BY Steve Marshall Former minister Paul Hill, facing murder charges in shotgun slayings at a Florida abortion clinic, Wednesday became the first person convicted under the USA's clinic access law. A federal jury in Pensacola, Fla., convicted him after 2 1/4 hours. He faces life in prison; sentencing is Dec. 9. Hill, 40, is awaiting trial on state murder charges that could lead to a death sentence. Witnesses testified Hill ambushed doctor John Britton, 69, bodyguard James Barrett, 74, and Barrett's wife, June, 68, with a shotgun July 29 at the Ladies Center, a Pensacola abortion clinic. June Barrett, who was wounded, painted a vivid picture during her testimony. After the first shots hit him, the doctor said his last words: "Does Jim have his gun today?" Hill says the murder of abortion providers is justifiable homicide. The judge barred him from presenting that defense at his federal trial. Reaction: -- "It sends a clear message that this type of extremist terror won't be tolerated," says Eleanor Smeal of Fund for a Feminist Majority. -- "The U.S. government protects the murder of unborn children," says Hill supporter Donna Bray.