BY Gene Sloan Some travelers are having second thoughts about going to India in the wake of a deadly outbreak of pneumonic plague. Tour operators say they're getting swamped with calls from people worried about catching the disease. So far, only a handful have canceled. "We explain to them that none of our tours go near the areas affected," says Christa Brantsch, of Abercrombie & Kent, Oak Brook, Ill. Local officials in London on Thursday started spraying incoming flights from India with disinfectant, says Marge Vodopia of British Airways. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta advises travelers to stay away from affected areas. Those who must visit these regions should avoid rat-infested areas and dead or sick animals; apply insect repellent; and take antibiotics as a precaution. More than 273,000 U.S. travelers visited India last year. Contributing: Anita Manning