BY Steve Marshall Former minister Paul Hill, convicted Wednesday of killing an abortion doctor and his escort, will be sentenced today to either death or life in prison. A Florida jury took 20 minutes to find Hill, of Pensacola, guilty of first-degree murder. Hill represented himself and offered no defense. He showed no reaction to the verdict. Prosecutors portrayed him as a violent zealot: "He decided he was going to be judge, jury and executioner," James Murray said in closing arguments. On July 29, Hill wielded a 12-gauge shotgun against Dr. John Britton, 69; his escort, James Barrett, 74; and Barrett's wife June, 68, at Pensacola's Ladies Center abortion clinic. Britton and Barrett died; June Barrett was wounded. Hill, 40, claims killing abortion providers is justifiable. He also faces life in prison for violating federal clinic protection and firearms laws. His federal sentencing is Dec. 9. During the three-day trial June Barrett tearfully recalled the shootings: "I heard at least three (shots) and they sounded so loud. Boom. Boom. Boom." Reaction to the verdict: "This is one more tragedy on top of another," says Operation Rescue's Jeff White. "First, the doctor kills babies, then Paul Hill kills the doctor. Then the state may kill Paul Hill. Our question to the nation is when is all the killing going to stop?" -- "The jury's verdict . . . sends a resounding message that Americans will neither excuse nor tolerate anti-choice violence," says Kate Michelman, National Abortion and Reproduction Rights Action League.