BY Kevin Allen The NHL moved closer to canceling the season when negotiations between management and players fell apart Tuesday in Chicago. Negotiators returned home, saying the sides were too far apart to continue. "The season is in dire jeopardy," said NHL Players Association executive director Bob Goodenow. Commissioner Gary Bettman said the sides were "too far apart on substance" regarding salary arbitration, free agency and a rookie salary cap. At the end of the meeting, the NHL reintroduced a modified version of a tax system. Even before talks broke off, Bettman called for a Board of Governors meeting Monday in New York, presumably to discuss setting a deadline to cancel the season. "Deadline-setting is difficult, even if it's just for your kids," said Mighty Ducks of Anaheim President Paul Tavares. "Sometimes, it just causes rebellion." Though there is a gap on all issues, players are particularly militant about the taxation plan, a step plan that taxes teams whose payrolls exceed $18 million. The percentage is about 1.8% for every $1 million over $18 million. The tax is capped at 25% at $32 million. "The way I look at it," said NHLPA vice president Kelly Miller of the Washington Capitals, "I've given them my keys. I've given them my wallet. I've given them my car. At some point, you've got to say, `Hey, no, you can't have my kids, and you can't have my wife.' " The NHL also is offering a 3% gate-revenue sharing tax. "When we didn't get it done in October, I knew right then, there was a chance there wouldn't be a season," Mighty Ducks general manager Jack Ferreira said. "We were simply too far apart to close the gaps, and the players told us that they had gone as far as they could," Bettman said. "With or without the contribution plan, there was no basis for a deal."