to improve his baseball skills, not to help owners improve their strike-battered image and draw fans. Interim Commissioner Bud Selig said Tuesday the decision on whether to go ahead with the league will be made "in the next four or five days," but he is "leaning toward doing it." But if he plays, Jordan says, it won't be to play the role of a drawing card. "I don't see it in the frame of that," said Jordan. "I think I need (baseball) more so than (baseball owners) need me if I'm going to progress as a baseball player. I'd love to have that situation (playing in the Arizona league) if I can, but in terms of me saving the league, I hope that's not the scenario." Jordan says he doesn't want to get caught in the battle between owners and players. "My main objective is to learn the game, and by no means do I want to feel like I'm conflicting the major league players and owners from more or less coming up with an agreement," said Jordan. "I'd rather do what I have to do privately, so that the game of baseball is continued, and not to rely on me to make money so they can withstand this whole strike situation. If that's the only stance, then it's certainly not one of my favorite positions to be in." Jordan, who leaves today to play in the Florida Instructional League, said he wouldn't mind a subsequent stint in winter ball, provided he doesn't have to leave the USA. That leaves the Arizona League as his main option. "It's been three or four weeks since I've played, so I just want to get some of my rhythm and timing back, to get into the routine I had before," said Jordan. "If winter ball happens, I'd like to go there with some type of continuity. "I haven't heard anything definitely at all. My plans are just to go to the Instructional League and plan to be there for the time being until I hear something about winter ball."