BY Mimi Hall The death sentence handed down to Paul Hill Tuesday sparked outrage from both sides of the abortion issue. Hill was convicted in last summer's shotgun slayings of a Pensacola, Fla., abortion doctor and his escort. The former Presbyterian minister was sentenced to die in Florida's electric chair by Circuit Judge Frank Bell. "He will become a martyr for these people," said David Gunn, Jr., whose father was shot and killed by an abortion opponent in Pensacola in 1993. "He'll be a good poster boy." Fears are also high that clinic violence will escalate. In court for Hill's sentencing, Regina Dinwiddie of Kansas City, Mo., shouted at Judge Bell: "This man is innocent, his blood will be on your hands." Bell said Hill, after shooting John Bayard Britton and escort James Barrett at The Ladies Center clinic, stood "looking at what he had accomplished with pride and satisfaction." Hill had been sentenced in federal court to two life terms for violating clinic access laws. Reaction: -- "As we mourn the deaths of unborn children, so too will we mourn the death of Paul Hill - though we unequivocally oppose his actions," said Wanda Franz of the National Right to Life Committee. -- "His crime deserved the harshest of penalties," said Kate Michelman of the National Abortion and Reproductive Rights Action League.