Although still a favorite among social commentators and comedians, Lorena Bobbitt -- who, as no one could possibly have missed, is the Virginia woman who cut off her husband's penis -- may be losing her hold on the American public. Last week, after seven months of blanket coverage, her case finally hit court and the airwaves -- but relatively few households tuned in, at least on CNN. In another trial last week, a Los Angeles jury was dismissed after it failed to reach a verdict on murder charges against Erik Menendez, one of two California brothers who admitted killing their parents in 1989. (Because of its limited broadcast of the trial, CNN was unable to generate rating numbers.) While viewership was almost double last January's average, Bobbitt didn't reach the heights of other news stars broadcast on, among other outlets, CNN. At one point last week, 1.7 million households tuned in CNN for the trial. But, at one time in October 1991, 5 million watched the Clarence Thomas Senate hearings. The ratings haven't daunted those who want to sell a made-for-TV movie about the Bobbitts. Peak CNN viewership Households watching ongoing events Clarence Thomas/Anita Hill Senate hearings 5 mil. William Kennedy Smith rape trial 3.6 mil. Seige of Waco 3 mil. Lorena Bobbitt's trial 1.7 mil. Note: Figures represent highest viewership during entire event except Bobbitt trial, which is during first three days. USN&WR -- Basic data: Cable News Network