BY Karen S. Peterson How does the public react to one of the most controversial findings of the sex survey? The news that 80% of women and 65% to 85% of men of every age say they have never had an extramarital affair? Some folks are downright skeptical. "I flat don't believe it," says Sheila Wilson, 32, Picayune, Miss. "People are keeping lots of secrets, keeping the skeletons in their closets. "Some people are saying," she believes, " `There are some things better left untold.' " Says Thomas Elliott, 39, Chicago: "These statistics are in direct contrast to those I have seen published. Is there a turnabout since the last studies? How can you verify these claims of fidelity?" Some are not taken off guard. "I think couples are staying together now after the excesses of the sexual revolution," says Mark Hubbard, 17, Fargo, N.D. "And if you want to stay together, it makes sense to stay faithful." Fidelity statistics should be even higher, says Jan Marks, 42, Lutz, Fla. "I'm shocked there is not more monogamy in this day and time of AIDS. In our circle of friends, all you hear about is monogamy." Amen, says Cynthia Herren, 49, Louisville. "We have been married 26 years and we have been faithful. And of the people I know - well, I can only think of two exceptions." Fidelity "is true of most of us," she says. If this is "truly an accurate report, I am encouraged," says Joan Schwartz, 47, Columbia, Md. "As a teacher, I see many children who are from broken homes; maybe this means the two-parent home will come back." Schwartz adds, "I am in a very good marriage. And it is nice to think many other people are as fortunate."